I have renamed this log because I am not using insulin regularly.
Plain and simple... this is only my log, and I am posting it only to share my experience. I am not asking for critiques. I do not recommend this cycle for others. This is only for informational purposes, and I hope all who read this will keep an open mind.
Late 30's
Started cycling Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) in 1983
87.5kg (192.5lbs) Had lost a lot of weight due to a staff infection in my leg in December
A friend of mine who did very well on the national level turned me on to using slin SubQ vs. IM for bulking. I took his advice and here is my log.
Feb 12: test 1g, Tren 1g, masteron 1g, var 200mg ed (I wanted to see if I could bulk with these...it doesn't work well)
weight: 87.5kg (192.5lbs)
Feb 19: test 1g, Tren 1g, masteron 1g, var 200mg ed (I wanted to see if I could bulk with these...it doesn't work well)
weight: 91kg (200.2lbs)
Feb 26: test 3g, Tren 1g, Dbol 200mg ed (this combo feels much nicer, less aggression)
weight: 92kg (202.4lbs)
March 5: test 3g, Tren 1g, Dbol 150mg ed, slin 10iu x 2 times ed SubQ (why SubQ? I want to put on as much weight as possible...my wife says I look like a white gorilla) feeling very charged
weight: 97kg (213.4lbs)
March 11: 3.75g test e, 1g Tren e, 150mg dbol ed, 30iu's slin ed (15iu's am and 15 iu's pm subq)
weight: 100kg (220lbs)
I have gained 12.5kg (27.5lbs) in 27 days.
How do I feel? The agression is not bad at all with the dbol helping out there. I am constantly stuffed to the point of almost being sick every waking moment, and yes, my diet is quite clean. The subq slin is a breeze as I never get anywhere near going hypo due to the subq injection having slower release (longer duration) than the IM. I always carry orange juice no matter where I go (even to the toilet) just in case. My nips are getting a bit sore, but I have had gyno since I was 13yrs old. If it gets bad, I will start aromasin. Sex drive is so high that even fat women look good.
How do I look? Needless to say I am much larger than before. My stomach is stretched out from the volume of food going in. Water retention..of course. My fingers feel and look like sausages. Time to switch to my bigger-sized clothing.
Stopped drinking coffee this week. I used to be a 6-8 cup-a-day drinker. This also make 5 weeks since stopping smoking.
I guess I should mention that I have been taking 500iu's of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) every 5th day to avoid complete shutdown.
I am injecting 19mL's of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) weekly. How do I do it comfortably? I inject into my lower glutes just above where my hams connect. 2 x 5mL on one side and 1 x 5ml + 1 x 4mL on the other side. No knots and any discomfort or swelling is gone within a couple of days.
March 12: Feeling a bit shite today. Took a break from the slin and dbol neither did I stuff myself today. Considering dropping the Tren dosage to .5g for next week but not sure yet.
The pumps are almost constant and painful. My traps ache most of the day. Get cramps in my calves and lats when having fun with the wife.
The glucose/fructose I have been adding to my protein drinks makes me want to regurgitate at times. I don't like sweet foods. So, I will rely as much as possible on the slin to help me make the most of my food's nutrients with a more moderate consumption of sugars.
My shoes are getting too small, and my wife called me moonface today .
No sweats and no insomnia. But then again, I deal with hot climates well and cannot function in the cold.
March 13: My strength has more than doubled on all lifts. I had a touch of a cold, but feeling better today.
March 15: March 14: Switched over to anavar at 150mg ed and aromasin at 40mg ed. Also, began Clen 80mcg (2 days on and 1 off) with t3. Will lower test dosage to 1g ew and Tren 500mg ew starting March 18. Slowly dropping calories, but maintaing 240g + of protein ed along with 40 minutes of cardio
March 17: 4 weeks into my cycle and a baby on the way
Just a short note to say that we are expecting our 3rd child in November/December. Taking Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) every 4th to 5th day made the difference, I believe. I suppose that I can avoid complete shutdown like this. And yes, I am 100% sure it is mine. Our second child was concieved 3 weeks into a cycle as well.
Thanks to all on this board for the info on using Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) while on cycle.
March 18: Have started twice weekly injections (Sat/Wed) of 500mg test enanthate, 250mg Tren enanthate, 250mg drostanolone enanthate to keep a more even blood level as this low dose. Still running 150mg anavar and 40mg aromasin ed.
weight: 96kg
Have lost a lot of water, but strenght is still high. Damn Clenbuterol is just like speed and I simply hate that feeling.
