Looking Advice With My First Cycle!!!


New member
Hey guys,basically im starting my first cycle in a week or so and i need some help and advice. Im 23 and I weigh 146 lbs,Iv been training on and off from I was 17 and in the army,although have been at it solid for last 9 months.Iv tried supplements and I eat like a horse,but i just find it impossible to gain good size.

I have a friend who can get me a course of sustanon and also can get me some dbol tablets. I would be over the moon if you guys could advise me on going ahead with sustanon as a first course,and also how much I need to take to pack on good mass,which is what im after!!!

Also advice on the ideal post cycle therapy (pct) would be great!!Thanks very much for your help!!
Hey man, first of all you cant be eating like a horse and weigh 146lbs. Trust me bro, you probably THINK you have a good diet but i doubt it is a mass gain diet. A while ago i wrote a similar post on starting a cycle. I was 150 at the time. I wanted to take steroids to get heavier. The guys here flamed me on my diet. I put off the cycle for 2 months, gained 17lbs in those two months, admittedly it isnt all muscle but the weight is still there and my strength has increases. I would seriously advise you to sort out your nutrition first, are you taking enough protein?
Put the cycle off for a bit bro, trust me, you should start a cycle weighing 147lbs, get to atleast 160 before you decide to do anything else. Good Luck. Hope i was able to help
Hey bud,thanks for the post,but seriously I really have tried everything. I have just hit a plateau. I wouldnt be going to Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) if I didnt believe this was my only other option. Yes i agree I will alter my diet even more AGAIN and also use more supplements while on my course,I really will go all out,all i want is to get some good size. As I said I can get sustanon and also dbol tabs,any suggestions would be very much appreciated. thanks guys
You should not do Sustanon (sust) and dbol for a first cycle. If anything just do Test E for 12 weeks.

Steroids are not going to be the magic potion you want and your certainly not going to get the gains you expect unless you sort out your diet and training. Which either one or both of which are probably not correct.

How tall are you and what is you bf% ?
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Drop some boiled potatoes, egg whites, olive oil, and cocoa powder into a blender. Good weight gainer. TOO good if you're not careful.
my height is 5'9 and my bf% is 21.9%!!!!! why is sustanon not good for my first cycle?? I really appreciate your comments but I am going to be running a cycle as soon as,due to the fact that I really have tried for so long every other way!! I already have 10 vials of sustanon ordered for xxx and I have 4 weeks worth of dianabol already to run at 30 mg per day!!! And i know it is no magic potion buddy, trust me im gonna train harder than i ever have and be eatin like a monster!!!! (not that im not already) lol
please guys i just need advice as to will this cycle be benificial for me....(and yes i will be makin sure everything is in check ie diet,training,mindframe etc)!!!!!

thanks very much guys
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Hello how are you.I hope everything is going well with you.Listen in my humble opinion you should first get your diet in order and try to put on at least 20 pounds with out ass.Not that you are not big its just the current weight your at
would not suggest to me that ass is your answer to getting bigger..

Is that better stone......................:3some:
146 and you want to juice? WOW! Why dont you post your so called diet that isnt working so we can give you advice on that.
At 146 lbs, 22% bf, 6 years lifting - might be a good idea to have some bloodwork done before starting the cycle, androgen levels, if you're borderline diabetic maybe, whatever anyone can think of. Sounds like something else might be going on.
my height is 5'9 and my bf% is 21.9%!!!!! why is sustanon not good for my first cycle?? I really appreciate your comments but I am going to be running a cycle as soon as,due to the fact that I really have tried for so long every other way!! I already have 10 vials of sustanon ordered for XXX and I have 4 weeks worth of dianabol already to run at 30 mg per day!!! And i know it is no magic potion buddy, trust me im gonna train harder than i ever have and be eatin like a monster!!!! (not that im not already) lol
please guys i just need advice as to will this cycle be benificial for me....(and yes i will be makin sure everything is in check ie diet,training,mindframe etc)!!!!!

thanks very much guys

First off mate you should edit your post, no price discussions.

Secondly, your are looking for the magic potion and I agree with everyone else here when saying, there's a lot of other stuff you need to be doing before going on gear. Certainly your diet and training need sorting out, and untill that is your not going to get the full benifit. Your diet and training isn't right. You just think there is nothing else that can be done, when there clearly is!!

You should have researched more before doing this and what we tell you is for good reason. For your first cycle you should be going only one compound and one compound only. You do not want to be doing the dbol. Sustanon (sust) is a mix of short and long esters it is not really one compound, although it is still Test. Unless you inject every other day, your levels are going to be all over the place, up and down and that is where you will tend to get the problems. Throwing dbol in the mix is just going to fuck you up even more. But hey your the expert, even though you have never done anything like it before.

