Lies lies and more lies!!!!!

View attachment 552921

"I've been training for over 12 years, competing for four, I have used anabolic steroids on and off for probably around seven years. I would describe myself as fairly knowledgeable and experienced and I have administered literally hundreds of injections to myself and others with no problems at all; that was until August this year..."


NO Credibility

Good job on using the less disgusting pic of the bunch.
Hey Pikiki: I didn't see an actual reference to Pinn in that story, although it does look eerily familiar with the one on another forum that DOES blame pinnacle. Of course a lot of newbs ask about that as it was from 2008 or before which refers to the other pinnacle that existed previously and is in no way related. Anyone that has had an abscess knows that the poster in that story is WILDLY exaggerating as it takes a LONG time to get to that point, and given the wound size, he let that go while it was hurting like hell I'd imagine.

I have absolutely no issues recommending pinnacle to anyone that asks as I have had nothing but positive experiences and in fact will be posting bloods again in a little over a month as I'm dying to see how Dre's sticky works. In closing I'll just leave this here:

Bolded sections include:
1. Incorrect ellipsis.
2. Misspelling of the word grammar.
3. Improper use of the word "readable", it should be legible.
4. Lack of capitalization with the word English.
5. Lack of a comma for a run-on sentence.

Those that live in glass houses shouldn't cast stones my brother. ;)

Ya, fuck you got me there..I'm no wiz when it comes to writing myself, but i can at least make my posts "legible".
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Ya, fuck you got me there..I'm no wiz when it comes to writing myself, but i can at least make my posts "legible".

My intention wasn't to Grammar-Nazi it up in here, but to demonstrate that we all lack the writing skills of an English professor. As Dennis put it; I'd much rather have someone that provides safe and clean gear than someone that impresses me with their writing skills. :)
My intention wasn't to Grammar-Nazi it up in here, but to demonstrate that we all lack the writing skills of an English professor. As Dennis put it; I'd much rather have someone that provides safe and clean gear than someone that impresses me with their writing skills. :)

Hey hey... speak for yourself!

jk, I suck at grahamer and speeling.
Ok guys I don`t like the drama or nothing like that BUT!!! I have to make a clear point here and make sure people don`t listen to BS lies about Pinnacle.

On a small forum some dudes open a thread claiming a guy bought from Pinnacle and got a bad infection and went thru surgery blah blah blah ...Anyway lets uncover the thruth.

1) First Pinnacle does not had a website in 2008.

2) Where is the order number??
As you all know Pinnacle works with order numbers and tracking # for ALL orders!!!!

3) Take a look at the guy and let me know if he looks like a BBer or some close to compete?? Com`on!!!!
A Glute Abscess ? My Story

4) Pinnacle has NEVER!! EVER!!! had a problem with bad or dirty gear NEVER EVER!!!!

This people really trying to help other labs who wants Pinnacle`s biz with a personal agenda so that is why this STUPID threads are open and trying to put some mud on Pinnacle.

The thru is Pinnacle is STERILE, WELL DOSE, THE BEST RAWS in simple words THE BEST and that hurts to some folks out there....

Please Stone or Mods Pinnacle is not trying to start any drama but the truth needs to be on the open so the bros here and others who visit the site know what is real and what`s not!!!!
I know exactly what you're talking about. That cock-sucker posted here first and was promptly destroyed due to all the holes in his story. As I recall it was one of the infamous "a friend of mine" posts.

Pinn is solid... that's the problem. Guys trying to take business only have one option, smear JB by claiming dirty gear.
Is pinnacle really busy right now or something? I made my western union payment last Thursday and have still yet to receive my order. This is my 3rd order from them and the first two were really fast.....if I don't get it tomorrow i'm gonna be emailing JB
Is pinnacle really busy right now or something? I made my western union payment last Thursday and have still yet to receive my order. This is my 3rd order from them and the first two were really fast.....if I don't get it tomorrow i'm gonna be emailing JB

Yeah you need to contact the source before questioning.
Is pinnacle really busy right now or something? I made my western union payment last Thursday and have still yet to receive my order. This is my 3rd order from them and the first two were really fast.....if I don't get it tomorrow i'm gonna be emailing JB

You should have contacted JB first before posting IMO. Just respectful thing to do.
View attachment 552921

"I've been training for over 12 years, competing for four, I have used anabolic steroids on and off for probably around seven years. I would describe myself as fairly knowledgeable and experienced and I have administered literally hundreds of injections to myself and others with no problems at all; that was until August this year..."


