Masteron Prop whats the ideal dose??

I've been researching mast and found the biggest issues is its negative affects on cholesterol. Well ok MPB acceleration as well for those that are prone.
Anyone have a cholesterol test while on mast to determine the extent of its affects ?

That would depend on diet too buddy... but why anyone would spend shitloads of cash on Masteron (and other AAS for that matter) and then eat shite is beyond me.
600mg/wk at least man!! The thing with Masteron is that more IS better :)

Makes me hungrier, happier, and hornier. Pretty hard to beat Masteron.

Exactly!! Couldnt have said it better bro!
I wasnt sure if the "hungrier" thing was common, but damn! I eat hella more now on Mast.
so ive done a few shots of this tne i got the other day and havent had any trouble until i jabbed my pec. Now a day later and i have a big ass knot in it. Hurts pretty bad but i can deal with it. Its pretty big, makes my right pec look bigger than my left. Hard as heck in there too. Anyone else experience this before?
ok Mast guys! Whats a good length for cycle/blast on mast?? How long have u guys run it for with good results ongoing?? Im about to start my 4th vial at 100mg ed. This is prop 100 btw.
600mg/wk at least man!! The thing with Masteron is that more IS better :)

Makes me hungrier, happier, and hornier. Pretty hard to beat Masteron.

600-800-1gr a week . I agree schredder. With this one Compound . the more the better. Strength gains are also, pretty good, Definition and dryness, the grainy look , such an upbeat mood, and always wanna have sex whenever i can. The difference between 600 ,- 800 is huge. 800 is perfect i believe.