Thirdly, you've bought 10 vials, I assume that these are 1ml vials. What sort of cycle are you planning on getting out of that, bearing in mind you should be doing it EOD. What's your dosage going to be exactly ? How many weeks is your cycle going to last ?

You've just not thought this through, asked enough questions or done any research have you?

Lastly, i'll ask you, because it's easy to find the answer yourself on this and lots of other sites, What have you planned for your PCT?

I'm not pusposely trying to be negative, I just want you to have a think and try to understand what it is your doing. This is your first cycle and if your absolutely going to do it, then why not at least try to do it propery and get the most you can out of it.
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I think you need to seriously evaluate your diet and training first. Have you read through the Training and Diet Forums?
Hey again guys, listen I know I may be coming across as if I have done no research although i really have!!!! Iv have been searching sites and forums for last few months before deciding on anything and even making this post!!

the sustanon I planned to take on a monday and a thursay 250mg each time,as on many forums loads of guys said 250mg per week wasnt enough for good results!!and im gonna run this course for 10 weeks!! I also planned to run dbol from weeks 1-4 at 30mg per day just to kickstart the cycle until the sus kicked in around week 4!!

And for my post cycle therapy (pct) I gathered from majority of sites that Clomid was my best bet,and to begin with this 3 weeks after my last injection.

I train 3 times a week and my diet is packed with red meat,chicken,tuna,pasta,supplements,shakes and all the mass gain ingredients you would expect.Although I have to admit I do occasionally have my fast food or some junk food mixed in,and also my water intake wouldnt be greater than 1.5 ltrs per day. But my point is, surely this alone couldnt be preventing me from putting on this 20 extra pounds u guys are talking about!! I really am adament that I wanna use juice to help me along,please just help me!!

Is this course going to be good for me,and if not then could you guys send me in the right direction. I will keep you all updated on how it goes and just how much I can acheive!!! thanks alot guys
You've left the price in your post, coz it's in £ and not $ it doesen't look like anyone but me has noticed yet.

You are not really interested in anything anyone tells you unless it's what you want to hear (again)!!

How do you plan to do 2 vials a week for 10 weeks, when you only have 10? just wondering how good your maths was.

I'm going to give my opinoin again for you to totally ignore. Sust and Dbol is not good for a first cycle, just do Test E for 12 weeks, don't frontload with anything

As lots of other people have said here, that you've also chosen to ignore, post your diet and we'll get it correct and you'll put on the weight without gear I can guarantee you don't eat enough, you just think you do.

Anyway, i'm past caring now, your just not going to listen to what anyone has to say are you?

Best of luck
I'd add Adex eod, .5mg. Having nolva on hand would be prudent.

I still think you should get an androgen test done before starting the cycle if you're not bullshitting us about your diet and training.
I agree with these guys that you need to post your diet. Also, I strongly don't believe that you will need 500 mg of test/week on your first cycle. I know that seems to be the magic number most people on here say they use, but I make better gains off 250 than 500. I am in the middle of a cycle of sus right now and was doing fine with 250/week. Like an idiot, I decided to up it to 500/week. I was extremely tired everyday and could barely find the energy to work out. I dropped back down to 250/week and have been fine since. On your first cycle, I would start with 250/week. Especially if you don't listen to these guys and run the cycle at 146 lbs. start weight. Good luck!
hey man im on my first cycle right now im on 500mg a week of Sustanon (sust) and 30mg a day on dbol make sure u eat around 8 times a day and drink alot of water what these guys told u is righttt.... u can get big with just eating but if u say ur doing it all then ight. but seriously listen to what they say Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) arent anything that should be done without proper knolage training and determination good luck to you make sure u follow it with a post cycle therapy (pct) and by the way Sustanon (sust) hurts like a bitch the next day for about 4 days to a week ...
thanks alot lads for the advice its really appreciated!! I have done alot of research and this is what i really want to do. Hey NASEN,how long have you been on your cycle and what sort of gains have you got so far!! I have some friends who used the same cycle for first time and gained 15-20 pounds (8-15 after lost water weight) !!! yea im gonna be having my diet in check and im gettin clomid for my post cycle therapy (pct) for afterwards!!! any other suggestions???
Although I avoid blanket statements generally, this is pretty extreme. I'm just going to pile and and say that at your weight and level of lifting experience, you are not ready to start cycling steroids.

You've been training for "9 solid months" and you've "hit a plateau" at 146 lbs. and 21% bodyfat?! Bro, you're out in space somewhere. Get your lazy ass into the gym and train harder, for a LOT LONGER (try 3-4 more solid years), keep up your diet, and get good rest.
I echo what is being said - you do not need steroids yet! If you don't know how to gain naturally, you're going to struggle anyway! What poundages do you lift, exercises, reps, exact diet? Anyone with half a brain doesn't take steroids until they are near their natural potential.