log on myostatin hmp,courtesy of labpe

did last set of pins today,calf's again,have noticed that the second set of quad pins hasn't caused the same reaction as the first in either quad or calf.no redness to report on quad,will see how my calf's are looking tomorrow.it has been said that myo does lose potency quick after reconstitution it last's 7 days max.

here are also some measurements:
calf : 15"
quad : 23"
chest: 46"
forearm : 13.5"
bicep: 16.5"

time will tell if these will change over the next two months.
i can definitely say that my training experience has changed,more strength more pump and i'd say endurance in reps is changed too for the better.
by the end of next week i will post new pics for you to judge if there are any visible changes too.

not to good right now unfortunately,i caught a flue virus on the weekend which pretty much knocked me out.
had the shivers sunday night and a fever up to 39.5,plus my head felt like its about to explode.i haven't been training since saturday but hoping very much that i can get back in to it tomorrow wednesday oz time.feeling better tonight less aching joints and headache.
really shits me that this happened right now,but i dont think it will be to much of a setback and affecting this log.i have probably lost close to 2 puonds over this 3-4 days which is not much really,probably only fluids,i'm still at the 200pound mark on the scale.
letting you know tomorrow about training experience if i go in. till then i sip a bit more warm milk with honey.....:40oz:

ps:any redness caused by the myo has now disappereard,and my calf pins have not caused any redness at all.if that is due to loss of potency or simply the body has adjusted to the new substance i can not say.both are a possibility.
had a chest and tri's workout today,and was actually surprised at the strength and endurance i had,also having had only breakfast as only meal before workout.
started with flat bench dumbbell and did
10 reps with 88lbs
10 reps with 99lbs
8 reps with 110lbs x2
8 reps with 99lbs x3
mixed with front dumbbell raises palms up straight after the set's 22lbs
pullovers with shoulders resting on flatbench
93.5 lbs x3
standing cable fly's
dont know the weight as it isn't either kg's or lbs,pin was in the 70 plate
dumbbell hammer skullcrusher
33 lbs x8
pulldown straight bar
pin in 140 plate 8 x3
pulldown rope
pin in 70 plate 8 x3
kickbacks on cable just holding the stopping ball
pin in 20 plate 8 x3

thinking about it,it may well be lbs or simply straight 1kg equals 2 pound conversion,as american lbs are not used here as far as i know.
either way the pump and strength was great,would not surprise me if people put up pictures after workout and it looks as they had huge gains.well the myo definitely seems to do some great things,but i have not changed noticeably over the past week,unless i foul you guys with a post workout pic.
i will further down the track put some pics before and after workout up,just to underline my opinion.
conclusion for today is,that considering i was still sick yesterday and this is my first day feeling better after pretty much 3 days just in bed,i have to say i was pretty damn impressed with what i was able to come up with! :biggthump
I actually sometimes get a rash like that from peptides. it goes away quickly for me. nothing to worry about imo.

Log is looking great bro, keep us updated on everything.
did a leg workout today just a short but intense one,little breaks in between sets.probably past the bug on to my wife,as she is starting to get sick now.had to pick up my daughter so i couldn't train as usually.
132.5 lbs x10
220.5 x8
264.5 x8
308.6 x7
220.5 x5 straight after removing plates from set before
incline leg press
529 x8
617 x8
705.5 x8
lounges walking with 44lbs dumbbell in each hand
3 sets of 8 each or 16 steps

there is definitely more strength available since the start of myo.i have not dropped one lbs in strength since i stopped ostarine 2 weeks a go,instead my strength is going up,plus i handle the weight more comfortable which leads to think i should be able to go even heavier.i see how i go next week regarding the strength,if it is still the same feel i might go and break some pb's.
the pumps and burns i perceive are different as well,it is all more intense and a sensation of going deeper in your muscle fibers to.
wonder what :Present: the remaining 6 weeks have in store guys
Great job keeping us updated Sancio! Thank you. Can't wait to see what becomes of the 6 weeks either. I've heard other's mention they feel that the myo makes their routine more intense, thus the greater pumps and such. Once even said he felt more muscle fibers being recruited...We'll see about that one. His wasn't a sponsored log either.
at the moment not much news to report,
had finally a whole weekend off from work.
that hasn't happened for a while,so i enjoyed that time with family very much.
still on the cjc/rp6 combo and tb500 every two weeks and will be back in training as of tomorrow.
my overall feeling is normal,nothing unusual to report in regards to myo.
my workouts are still going good,very good strength and control,still haven't lost any strength compared to when i was on ostarine.
i think by now i could attribute that to the myo.i have not put on 1lbs in this 3 weeks although i was sick last week and have been put on night shift for this whole week,which is not helping either.
i am still 92kg/202lbs even if in the first week i got up to 94kg/207lbs and dropped back.
apart of the cjc/rp6 combo and the tb500 i'm pretty much going all natural.
by saying that,i guess if you would be on some type of aas the results could have a completely different outcome.
either way i got 3 more weeks to go to the finish line,and thats where we will compare to what was at the start of the log.
have to get me some more cjc/rp6 as i'm about to run out of it.
Thanks for the updates Sancio. From getting sick, to being switched over to night shifts, that's pretty big changes to adjust to for this. But your doing it, so rock on. You know where to go to re-stock!
Sancio- did the flu feeling hit you when the solution started turning milky?

Also there is a study on injecting pigs with myostatin to help them produce antibodies to it like hmp.
Sancio- did the flu feeling hit you when the solution started turning milky?

Also there is a study on injecting pigs with myostatin to help them produce antibodies to it like hmp.

the solution was milky straight up reconstituting it didn't turn like that with time.
as for the flu,i don't think that was related to myo,i am working in a hospital at the moment,removing old pipework of a emergency department,there are all sort of bugs around that u can catch quiet badly.
Hmm mine was clear then turned milky, after about 5 days. Thats when it made me feel ill. I recon'd it with AA and bw though.
Hmm mine was clear then turned milky, after about 5 days. Thats when it made me feel ill. I recon'd it with AA and bw though.
Bencozzy what's up!? Ha ha! Thanks for keeping this log updated Sancio, how's everything going?

could you describe to me how that illness or flu showed itself, as in how it started and what symptoms you had,fever etc.

hey ez,going good m8,i'm a bit stuffed with work and eating schedule,not to mention training,lost 4lbs just this week.
was told this will be going on for another 4 weeks or so.hate night shifts,to old for that crap.
have to say but that i am really positively surprised by my strength since i started the myo,this stuff has some real potential in my opinion.
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