Lies lies and more lies!!!!!

Ya dude thats cool, lol not a cop & I don't think there any cops lurking identifying us by our tattoos.

You say that but you should see what they can use in court. Shit is crazy!!! I don't take any chances. The bigger you get the more they want not big though, not even a rep, but do support pinnacle. Easy way to prove we are both who we say we are in pics? Take a piece of wheat bread (with a bite out of the middle) and do a front and back shot with the wheat bread in it. If there is no wheat bread in it then we are both fakes. I will have mine up tomorrow, what about you???
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personnally i have ran pinnacle gear in 2 cycle back to back since january and both of them were very good. I had great results pinnacle labs is good to go, their deca and test are on point. Ive tried their prop and i have absolutly no pip in my shoulders, a tiny bit in my glute but i didnt do any massaging! today i did and i have no PIP. and thats from PROP... Dbol 25 is great dosed too, even better than the shit i got from balkan! gear comes in a rediculously quick delivery time every time, gear is accuratly dosed smooth and clean, orals work. This lab is good to go! I've gained over 23 lbs of lean muscle using this stuff and my diet kinda sucks! I could only imagine if i was on point with everything and truly appreciate the quality of pinnacles gear! G2G
personnally i have ran pinnacle gear in 2 cycle back to back since january and both of them were very good. I had great results pinnacle labs is good to go, their deca and test are on point. Ive tried their prop and i have absolutly no pip in my shoulders, a tiny bit in my glute but i didnt do any massaging! today i did and i have no PIP. and thats from PROP... Dbol 25 is great dosed too, even better than the shit i got from balkan! gear comes in a rediculously quick delivery time every time, gear is accuratly dosed smooth and clean, orals work. This lab is good to go! I've gained over 23 lbs of lean muscle using this stuff and my diet kinda sucks! I could only imagine if i was on point with everything and truly appreciate the quality of pinnacles gear! G2G

Good to hear brother!! Love hearing success stories. For every 1 problem there are a 1,000 success stories. Dont believe everything your hear, just the that translate to success.
1) No, i have yet to run PINN, I have heard they are of the upmost quality, and plan on trying in the future.

2) I was just giving him a little shit, no hard feelings guy, seriously tho a 10 year old could write better than this.LOL

3) There is no excuse unless you are not familiar(ie. not your foreign language) with the english language to not be able to type something readable, i mean come on..not talking about writing a graded paper, just something readable, with the correct words in the correct places.

4) Lets see a picture of you buddy, you seem to think your some hotshit, who is aswell "hiding behind some avatar"

5) No i do not weight 140 lbs, currently 220. how about you buddy?

thats all.

Just from looking at your threads and latest post, you maybe 220, but you have no clue about AAS's, or how to use them. 220 and 25% BF maybe lol.
Hey Pikiki: I didn't see an actual reference to Pinn in that story, although it does look eerily familiar with the one on another forum that DOES blame pinnacle. Of course a lot of newbs ask about that as it was from 2008 or before which refers to the other pinnacle that existed previously and is in no way related. Anyone that has had an abscess knows that the poster in that story is WILDLY exaggerating as it takes a LONG time to get to that point, and given the wound size, he let that go while it was hurting like hell I'd imagine.

I have absolutely no issues recommending pinnacle to anyone that asks as I have had nothing but positive experiences and in fact will be posting bloods again in a little over a month as I'm dying to see how Dre's sticky works. In closing I'll just leave this here:

LOL. Where are your basic marketing skills..grammer and readable english thrown right out the door. If you can't even make a few paragraphs understandable why would anyone in their right mind want to buy and inject your gear?
Bolded sections include:
1. Incorrect ellipsis.
2. Misspelling of the word grammar.
3. Improper use of the word "readable", it should be legible.
4. Lack of capitalization with the word English.
5. Lack of a comma for a run-on sentence.

