Lucky13 Updated pics - Feedback needed


Cycle, test, HGH
5'11" 205lbs

Training for 4years, 1.5years juicing with 4 cyles

Var 20mg 6 weeks
Tbol 20mg 6 Weeks
Test 250Mg 15 Weeks
Test 250Mg Tbol 40mg ( 6 weeks in )

Looking for constructive critisim on lagging area's ?
look good bro...i agree with the others, ur back needs some work and ur abs could be better...u look lean thou....shoulders look great
solid all around. i would say work on the back. deadlifts, heavy t bar, and pull ups...Overall nice build.
Lucky the hear on your head is makeing it look like your head is bigger then your body
Get that hair cut and your back will look bigger.LOl Just fuckin with ya L you look good bro keep it up...
Dude - great progress - i checked out your Anavar (var) log too - what a read! You did great in only a few years! Really nice traps & shoulders - I'd say do more incline press and incline db flys to get some additional chest definition. Over all - awsome!
I laffed my ass off at rocko's comment about the hair - Hahaha - he's right - I have big hair too (the girls are jealous) but it makes my bod look smaller when it gets long. To each his own...