Melanotan II


New member
I was wondering how are you supposed to cycle this stuff and the dosage and time you are supposed to take it. Where is the best place to get it ive seen it from $15-$80.
depends on your skin type, for MY test subject 0.5mg 2X a week for 1-2 months with 8-10min tanning in bed every week for 1-2 months followed by 0.5mg 1X a week for a few months and tanning 1-2 times a month for 8-10min to maintain.

for MT2 and fother peptides, I have been using
their very good quality peptides their and I havent had an issue over the years, so I rec them for research peptides.
I went with a load phase of 0.5mg Everyday for 10 days, and I tanned 2 times in those 10 days. After that I was where I wanted to be, so now I doing .3mg 2x week and tan every 2 weeks to maintain.

I went with, they have a wicked sale right now, and I have never had a problem with any of there products!!
I went with a load phase of 0.5mg Everyday for 10 days, and I tanned 2 times in those 10 days. After that I was where I wanted to be, so now I doing .3mg 2x week and tan every 2 weeks to maintain.

I went with, they have a wicked sale right now, and I have never had a problem with any of there products!!

What time do you inject? looks to me at night.
I mixed with BA water.

I doesnt really matter when you inject, I injected around 330 ED. First time kind of upset my stomach, and made me feel hot, and turned me red for 30 min. but after that it was alllll good!
Hey there! I have LabPE MT2 and it is awesome. I am very prone to freckles and moles and have gained quite a few on this, however, my tan makes them worth it. Who cares lol? I have a nice even tan that I NEVER thought I could get. I loaded with .5mg for 7 days and tanned for 6 minutes each day about 30 min after pinning. Now I pin 2x's a week at .3 mg and tan 6-7 min each time.

You reconstitute with 1CC Bac water. I did get a little nauseated and flushed as well but after a few days it went away. Just make sure you take it after eating and you shouldn't get too nauseated.

Go to|High Performance|Research Chemicals|Peptides

Use Coupon Code IMPittsburgh63 for a discount =)
^Yeah I got 3 on my face and I started covering my face in the bed. My arms have gotten a lot more freckly.

Also, please remember to cover the eyes because the circles around them DO GET DARKER AS WELL!!!

If you start getting acne, reduce your dose to .25