Shit that I say -------->
I/m going to run a log here for my first cycle of IGF that I recently started. I'm not going to post too often, just whenever I have something worthwhile or a question etc.
I am on day 7. I am running the Dave Palumbo protocol of 11mcg ev day for 30 days then 2 weeks off, then repeat twice. So that is a total of 3 months on, from just one bottle 1mg, that makes it affordable for sure. I know many guys run 40-60 mcg per day, but I'll see how this goes first. I don't want to shut down the receptors or use more than needed.
I reconstituted all of it and from 2/3's of it for later. I am diluting it with BA water before injection. It stings like a bee sting goes in. It makes me have goosebumps, but then no pain. I am using a 29g slin pin, intramuscular. I tried injectioning tri's, quad, calf. I think I will just stick with the arms for the first 30 days. I will alternate between biceps and triceps. I am doing this PWO. I do notice that my arms are full all day. No difference in pumps or anything else yet.
The first couple days I had a very slight headache, ok now.
I am on day 7. I am running the Dave Palumbo protocol of 11mcg ev day for 30 days then 2 weeks off, then repeat twice. So that is a total of 3 months on, from just one bottle 1mg, that makes it affordable for sure. I know many guys run 40-60 mcg per day, but I'll see how this goes first. I don't want to shut down the receptors or use more than needed.
I reconstituted all of it and from 2/3's of it for later. I am diluting it with BA water before injection. It stings like a bee sting goes in. It makes me have goosebumps, but then no pain. I am using a 29g slin pin, intramuscular. I tried injectioning tri's, quad, calf. I think I will just stick with the arms for the first 30 days. I will alternate between biceps and triceps. I am doing this PWO. I do notice that my arms are full all day. No difference in pumps or anything else yet.
The first couple days I had a very slight headache, ok now.