Long-acting GH...anyone on it?

JohnnyB said:
I have a question. With the depot being released though out the day, wouldn't this suppress your natural hgh, the same as night time injection?


The potential is there with any Hgh usage. But if your levels are low, like <100ng/ml, there is really nothing to surpress anyway. But since the dose is spread out 24 hours, it may not be as bad with the depot.
No, I take no anti-e's.
However, there is one study that indicates that tamoxifen can cause some suppression of natural GH secretion....natural, not exo. Just another reason to avoid taking anti-estrogens unless you need to. Not everyone is prone to gyno or water retention.
Depot's release curve is a little faster than 30 days......it's adequate for the intended use, but BB'ers may want to dose again a little sooner to keep things level throughout the cycle.

I posted the tamoxifen abstract in another thread here, if anyone is interested.
Oh, all exoGH has a temporary suppressing impact on natural secretion of GH. It's not a complete suppression, like with testosterone, and at my age, my levels are low anyway, so I don't worry about it.
Would Proviron have similar suppression effects on GH like Nolvadex????
Just wandering since Proviron can also be used as an anti-estrogen…
ironmaster said:
Proviron is a good choice. To bad the stuff is pricey.

Yes..thats good to know since I have to jump on some..lol

btw...you look great bro.......I'm on GH myself for first time and I love it also....Jintropin 5ius a day...I have been on for 2 months or so.....keep us posted on your progress.
ironmaster said:
Oh, all exoGH has a temporary suppressing impact on natural secretion of GH. It's not a complete suppression, like with testosterone, and at my age, my levels are low anyway, so I don't worry about it.
I'm 47 so I don't think my hgh is very high either, so I'm considering night time injections. I'm not using slin, maybe another time.

Yes, johnnyb, when young guy's are only producing the equivalent of.5 to 1.5iu, it doesn't much matter with us older fellows......we are at 60% or less than that.
I'm using the AQ if that is any different then the depot,was using humatrope and just started the Nutropin AQ pen cartridge,each box has 1 2ml cartridge approximemately 30 iu.Same as the depot?
Question: aren't you wasting your own endogenous production because the depot preparation would inhibit same 24 hours per day(as opposed to timing daily injections to minimie suppression)?