Masteron Prop whats the ideal dose??


avi changes as i do
SO i recently added some mast to my TRT protocal. Just trying to harden up a bit before me & the lady hit the pools/beaches. She likes showing me off, who knows maybe lure in an unsuspecting hot female for a threesome.
Anyways, back to topic, lol. What in your guys experience has been the best dose of mast for the desired results...harden up, cut up, loose the bloat. This of course being run with test and im going to keep my test dose at 250mg/wk.
Pretty much winging it Ive added mast P at 500mg/wk. Thoughts?? Should I raise/lower the mast dose?? Thanks!!
My experience with Mast was 600mgs to have the best results and this also needed to be 10-12 wks.

However you should just pull up the profile and back up what people are telling you. You can and will see good results with low test and the 600mg Mast.

Good Luck man :wavey:
I'm doing mast 600mg a week for the second time. After one week (after dropping carbs and depleting) I notice wayyyyyy more of a solid structure than when I did it in the past. I'm only one week in. Must be the difference in body fat, I'm at 9 right now or so, last time I was about 13. The other side effects like increased libido, acne etc was noticeable also at night body fat, but now I see effects quicker. Like I said I'm only one week in and still have another point or two of body fat to drop let's see what masteron has in store for me as I get leaner.
much appreciated fellas!! I guess i'll stick it out at 500mg for this run anyways, see what happens.
Good luck Elicit!! Hope all goes well for you brutha!
much appreciated fellas!! I guess i'll stick it out at 500mg for this run anyways, see what happens.
Good luck Elicit!! Hope all goes well for you brutha!

Thanks bro! Can't wait to finish and eat a slice of pizza and some Krispy Kreme donuts!!
Hope it all goes well for you too!
Thanks bro! Can't wait to finish and eat a slice of pizza and some Krispy Kreme donuts!!
Hope it all goes well for you too!

lol, sounds like my diet whilst i was on tren...AHH, good old tren, eat, eat, eat more and get shredded!!
I notice I stay pumped waayyyyyyy longer on mast, damn! Like an hour after workout, still pumped!! Anyone else?
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Yah!! I sure like the results this PSL Mast Prop is giving me!
I actually think this stuff agrees with me better than tren did, better results too. Odd as I know mast is supposedly a mild compound but it's working wonders for me. Literally two weeks in and got back the definition I had while on tren... size too;-) Mentally I feel a shit load betterq than that diabolical tren had me feeling.
I'll have my TNE in mailbox tomorrow too!! Can't wait:-)
Does Mast make anyone esle eat like a horse!? It sure does me. All I seem to wanna do anymore is eat, workout, sleep and fuck. Not in any particular order, but eating would definantly be on top my list of priorities;-)
Once again, eating like a mad man, yet cutting up nicely. I sweat like im on tren or something.
Anyone have similar effects from mast??
600mg/wk at least man!! The thing with Masteron is that more IS better :)

Makes me hungrier, happier, and hornier. Pretty hard to beat Masteron.
Masteron = my favourite compound...

Lessens Tren sides, exaggerates Test benefits and a great accompaniment to any cycle, whether bulking or cutting.

I'd start Mast Prop @ 150mg EOD - and go from there - that'll start you on an average of just over 500mg per week.

You can always ramp up the dose if it suits you to.

I've been researching mast and found the biggest issues is its negative affects on cholesterol. Well ok MPB acceleration as well for those that are prone.
Anyone have a cholesterol test while on mast to determine the extent of its affects ?