Those that live in glass houses shouldn't cast stones my brother. ;)
Hey Pikiki: I didn't see an actual reference to Pinn in that story, although it does look eerily familiar with the one on another forum that DOES blame pinnacle. Of course a lot of newbs ask about that as it was from 2008 or before which refers to the other pinnacle that existed previously and is in no way related. Anyone that has had an abscess knows that the poster in that story is WILDLY exaggerating as it takes a LONG time to get to that point, and given the wound size, he let that go while it was hurting like hell I'd imagine.

I have absolutely no issues recommending pinnacle to anyone that asks as I have had nothing but positive experiences and in fact will be posting bloods again in a little over a month as I'm dying to see how Dre's sticky works. In closing I'll just leave this here:

Bolded sections include:
1. Incorrect ellipsis.
2. Misspelling of the word grammar.
3. Improper use of the word "readable", it should be legible.
4. Lack of capitalization with the word English.
5. Lack of a comma for a run-on sentence.

Those that live in glass houses shouldn't cast stones my brother. ;)

They could open the windows? lololol just fuckin with you half :)
Hey Pikiki: I didn't see an actual reference to Pinn in that story, although it does look eerily familiar with the one on another forum that DOES blame pinnacle. Of course a lot of newbs ask about that as it was from 2008 or before which refers to the other pinnacle that existed previously and is in no way related. Anyone that has had an abscess knows that the poster in that story is WILDLY exaggerating as it takes a LONG time to get to that point, and given the wound size, he let that go while it was hurting like hell I'd imagine.

I have absolutely no issues recommending pinnacle to anyone that asks as I have had nothing but positive experiences and in fact will be posting bloods again in a little over a month as I'm dying to see how Dre's sticky works. In closing I'll just leave this here:

Bolded sections include:
1. Incorrect ellipsis.
2. Misspelling of the word grammar.
3. Improper use of the word "readable", it should be legible.
4. Lack of capitalization with the word English.
5. Lack of a comma for a run-on sentence.

Those that live in glass houses shouldn't cast stones my brother. ;)

LOL, always good to hear from HalfWit!!! Thank you brother. Time to
LOL. Where are your basic marketing skills..grammer and readable english thrown right out the door. If you can't even make a few paragraphs understandable why would anyone in their right mind want to buy and inject your gear?

Grammar. Not grammer :)
This guy clearly new nothing about proper injection protocol or AAS's. What the fuck was he doing pinning that far over?? Another statistic to make gear look bad. You should post a thread or article on proper injection protocol Austinite. I know you are full of useful info, and clearly, it can be used hear to teach others!!!

I believe Austinite already did post... Injection saftey & technique: Questions and Answers
I looked at the pictures.... read the first paragraph

" I've been training for over 12 years, competing for four, I have used anabolic steroids on and off for probably around seven years. I would describe myself as fairly knowledgeable and experienced and I have administered literally hundreds of injections to myself and others with no problems at all; that was until August this year..."

AND..There goes his credibility.
I believe i've been to the forum you speak of. For one reason or another, there's a ton of pinnacle haters on there. Truth be told, i was back and forth with the anti-pinn propaganda floating around. The more i read, however, I was starting to see between the lines. Some guys have a personal issue with them, and have set out to put their name down at all costs. Obviously, with word of mouth being important when it comes to a UGL's reputation, a lot of guys started drinking the anti-pinn kool-aid.

What i found is that Pinn's quality was never in question. I'm not sure of some of these guys' issues with them, but frankly i don't care. I've had a great experience with this UGL and would definitely consider using them again. The positive reviews far outweigh the negative ones. It kind of reminds me of the ratings on travel sights for Hotels. There's always some prick that didn't get his pillow fluffed the right way, and starts flaming every review site available.

We should all be so lucky as to have ANY customer service, let alone good service, when it comes to underground gear.
I see a lot of vendor bashing on other forums also, much worse on open source boards.
It's part of the UGL game they play.

A lot of posts bashing vendors are coming from rival vendors.
View attachment 552921

"I've been training for over 12 years, competing for four, I have used anabolic steroids on and off for probably around seven years. I would describe myself as fairly knowledgeable and experienced and I have administered literally hundreds of injections to myself and others with no problems at all; that was until August this year..."


NO Credibility