little ol' dtone


some pics i took mid-water loss un-pumped up for assessment and future comparison. 23 years olds, 5'10.5", 175 lbs down from 210 in 12 wks. lighting is a little fucked which is why i included two of each pose. my posing needs work, i need to be able better exaggerate my strong points and hide my weak points. plus i need to get bigger. i need to add some depth to my chest and to the outer sweep of my quads. i also want my hams to pop more...but whatever. here i am.
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You fucking nailed the shit out of the lat stretch dude. No front double bicep? I'm no expert BUT I would recommend that when you do side bicep poses: that you take what ever side your exposing and take your shoulder and throw it a little further back and bring your other shoulder/chest in. Your looking good man are you getting ready for a comp? I'd have to cut my testicles off if I went from 210 back down to 175 without a good reason LOL.
You fucking nailed the shit out of the lat stretch dude. No front double bicep? I'm no expert BUT I would recommend that when you do side bicep poses: that you take what ever side your exposing and take your shoulder and throw it a little further back and bring your other shoulder/chest in. Your looking good man are you getting ready for a comp? I'd have to cut my testicles off if I went from 210 back down to 175 without a good reason LOL.

yeah i did a front double bi, but i didnt like the pics. the side bicep shots you are referring to are side chest poses so i try to accentuate my inner chest, i know i need to pull my shoulder back a bit. but thats the hardest pose for me. i was going to do a show but i want to get bigger, maybe next year.
Your delts also look great bro. What did you drop weight for? Were you previously over weight? Just curious how big are those guns?
Your delts also look great bro. What did you drop weight for? Were you previously over weight? Just curious how big are those guns?

like i said, i was going to do a show aug 1st but i decided to wait so i could get more comfortable with my poses and put on a bit more size. no, i wasn't previously overweight, i just get big when i bulk. in these pics my arms are 16.25", before i cut down they were 17.25". these pics are also unpumped, when i pump up my arms explode, but i think they make my chest look smaller when pumped.
i dont know about a 'lean bulk', i like to go all out when i bulk. dieting doesnt bother me all that much till the end. id like to stay under 14% bf throughout my bulk, but i dont really care. i know how to diet and can lose it whenever i want.
Looking lean man. Nailed the rear lat spread and rear double bicep. You could definitely use a little bit more mass in the hams and just some overall size/thickness.

Your proportions are spot on though. Great job. You're looking alot like a smaller needsize in that side tricep pose.
great definition and shape, you should have competed bro, you would have placed well. You are right about needing more overall mass, but thats always the case, thats where my username came from
Looking lean man. Nailed the rear lat spread and rear double bicep. You could definitely use a little bit more mass in the hams and just some overall size/thickness.

Your proportions are spot on though. Great job. You're looking alot like a smaller needsize in that side tricep pose.

i know man, my hamstrings drive me crazy. but this is why i dieted down to really put every part into perspective. im going to spend this winter bringing up my chest, bi peak, quads and hams.

ive always had problems with my thighs because i have moderate scoliosis which has made squats, leg press, sldl, and good mornings very challenging for me. i made great strides this past year and i just need to kick it up this year.

great definition and shape, you should have competed bro, you would have placed well. You are right about needing more overall mass, but thats always the case, thats where my username came from

i saw pics from the show, and i could have done very well, if not won. but whatever, doesnt bother me. i have standards that i want to reach before i step on stage. im going to introduce some powerlifting techniques into my split this year and lift dreadfully heavy to hopefully put on the mass i need. thanks for all the encouragement guys.
im going to introduce some powerlifting techniques into my split this year and lift dreadfully heavy to hopefully put on the mass i need. thanks for all the encouragement guys.

That's what I like to hear... Name someone with a 500lb bench and 700lb squat that doesn't have massive legs and a massive chest.
That's what I like to hear... Name someone with a 500lb bench and 700lb squat that doesn't have massive legs and a massive chest.

thats right dude. ive always been strong for my size but ive never focused on it. i think its time for it to become a priority. its something ive never tried so im sure ill respond very well to it. plus im still pretty young. ive got plenty of room/time to grow.
very smart move bro, the heavy compound lifts are where I got most of the mass from and spent most of my years concentrating on...its only the last few years I have dropped some of them and started concentrating on other things.....but they are the bread and butter
Dude you look amazing at 175 I would never quess. I would think your 200 easy quess it's cause your BF% is so low.

I always wonder why BBers built like you go to do comps instead of modeling etc...

You ever consider that?
Dude you look amazing at 175 I would never quess. I would think your 200 easy quess it's cause your BF% is so low.

I always wonder why BBers built like you go to do comps instead of modeling etc...

You ever consider that?

yea, ive done some modeling in my past and ive recently really considered doing it more often. i like being big dude, if i showed you pics of me at 210, you'd say i should do bodybuilding. but when i cut down, ive got a model's physique. id like to put on 10 more lbs and be able to do both.

also, at 175, im completely depleted and flat. i started eating carbs the next day and i blew up to 187 and still just as lean but much bigger and filled out and much more vascular. these pics do no justice to my size, just my leanness.
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