I posted this up for aboot awhile back so I'll just copy and paste the original post:
Ok so I came up with this split about a year ago and it has done wonders for me as far as mass and strength goes. This could honestly be a complete ripoff of someone else's split but I personally have never seen it written down. It evolved from a couple other "upper/lower" splits I had tried but felt that I was getting overtrained so my solution was this:
Day 1: Upper Body Strength
Bench-Work up to 1-5 rep max (take as many sets as you need and alter the "work set" as you see fit, for example if I just hit a new 5rm one week I would maybe try for a 2-3rm next week)
Bent Over BB rows- work up to 5rm
Military Press- 4x6 or 6x3
Day 2: Lower body hypertrophy
Lunges (db or bb, I prefer db) 3x8
SLDL's 4x8
Leg Press (optional) 3x10-15
Calf Work
Direct arm work (here or split it up between this workout and second leg day)
Day 3: Off
Day 4: Off
Day 5: Upper Body Hypertrophy
Incline Bench (bb or db) 4x8
HS chest 3x10
Weighted Pullups 3-4 x8
HS row OR Low Cable row 3x8
Lateral Raises (shoulders) 3x8
Day 6: Lower Body Strength
Squats: Work uo to 1-5 rm (same theory as bench, take as many sets as needed)
Good Mornings 4x6
Calf work
Direct Arm work (?)
Day 7: Off
Day 8: Off
After this the whole thing repeats. As you can see it takes just over a week to complete one cycle of this split. You do not have to run it 2 on 2 off but I vastly prefer it this way because I love the recovery time and prior to this split it was rare for me to ever see 2 days out of the gym. Plus knowing you get 2 days off gives you motivation to absolutely kill yourself in the gym. Also the days off can be used for cardio or accesory work if you don't see fit to do arms on leg day as this is wierd for some people. Other aspects of the split I like- workouts are never long, each muscle gets hit twice in a week (8 days), recovery time is excellent as each muscle group has 4 full nights to recover before the next workout, plenty of room for strength AND hypertrophy work. Ok thats about all I can think of for now. Oh last thing the specific exercises are not nearly as important as the organization imo but those listed are generally the ones I use, you may end up changing half of them if you prefer it differently. I don't deadlift because of a back injury from deadlifting but if I did I would rotate them week by week with squats OR work in some higher rep deads on hypertrophy day in place of SLDL's.