

Shit that I say -------->
I/m going to run a log here for my first cycle of IGF that I recently started. I'm not going to post too often, just whenever I have something worthwhile or a question etc.

I am on day 7. I am running the Dave Palumbo protocol of 11mcg ev day for 30 days then 2 weeks off, then repeat twice. So that is a total of 3 months on, from just one bottle 1mg, that makes it affordable for sure. I know many guys run 40-60 mcg per day, but I'll see how this goes first. I don't want to shut down the receptors or use more than needed.

I reconstituted all of it and from 2/3's of it for later. I am diluting it with BA water before injection. It stings like a bee sting goes in. It makes me have goosebumps, but then no pain. I am using a 29g slin pin, intramuscular. I tried injectioning tri's, quad, calf. I think I will just stick with the arms for the first 30 days. I will alternate between biceps and triceps. I am doing this PWO. I do notice that my arms are full all day. No difference in pumps or anything else yet.

The first couple days I had a very slight headache, ok now.
I am also taking MTII. That stuff is crazy. I am getting bronze all over, but then the areas that have gotten sun are insanely dark. The back of my neck is freaky dark. I haven't hit a tanning bed yet, but I will have to cover my face and neck because people are already asking why the hell I am so tan. I normally burn and freckle but I can't burn now. It did darken my freckles first and some new moles popped up but now it's not noticeable because I'm so tan. I plan on getting some lazer removal on the freckles and moles in the winter anyway. Hopefully, I don't get any crazy sides down the road. Also, I get wood a couple hours after the shot for no reason.
I'm just injecting the arms now. I figure if there is any benefits to site injecting, this will help me see results.
Day 1: 11mcg left biceps
Day 2: 11mcg right biceps
Day 3: 11mcg left triceps
Day 4: 11mcg right triceps
Day 5: repeat

The only difference that I have noticed for sure is that my arms feel fuller than normal around the clock. If I didn't know better, I would say my bicep muscle bellies appear longer because they are so full. I don't feel like I'm "on" anything and no water retention and sides that came with AAS. I expect that any gains will be lean muscle and be gradual.

I'm about to switch to a maintenance dose of the MTII because I can't afford for my face, neck, and arms to get any darker. I haven't tanned yet, that's all from just being outdoors a few hours a week. I do notice increased sex drive, more frequent erections, and lower appetite.
This stuff should be injected into the body part worked that given day immediately after workout. 40mcg split into 2 20mcg in each tricep if triceps were worked.This is what worked for me and how I did it.
FYI, my internet access will be sporadic for a few weeks, along with workouts and log.
Try to keep um coming, interested in seeing what comes about..
I'm liking this so far. My arms are definitely growing. Even when they are cold and unflexed the bis and tris are popping. I have naturally thin bones with average muscle bellies and high attachments, and arms are my weak spot, so I'm very happy with this stuff. Moving across the State, taking a new job, and having to find a new gym and get into a normal routine are holding up my progress, but I still have more than 2 months supply left. The daily injections are keeping me motivated to workout because of the progress that I am seeing and not wanting to waste the stuff. Injecting everyday with a slin pin is not a big deal at all like it could be injecting an oil with a 23 g needle.
The MMTII is crazy. My wife said my hands looked dirty because they were so dark. I went tanning for the first time and I didn't feel anything, but got dark overnight. I actually covered my neck and face with a towel, and hung my arms out of the bed to avoid getting too dark. Next time I might just tan the legs, everything else is go to go. I am normally pasty. I can barely see my birthmark because my skin is about that color now.
I've done site injections but never really got anything from them doing it that way. I've been on MTII for 18 months straight.
Your neck will get really, really dark. I have to use a little sunscreen to keep it from getting darker.
Make sure you do use some sunscreen. I don't really burn either but I know I was to stay outside for 3-4 hours straight at noon, I'm still getting some sun damage. I'm just not getting it anything close to what I was before MTII.

Allot of users go crazy when they realize they don't burn like they used to. Be careful about that.

The hard ons will subside some as you go into maintenance phase. But your sex drive will stay up and gradually diminish some over time. Appetite should get better over time as well.

Good luck with your maintenance.
I know what you are saying about the neck getting dark. It's ridiculous and I don't even get outside very much.
My lower back is a wreck from all the moving. I am about settled in. I need to rest my back and then start hitting the gym consistent again. I still have 8 weeks for IGF left. I have some traveling to do for work, then should be ready to run a nice cycle starting in Aug/Sept. I can't wait. It take surprisingly little MTII for the maint phase. I did get more moles and tiny freckles, which I expected because I am so prone. I have removed nearly all of them myself.
Sorry for dropping the ball on the log. I moved 3 hrs away, took a new job and hurt my back moving. I'm out of the state for work for 1 more week so it's been on hold. I've been doing cardio and circuit training to stay in shape. I have 8 weeks left of the IGF. Can't wait to get back on track.
Day 3 back on IGF. Arms are immediately fuller 24 hrs a day. Good stuff. I was a soft 260 lbs, dropped to 250 by going off creatine, now I'm 240 from taking a month off due to my back, moving, and work travels. I'm hoping the IGF will help keep lean muscle tissue while I diet. At 32 my knees and back are not happy at 250+. I want to lean out as much as possible.
I've upped the dosage to 50 mcg PWO. I noticed that my muscles were noticeably fuller on 11mcg per day, so I want to see how well 50 mcg per day works.
back is good, just not doing any powerlifting yet. Baby steps first. I can do light rack pulls for now. I do notice a difference running 40-50 mcg pwo, I think that is the way to go, having run it at 11mcg before.
I haven't run insulin yet so I can't compare, although I will likely try it when I'm ready for a bulk cycle.
Please Keep us updated, I am interested to see how you go . Re Calve site injections you started with - any gains there and did you just do the outer upper calve muscle? does that mean the the inner calve gets neglected on gains? good luck...