log on myostatin hmp,courtesy of labpe


New member
hi there,
first up i would like to thank labpe to give me this opportunity to do a log on the myostatin hmp.
the subject is a male of 44 years of age 178cm of height and and a weight of 92kg/203lbs.training permanently for the past 10 years with first experiences with aas about 2 years a go.the cycle was consisting of a basic 12 week test/e cycle.at the moment i am running a cjc/ghrp6 combo which i started 6 months a go and i added tb500 in the past month.just about finishing loading stage next week and then going over to maintenance dosage.i just finished a cycle of ostarine that i was running with the combo of peps for the past 12 weeks,with satisfying results overall. i'd say i'm of lean appearance and i try to add some lean mass to my frame during this log,where i will post pics of progress on a fortnightly basis.
my plan is to run 150mcg a day of the MYO while continuing the cjc/rp6 combo at 100/100 3x a day and tb500 2mg every two weeks.this is subject to change but,as i may choose a different way to go with the MYO.i will however post the exact protocol i'll be doing and pics of the day i start as soon as the products arrive and i can get started.
you may wonder how my diet is gonna look like,well i basically will not change anything on that apart of an increase in amounts itself if i feel that need.my diet is pretty much consisting of a Mediterranean diet due to my italian background,so plenty of pasta veggies rice chicken simply all the good stuff lol ,and fresh!no packed food,no fast food don't drink softdrinks just water,and alcohol would be a sixpack in one year all up.gave the smokes the flick 4 years a go after smoking for 25,pretty proud of that one,tossed a half full packet in the bin and never looked back.
so overall i consider my lifestyle quiet healthy,without mentioning all the benefits you have if you live down under and in a sub tropical climate....:thefinger
for now i leave you to it and like to thank team labpe again,you will hear from me again when everything is T'd up,with post of pics and definite protocol

due to a inconvenience with delivery this post is postponed for a while.it will resume at a later stage.
thank you
ok,everything is back on track
received the myo and reconstituted it with 2ml of BW,i started out with 250mcg split in 2 pin's one in each quad,i plan to pin eod over the next 8 days.next time i will split the 250 to calf's as they are simply a joke :Pump:
but we will see soon the effect the myo could have on them over the next 2 months.
by the way for who might not know,the myo comes in 1mg lots,that's how i got the 4 250mcg pins which equal 0.5ml in a 1ml barrel.
i added some pictures which have been taken just now after dinner,so don't mind the gut.
but you are welcome to have a laugh at my calf's :crying:
i haven't had any flushes or nausea,so from that department everything is fine,as for any other observations you will have to be patient. if anybody has questions or suggestions feel free to post.
little post 24 hours after first set of pins.
all good this morning,then slowly throughout the morning soreness in both quads at pinning point.got worse during the day and felt like someone knee'd me in both legs.this pain however is no starting to ease and the spot on the quads is getting softer again,as it was quiet tense and hard in a area of about 2 square inch.
other than that,feeling good and no other down sides to report.
That's a good honest review right there. Don't hide anything please. The more detailed the better, so other's who are thinking about researching with this will know what to expect. Thanks for the update.
did my second set of pins last night,and had similar experience as the first time,only that this time the location is calf's.
i did leg workout today,nothing to wild as that local pain is a bit debilitating,nevertheless it was a good workout.
i felt like i was getting a good pump,would not just attribute it to the myo,as it is a normal thing as you all know.
the difference was that it lasted longer or at least that how it felt to me,maybe i had that sensation also due to the pinning's which i still feel.
what i can say is,do not load only 1 pin and split it,as the reaction on the second pin is far worse.a lot of you guy's will probably go "doh"...but i didn't think it would matter that much.believe me it does matter,so do 2 separate ones instead of splitting the one.
what i found strange compared to other peps is the appearance,it has this milky kind of look,not the clear as water type you get from other peps.
wondering if that may cause the redness.
i put pics up for you to judge,although the hairy legs make it look much worse then it is.
i wonder what speedgiant has to say about the matter,if he has a similar experience.
as for measurements i have to find first my measuring tape with inches on it.
although i already know that my calf's probably won't even beat the girt of speedgiants "member":laugh:
jokes aside that man is a mountain!
Have you ever pinned your calf's before? Keep us posted on how long that lingers around. And yes, if you have the extra slins laying around, draw with 1, and split that into 2 seperate slins.

Thanks for the updates!
Have you ever pinned your calf's before? Keep us posted on how long that lingers around. And yes, if you have the extra slins laying around, draw with 1, and split that into 2 seperate slins.

Thanks for the updates!

no i have never pinned calf or quad,only pinned in gluts on my cycle with 23 gauge.
never had any reaction to either test/e or peps.
remember i'm running cjc/ghrp6 3 times daily with this at 100mcg each and 2mg of tb500 fortnightly which is the maintenance dose.
i do not have any pain or discomfort on my quads from monday's pin and the redness is weakening,however today was the second set of quad pins which this time a did properly with separate slins.
i also did a shoulder workout which let me tell you was i killer.i haven't had a burn that intense in a muscle i train before,it got to the point where i just had to give myself a couple of minutes to let it ease of and hitting it again.was thinking that if the myo is behind that,and does its magic,then i am seriously curious of what results to expect by the time 2 months go past.
as for now the only downside i have to report is that redness,but that may be just me and may not be a issue for others at all.
sunday is the last set on pinning,another calf set,can't wait to get it over and done.
maybe i should have just done my :moon:
ok guys,just did a google search on my little problem,turns out i'm not the only one.
i just post what was written,no links or anything else of the source,you will have to do that for yourselves.

OK so on Tuesday I did a bilateral inject of 25 mcg in my biceps Wednesday I did 75 mcg in my triceps noticed inflammation in first shots site. So I halted injections of hmp. Over the next 48 hrs my triceps swelled up turned red and got warm and sensitive to the touch. Now Saturday I am on the mend. I have a little post on it in the HMO thread on wcbb forum I can post a link if allowed to it?

this was followed by a reply to a question asked by their admin:

No I'm definitely good just a forewarning its some vary potent stuff and has a odd reaction.

Redness and swelling virtually gone but still warm to the touch.

and this next post which again is similar to my experience:

First real upper body workout since reaction and strength in pull ups was crazy and whole arm pumps.

anyhow i just wanted to have some peace of mind which i pretty much got now regarding the reaction,even if i was sure it is only a temporary appearance.
hope that helps anyone who finds himself a bit surprised whit how the body reacts.
Yup, another researcher got the same reaction when he pinned his virgin bicep. swelling went down in a day and claimed intense pumps from there on out. His before and after for just 7 days is pretty amazing...