motawa said:
I never really understood the chemical difference between PH and AAS.
anybody has the time to explain some chemistry behind the M1T ? is the end product in the body pure test ?
From what I've researched and understood, the difference is the delivery and conversion method. Prohormones are bascially partial compounds or pieces and when you take them the enzymes in your body bind and complete the compound for a complete hormone. Here's a post I found on another board that would explain in better detail...
A steroid, or more correctly and anabolic steroid, is an exogenous hormone.
Use of an anabolic steroid increases ones hormone levels to supra-physiological levels (i.e. levels one could not achieve naturally).
Most steroids are inactive when taken orally, thus they are injected. A few are altered (like dianabol) to make them active orally. One such method is my methylating the steroid. The methylation cause the steroid to pass through the liver mostly unharmed. This, however, makes it quite taxing on the liver.
As well, most oral steroids are not very anabolic (muscle building) and so any experience steroid expert will tell you that a "cycle" should never only include orals (i.e. you could stack orals with injectibles).
A "pro-hormone" is something that is not an active hormone (like a steroid) but it is a precursor to a steroid. In other words, there are enzymes in your body that can convert the PH into an active hormone (steroid).
For example, 4-androstendiol will convert to testosterone (via an enzyme in the body).
1, 4 androstendiol will convert to boldenone (a steroid).
1 androstendiol (1-AD) will convert to 1-testosterone.
Interstingly 1-testosterone is an actual steroid, but a legal one (there are many OTC supps that incorporate it). It is often referred to as a pro-steroid, because (for now) it is a legal supplement.
So, PHs (and PSs) in order to qualify as a "dietary supplement" must be taken orally (pursuant to the DSHEA). So you again are back to the issue of how potent this PH/PS will be, since it is not very "bioavailable".
People estimate that the PH/PSs are anywhere from 5-40% bioavailable. Some individuals have injected these (illegally) in which case you'd see results similar to various illegal anabolic compounds.
But orally, they will ultimately provide some exogenous hormones (and this you see many people claiming terrific results) just not as much as anything delivered via injection.
So, the biggest difference between PHs (and especially PSs) and illegal anabolic compounds is the delivery mechanism.
We see chemists methlylating some of these PHs and PSs. Methyl 1-Test was very big. It is highly orally active and rivals any "true" steroid. Its also pretty harsh on the liver.
And so with M1T, we are seeing some outrageous growth.
And other companies are starting to Methylate other PHs and PSs.
Many experts believe that once one of these legal compounds are methylated, they become illegal. So this was a grey area until the ban started outlawing them.