Lies lies and more lies!!!!!


New member
Ok guys I don`t like the drama or nothing like that BUT!!! I have to make a clear point here and make sure people don`t listen to BS lies about Pinnacle.

On a small forum some dudes open a thread claiming a guy bought from Pinnacle and got a bad infection and went thru surgery blah blah blah ...Anyway lets uncover the thruth.

1) First Pinnacle does not had a website in 2008.

2) Where is the order number??
As you all know Pinnacle works with order numbers and tracking # for ALL orders!!!!

3) Take a look at the guy and let me know if he looks like a BBer or some close to compete?? Com`on!!!!
A Glute Abscess ? My Story

4) Pinnacle has NEVER!! EVER!!! had a problem with bad or dirty gear NEVER EVER!!!!

This people really trying to help other labs who wants Pinnacle`s biz with a personal agenda so that is why this STUPID threads are open and trying to put some mud on Pinnacle.

The thru is Pinnacle is STERILE, WELL DOSE, THE BEST RAWS in simple words THE BEST and that hurts to some folks out there....

Please Stone or Mods Pinnacle is not trying to start any drama but the truth needs to be on the open so the bros here and others who visit the site know what is real and what`s not!!!!
I didn't understand half of that but damn, I wish I didn't open that link. yuck!

On a side note, it seems you have a great following, you're always going to have people trying to sabotage you, I wouldn't worry too much about it.
My favorite part of this story was "Nil-by-mouth, except for protein, that is!". NPO (nothing by mouth) would for sure include protein drinks- even clear liquids are ceased hours before surgery!!
Damn I Wish I never knew what a infection looked like lol. Dude that fucking sucks to think that could happen from a dirty lab.
Damn I Wish I never knew what a infection looked like lol. Dude that fucking sucks to think that could happen from a dirty lab.

That was a neglected infection. Look at him taking pictures of it swollen like a baseball. After 5 days of swelling/redness... time to see the doc. This could have been avoided with Antibiotics. User is irresponsible.
LOL. Where are your basic marketing skills..grammer and readable english thrown right out the door. If you can't even make a few paragraphs understandable why would anyone in their right mind want to buy and inject your gear?
This sounds like the biggest load of shit i have ever heard. For 1, i bet this dude new nothing about AAS's let alone proper injection protocol. And 2nd, why the fuck is he on gear when he has that much body fat? I bet you almost anything that this guy gave himself the infection through in-proper sterile injection protocols. and 3rd, He clearly new nothing about Gear if he let an abscess go this long. I sorry, but i have had an Abscess before (Which was due to my own fault clearly because the gear was Pharma Gear, FDA approved Steroids) and after a week it did not look even 1/3 this bad. This guy is full of shit and caused this buy himself. I have ran a ton of Pinnacle gear and never had a problem. I know 30+ people running Pinnacle gear right now and have run in the past with nothing but positive feed back. If this his was for real you would see tons more stories like this. If you new anything about the brewing process you would know the ENTIRE batch that this guy and others were using would be Affected. Not just one vial. This guy is full of shit.
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LOL. Where are your basic marketing skills..grammer and readable english thrown right out the door. If you can't even make a few paragraphs understandable why would anyone in their right mind want to buy and inject your gear?

You have no grounds to talk bro. Have you even ran Pinnacle gear??? NO so shut your mouth, you probably never done a cycle in your life. When you are answering hundreds of questions and emails a day then talk. He is rushed and doesn't have the time to deal with this bullshit, let alone write proper english, He is just a rep, not a brewer you kywag. Why dont you post some pics, i bet you are one of those 140 pound punks that have to hide behind a Avitar picture to talk shit. You make me Laugh out Loud...
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That was a neglected infection. Look at him taking pictures of it swollen like a baseball. After 5 days of swelling/redness... time to see the doc. This could have been avoided with Antibiotics. User is irresponsible.

This guy clearly new nothing about proper injection protocol or AAS's. What the fuck was he doing pinning that far over?? Another statistic to make gear look bad. You should post a thread or article on proper injection protocol Austinite. I know you are full of useful info, and clearly, it can be used hear to teach others!!!
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LOL. Where are your basic marketing skills..grammer and readable english thrown right out the door. If you can't even make a few paragraphs understandable why would anyone in their right mind want to buy and inject your gear?

I hope you like the rep. Maybe you can learn something if you turn your smart ass off and listen for a bit. 95 posts and talking shit lol, classic newb act.
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LOL. Where are your basic marketing skills..grammer and readable english thrown right out the door. If you can't even make a few paragraphs understandable why would anyone in their right mind want to buy and inject your gear?

i dont see why it would really matter if they slack of on spelling and grammar, its readable, pins gear is good, ill take quality gear over quality spelling any day
You have no grounds to talk bro. Have you even ran Pinnacle gear??? NO so shut your mouth, you probably never done a cycle in your life. When you are answering hundreds of questions and emails a day then talk. He is rushed and doesn't have the time to deal with this bullshit, let alone write proper english, He is just a rep, not a brewer you kywag. Why dont you post some pics, i bet you are one of those 140 pound punks that have to hide behind a Avitar picture to talk shit. You make me Laugh out Loud...
1) No, i have yet to run PINN, I have heard they are of the upmost quality, and plan on trying in the future.

2) I was just giving him a little shit, no hard feelings guy, seriously tho a 10 year old could write better than this.LOL

3) There is no excuse unless you are not familiar(ie. not your foreign language) with the english language to not be able to type something readable, i mean come on..not talking about writing a graded paper, just something readable, with the correct words in the correct places.

4) Lets see a picture of you buddy, you seem to think your some hotshit, who is aswell "hiding behind some avatar"

5) No i do not weight 140 lbs, currently 220. how about you buddy?

thats all.
1) No, i have yet to run PINN, I have heard they are of the upmost quality, and plan on trying in the future.

2) I was just giving him a little shit, no hard feelings guy, seriously tho a 10 year old could write better than this.LOL

3) There is no excuse unless you are not familiar(ie. not your foreign language) with the english language to not be able to type something readable, i mean come on..not talking about writing a graded paper, just something readable, with the correct words in the correct places.

4) Lets see a picture of you buddy, you seem to think your some hotshit, who is aswell "hiding behind some avatar"

5) No i do not weight 140 lbs, currently 220. how about you buddy?

thats all.

LOL, when you are in this game, as we both know, you dont post real pics. But if you wanna trade pics (No Homo) PM me and then we can talk through secure email. LOL, for all i know you are a cop, act like one, dont like gear? You talk shit on pinn but plan on using them in the future? What an Oxy-moron.

But anyway, will post pics tomorrow, but i got to edit them first. No tatts in them, dead give away in court. And i run 188 @ 10-11% body fat all the time. You should see me in comp season.
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LOL, when you are in this game, as we both know, you dont post real pics. But if you wanna trade pics (No Homo) PM me and then we can talk through secure email. LOL, for all i know you are a cop, act like one, dont like gear? You talk shit on pinn but plan on using them in the future? What an Oxy-moron.

But anyway, will post pics tomorrow, but i got to edit them first. No tatts in them, dead give away in court. And i run 188 @ 10-11% body fat all the time. You should see me in comp season.

Ya dude thats cool, lol not a cop & I don't think there any cops lurking identifying us by our tattoos.