NO Credibility

What?!? Those stretch marks on the obliques aren't credibility building??? Ha ha.
That infection looks nasty as hell. But something of that magnitude, as everyone is saying, would not develop in 5 days unless something's fucked up in your body before hand or something along those lines. Looks like a whole lot of neglect to me ha. And haha can't imagine his "bodybuilding contest." Even not lifting for 2 weeks in a bed you shouldn't be looking like that ha
Is pinnacle really busy right now or something? I made my western union payment last Thursday and have still yet to receive my order. This is my 3rd order from them and the first two were really fast.....if I don't get it tomorrow i'm gonna be emailing JB
First thing you should have done is learn how the process works.. If you had done so, you would know that you were still in the standard time-frame expected.

Second thing you should have done is direct your questions to JB directly, not the forum. What did you expect to accomplish by warning us you will be contacting JB?
have no affiliation and sort of new to this place too but can tell you for 100% you have nothing to worry about with pinn. went threw same recently, wu fukd up in my case and pinn went above and beyond to make it right, even know it wasn't their fault! way above what was expected.
I am not saying this guy's infection story was true or not, but the TRUTH is that ANY UGL can have sterlity problems. Why? Because they don't buy pharm-grade materials (in most cases)...and don't have their gear produced in a pharmacy controlled environment. In addition, UGL's do NOT do ANY testing for sterility!!! They just follow certain protocols...hope their raws & oils are clean (they NEVER are, but more on that in a minute) and go from there. Of course, some UGL's are much more sanitary than others in their production procss, but NONE approach the level of a U.S regulated pharmacy.

See, many UGL's do the very best they can to produce the best product they can, but too many things on too many levels are outside of their control...and it starts from the ground up. Let's start with the raws. VERY few (in all but the rarest cases) make their product from pharmacy grade raws. This automatically places a UGL at a disadvantage in terms of purity. The places most UGL's buy their taws from just do not have the facilities, equipment, sometimes the know-how, and in many cases the concern, to produce a raw material of pharmacy grade purity. It just isn't going to happen no matter how 'ethical' the manufacturer might be.

These raws are polluted with all sorts of shit. NONE of them are 100% pure. This doesn't necessarily mean you wil get an infection, obviously, as many guys use UGL products without experiencing this problem, but don't be FOOLED into thinking these raws come anywhere near approaching the purity of the raws produced by a U.S pharmacy. Why do you think so many UGL injectables have so much PIP? Because the UGL dumps an ass-load of alcohol into their products in an attempt (and I say "attempt") to sterilize it. Still, this is no gaurantee of sterility and the purity will alwsys be comparatively poor. If we had a sample of let's say 10 different raws tested for purity, not a single one of them would show up with 100% purity...and it is likley many would be heavily polluted with random shit, such as heavy metals, bacteria, etc. The laws these foreign manufactuers are required to follow are not the same as they are here in the U.S...and it has a direct affect on the purity of the drug.

On top of that, UGL's do not do ANY purity testing. It would cost too much money.

Let's move onto the production process. On top of the raws themselves already being 'sub-par' in comparison to U.S pharm-grade raws in terms if purity, UGL's also have to contend with sub-par production facilties (the place where the UGL assembles the final product)...and this aspect of production can vary ENORMOUSLY in terms of how sterile the environment is!!!! Why do yu think UGLs dont show us pictures of their production facility? Because they don't want you to see their production facility!!! If they did, you might be looking at someone's garage...basement...or attic...and in MOST cases it certainly would not come anywhere close to resembling a U.S pharmacy operation. Some UGL's do a MUCH better job than others at attempting to control their environment, but in the end, they know they cannot gaurantee 100% purity, so in goes the alcohol...much more than what you will find in a U.S pgarm-grade product...because they NEED to! US made test prop is as painless as injecting glucose from an IV bag. How many people can say that about the UGL test prop they have used...or injectables in general?

Why would I say this when I work for a UGL? For one...because I know the company I work for is at the TOP of what can be expected from a UGL operation in terms of production and gets most of their raws directly from a pharmacy...and two...because no one should be having the wool pulled over their eyes when it comes to UGL products in general. Shit happens...something could go wrong...infections are possible (and can almost always be treated before they become a major probem). Just because one guy gets an infection does not mean the entire UGL is bad! If the UGL you buy from a has a good track record overall, than that is what is important. In regards to Pinnacle, I know very little about their raws and production (most won't with any UGL, unless they directly work for the company...and even then, usually only the most trusted friends/business associates are "let in" on all the details of production...the typical rep is not), but most guys here seem to have had good experiences with them...and how many here have complained of an infection?

No successful UGL wants to produce bad products guys...because they want to REMAIN succesfull!!! So, they usually do the best they can to make sure it stays that way.
I remember this same story-but I remember a different UGL being mentioned. Can't remember but I know it was not Pinnacle. Got to be an agenda.