Lost weight while on gear (not get lean).


New member
I'm on my 6st week of 800mg test E, and already took 40mg dbol for 4 weeks.
by far i gained 17.5lb (my last weight was 230lb).
I don't know why but from some reson i lost 5lb since thursday.
I'm almost 10 days out of dbol.
I've noticed that my libido is not like 2 weeks ago, and lost also 1cm from my arms.

on the weekend i took oxiellite pro, so maybe it should cause the loosing weight?
did dbol can up the libido or only test?

i'm gonna do a blood test next week to see the test levels and see whats going on with my staff...
why did you take oxypro elite while on cycle? you were probably carrying a fair amount of water weight from the dbol and have lost some since you've been off for ten days. also explains the loss of size, but 1cm aint much bro. shit wish i was 230.
Dropping a "water maker" like dbol and taking a "water taker" like Oxypro you are fortunate you didn't lose more.

Loosing water plays with estro and hormone levels, so the combo of the dbol removed and the water lose so abrupt I can see you sex drive crashing.

Ease along next time time man and don't shock your body like this unless you are going to compete.
You obviously gained a lot of weight in 4 weeks. Do you think it's possible to add 17lbs of muscle in 4 weeks? No. You may have gained some but you obviously were holding a lot of water.

Dbol is very quick to aromatize, more so than test which does pretty fast on it's own. Your libido is dropping because your estro is getting too high. You likely lost water weight once you stopped dbol.

Are you using an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and if so what dose? What's your bf and age ? Increase water intake, decrease sodium, adjust or add an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). If not have fun with a limp dick.
Dropping a "water maker" like dbol and taking a "water taker" like Oxypro you are fortunate you didn't lose more.

Loosing water plays with estro and hormone levels, so the combo of the dbol removed and the water lose so abrupt I can see you sex drive crashing.

Ease along next time time man and don't shock your body like this unless you are going to compete.

Hey Mike,is that you in the avatar?
You obviously gained a lot of weight in 4 weeks. Do you think it's possible to add 17lbs of muscle in 4 weeks? No. You may have gained some but you obviously were holding a lot of water.

Dbol is very quick to aromatize, more so than test which does pretty fast on it's own. Your libido is dropping because your estro is getting too high. You likely lost water weight once you stopped dbol.

Are you using an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and if so what dose? What's your bf and age ? Increase water intake, decrease sodium, adjust or add an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). If not have fun with a limp dick.

I'm 24, 15%bf. (uploaded a pic)
I'm not eating a sodium almost, but concern about the test if it real(?!) because i should notice it already...
I thought to increase the test to 1gram and see what happen.
(not usimg any AI)
I never used Aromatase inhibitor (AI) before while on cycle, only for PCT.
i don't suffer from aromatase issues.

Sorry bro, but obviously you do if your retaining water. An Aromatase inhibitor (AI) ran from the beginning would mean you would not have gained as much, but you would not have lost it so drastically when coming off because there would not be a lot of water to lose.
I never used Aromatase inhibitor (AI) before while on cycle, only for PCT.
i don't suffer from aromatase issues.

a comment like that shows that u have a lot to learn bro... AI's are for during cycle, not for PCT... and u do suffer from aromatising test cuz u were retaining water like mentioned above

gains should be slow and steady, don't up the dosage of test just because u think u should be gaining 30lbs... if u can keep 10lbs gained after post cycle therapy (pct) that is a very successful cycle