I can tell a very big difference in not taking the diananbol. The dbol kept me mellow, but I have got much more aggressive without it.
March 22: 500mg test e, 250mg drost e, 250mg Tren e, 150mg anavar ed, 40mg armasin ed, 300mcg T4 ed (ran out of T3), 80mcg Clen ed (40am + 40pm)
The agression has subsided as the total volume of injectables has decreased to just 2 grams per week.
The bodyfat is really starting to come off, and strength is high.
Weight 94kg Still have a bit of water retention.
Trying to figure out where to add in Miotolan, O-turinabol and EQ?
Had to change protein powder to vanilla flavor as the chocolate is just getting nasty tasting. I use only soy milk to mix it as I have had kidney stones.
March 26: 500mg test e, 250mg Tren e, 250mg drost e. Have stopped the anavar and now only Clen, T4 and aromasin ed.
Bodyfat is really coming off
Weight: 93kg
*update* I liked the anavar too much to stop for now
March 30: 750mg test e, 250mg drost e, 250mg Tren e. I am back on the anavar as the benefits are just too good to stop for now. 150mg anavar ed, but I take 75mg am and 75 mg pm along withmy aromasin 50mg ed (25mg x 2)
I have started to take the T4 differently from how I take t3. I take 200mcg with a meal 3 times daily. This does not include my protein snacks.
Weight: 93kg
April 3: Increased test e to 750mg every 4 days along with Tren e 250mg and drost e 250mg. Why? The Tren was overpowering the effects of the test.
75mg anavar twice daily along with 25mg of aromasin.
I have backed down to 400mcg of T4 daily taken 200mcg at a time.
Weight: 92kg
My abs are getting a lot more definition, and I am dieting harder.
April 8: 500mg test e, 500mg drost e, 250mg tren e
Weight 93 kg
I have decided to give up my diet as my wife is pregnant and I cannot stay away from all of her food.
I will up tren and drost to 1g per week to make a weekly dose of 1g each of test e, tren e and drost e
Dropping the T4
April 11: 500mg test e, 500mg tren e and 500mg masterone e
I switched back to Dbol 130mg ed, and i have dropped the T4 and clen. I am eating everything I want, and yes, I am still leaving enough food for my wife.
Weight 95 kg (209lbs)
Plain and simple... this is only my log, and I am posting it only to share my experience. I am not asking for critiques. I do not recommend this cycle for others. This is only for informational purposes, and I hope all who read this will keep an open mind.
Late 30's
Started cycling Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) in 1983
87.5kg (192.5lbs) Had lost a lot of weight due to a staff infection in my leg in December
A friend of mine who did very well on the national level turned me on to using slin SubQ vs. IM for bulking. I took his advice and here is my log.
Feb 12: test 1g, Tren 1g, masteron 1g, var 200mg ed (I wanted to see if I could bulk with these...it doesn't work well)
weight: 87.5kg (192.5lbs)
Feb 19: test 1g, Tren 1g, masteron 1g, var 200mg ed (I wanted to see if I could bulk with these...it doesn't work well)
weight: 91kg (200.2lbs)
Feb 26: test 3g, Tren 1g, Dbol 200mg ed (this combo feels much nicer, less aggression)
weight: 92kg (202.4lbs)
March 5: test 3g, Tren 1g, Dbol 150mg ed, slin 10iu x 2 times ed SubQ (why SubQ? I want to put on as much weight as possible...my wife says I look like a white gorilla) feeling very charged
weight: 97kg (213.4lbs)
March 11: 3.75g test e, 1g Tren e, 150mg dbol ed, 30iu's slin ed (15iu's am and 15 iu's pm subq)
weight: 100kg (220lbs)
I have gained 12.5kg (27.5lbs) in 27 days.
How do I feel? The agression is not bad at all with the dbol helping out there. I am constantly stuffed to the point of almost being sick every waking moment, and yes, my diet is quite clean. The subq slin is a breeze as I never get anywhere near going hypo due to the subq injection having slower release (longer duration) than the IM. I always carry orange juice no matter where I go (even to the toilet) just in case. My nips are getting a bit sore, but I have had gyno since I was 13yrs old. If it gets bad, I will start aromasin. Sex drive is so high that even fat women look good.
How do I look? Needless to say I am much larger than before. My stomach is stretched out from the volume of food going in. Water retention..of course. My fingers feel and look like sausages. Time to switch to my bigger-sized clothing.
Stopped drinking coffee this week. I used to be a 6-8 cup-a-day drinker. This also make 5 weeks since stopping smoking.
