Localized muscle growth

yep focus on ur posterior delts, they give u boulders, personally i dont even hit anterior delts i find mine get enough of a workout in my chest routine. that only leaves medial,posterior heads .
I started to take some pics and I will do it every week to see the result . Will post in the days to come . This is the end of the second week cannot say anything at the moment .
Hi , in the meantime I went to the hospital because I got my right leg burned quite a bit and the wound did infected . So now I have to take massive dose of antibiotics along wih igf1l3 mgf des peg-mgf . Do You think I can keep going with the cycle or is there any danger of interaction or something else ? In the meantime when I was in the hospital at night a thief broke my car and has stolen my backpack with all my keys and it was hidden under garbage I had to dispose of it, not in plain sight . so I took the motorcycle and a policeman stopped me for a routine control and observed I had to repeat the control every vehicle here in Italy should pass every two years (just expired) . Tomorrow I will do a long walk to the gym hoping for the best ;-) if someone of You have the addresse of a good witch .... Maybe even a good ...itch could help ;-))
No side effects using peptides and antibiotics in high doses only seems to me they stopped a little bit the results wich seemed to come out in the spots injected . Igf1l3 added this week before the antibiotics seems to me to work even on Body fat since the first injection. Didn't noticed it with des igf1 instead .
Hi, I would like to Thank Vibrant for his advises . Up to now I do see some results from the cycle . I will keep going some other weeks and tell You more . I just used one winstrol 50 mg a week ,the first three weeks peg mgf and des igf1 then I added mgf and igf1l3 . I would suggest to use all of them together . Igf1l3 acts immidiately on Body fat not so des igf1 . To be' honest no one of them gives me a pump. I used 100 mcg des 60 mcg igf1l3 last week I finished the des and used just the l3 . I think I have to add something more beside the winstrol to have better results . By mistake I reconstituted igf1l3 with BA rather than with AA but it is still potent. Everytime I do inject it at 60 mcg I am leaner than the day before . So at this point I do belive that using this peptides for the lagging parts could help .I do even think that I have to repeat this cycle before to get the desired result . I do the training at lunch Time and I would like to ask to You specially to Vibrant ,how is with the food and mgf . Its fine to inject igf1l3 and eat but with mgf ?! And with cjc1295 and ghrp6? I think I am going to add them in the cycle with One testo propionate 100 mg a week with the winstrol .I will Let You know the future result . Thank You and beh your pardon for my english. Moreover here is 3 am.... ;-)