life of 18 guage draw pin


New member
been using the same draw pin 18g for 6th week clean befor I draw seems to be workin fine just wondering if its ok to do
Pins are cheap, if you can you should always use a new one. I have been in a situation many times where I had to use the same draw pin for many months because it was hard to get more so I didn’t want to waste one every draw.
If you are using the same Draw Pin for extended periods of time.

Even if you swab the outside with Alcohol, you need to Flush the Needle with Alcohol.

If not, Bacteria can grow Inside the Needle............................ JP
Same needle for months ? What ?
I'm so cautious I'll even throw away needles If I just touch them in the wrong p osition
Then again... I bought 100x of 20/21g, 23, 25, 27, 29, and 50x 30g... You could say I learned my lesson from first cycle...

On topic though...18g sucks to draw with...feels like I'm breaking the vial cuz needle is so huge lol... Can't even imagine someone actually using 18g for injection :O
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