I guess I should mention that I have been taking 500iu's of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) every 5th day to avoid complete shutdown.
I am injecting 19mL's of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) weekly. How do I do it comfortably? I inject into my lower glutes just above where my hams connect. 2 x 5mL on one side and 1 x 5ml + 1 x 4mL on the other side. No knots and any discomfort or swelling is gone within a couple of days.
March 12: Feeling a bit shite today. Took a break from the slin and dbol neither did I stuff myself today. Considering dropping the Tren dosage to .5g for next week but not sure yet.
The pumps are almost constant and painful. My traps ache most of the day. Get cramps in my calves and lats when having fun with the wife.
The glucose/fructose I have been adding to my protein drinks makes me want to regurgitate at times. I don't like sweet foods. So, I will rely as much as possible on the slin to help me make the most of my food's nutrients with a more moderate consumption of sugars.
My shoes are getting too small, and my wife called me moonface today .
No sweats and no insomnia. But then again, I deal with hot climates well and cannot function in the cold.
March 13: My strength has more than doubled on all lifts. I had a touch of a cold, but feeling better today.
March 15: March 14: Switched over to anavar at 150mg ed and aromasin at 40mg ed. Also, began Clen 80mcg (2 days on and 1 off) with t3. Will lower test dosage to 1g ew and Tren 500mg ew starting March 18. Slowly dropping calories, but maintaing 240g + of protein ed along with 40 minutes of cardio
March 17: 4 weeks into my cycle and a baby on the way
Just a short note to say that we are expecting our 3rd child in November/December. Taking Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) every 4th to 5th day made the difference, I believe. I suppose that I can avoid complete shutdown like this. And yes, I am 100% sure it is mine. Our second child was concieved 3 weeks into a cycle as well.
Thanks to all on this board for the info on using Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) while on cycle.
March 18: Have started twice weekly injections (Sat/Wed) of 500mg test enanthate, 250mg Tren enanthate, 250mg drostanolone enanthate to keep a more even blood level as this low dose. Still running 150mg anavar and 40mg aromasin ed.
weight: 96kg
Have lost a lot of water, but strenght is still high. Damn Clenbuterol is just like speed and I simply hate that feeling.
I can tell a very big difference in not taking the diananbol. The dbol kept me mellow, but I have got much more aggressive without it.
March 22: 500mg test e, 250mg drost e, 250mg Tren e, 150mg anavar ed, 40mg armasin ed, 300mcg T4 ed (ran out of T3), 80mcg Clen ed (40am + 40pm)
The agression has subsided as the total volume of injectables has decreased to just 2 grams per week.
The bodyfat is really starting to come off, and strength is high.
Weight 94kg Still have a bit of water retention.
Trying to figure out where to add in Miotolan, O-turinabol and EQ?
Had to change protein powder to vanilla flavor as the chocolate is just getting nasty tasting. I use only soy milk to mix it as I have had kidney stones.
March 26: 500mg test e, 250mg Tren e, 250mg drost e. Have stopped the anavar and now only Clen, T4 and aromasin ed.
Bodyfat is really coming off
Weight: 93kg
*update* I liked the anavar too much to stop for now
March 30: 750mg test e, 250mg drost e, 250mg Tren e. I am back on the anavar as the benefits are just too good to stop for now. 150mg anavar ed, but I take 75mg am and 75 mg pm along withmy aromasin 50mg ed (25mg x 2)
I have started to take the T4 differently from how I take t3. I take 200mcg with a meal 3 times daily. This does not include my protein snacks.
Weight: 93kg
April 3: Increased test e to 750mg every 4 days along with Tren e 250mg and drost e 250mg. Why? The Tren was overpowering the effects of the test.
75mg anavar twice daily along with 25mg of aromasin.
I have backed down to 400mcg of T4 daily taken 200mcg at a time.
Weight: 92kg
My abs are getting a lot more definition, and I am dieting harder.
April 8: 500mg test e, 500mg drost e, 250mg tren e
Weight 93 kg
I have decided to give up my diet as my wife is pregnant and I cannot stay away from all of her food.
I will up tren and drost to 1g per week to make a weekly dose of 1g each of test e, tren e and drost e
Dropping the T4
April 11: 500mg test e, 500mg tren e and 500mg masterone e
I switched back to Dbol 130mg ed, and i have dropped the T4 and clen. I am eating everything I want, and yes, I am still leaving enough food for my wife.
Weight 95 kg (209lbs)