Metal's test/tren log

How you handling tren bro? Sounds like your cycle is going well and thats awesome.

I love it. Other than night sweats and pinning ed, Im enjoying the shit out of it. I'm sleeping great and the "rage" isn't that bad now that I'm use to it. Have you started your 2nd?
I love it. Other than night sweats and pinning ed, Im enjoying the shit out of it. I'm sleeping great and the "rage" isn't that bad now that I'm use to it. Have you started your 2nd?

Yeah i have. Im up from 205 to 230 right now. Been on for a little over a month, and im runnin 16-20 weeks this time. I cant wait to try tren. ha
Fucking nagging pain once again in my left forearm. Only when I do pullups does it feel like its strained to hell. Getting on my damn nerves.

Better note, hit some personal best on legs today. Hopefully I can walk tomorrow :D
Hell yea metal just read 9 pages and can say I'm gonna be stoked to meet Mz tren on my next run. I'm gonna go for test e 250 and tren e as I'm not big on the eod shots yet. Good to hear that the sides aren't too bad. I deal with the "pools" of sweat no matter what gear I run so I'm used to it. Gained 10 lbs in my last cycle of test e 250 and eq 300 and ready as I'm ever gonna be for tren. I'm gonna run aromasin and prami during and thinking bout trying the hcgenerate also. Good to see u "gettin it in brotha"...keep up the good work metal and I will be following till the end man!
Hey metal got any info for me on the hcgenerate? I have seen advertisements for it before but forgot where and wondering where I can find it. Anyone else have experience with this over Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) as I am not too find of even more injections than a cycle would typically include
Hey metal got any info for me on the hcgenerate? I have seen advertisements for it before but forgot where and wondering where I can find it. Anyone else have experience with this over Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) as I am not too find of even more injections than a cycle would typically include

Thanks for the support brother. I definitely hope tren works well for you like it does for me. I pin ed and yes, that shit gets old but I find it to be worth it. I don't sweat much anymore, especially at night, my cardio is better, and I sleep like a damn baby at night. The only thing is the aggression. I can handle it but if someone says the wrong thing in the slightest way will turn me into a mad motherfucker. Espcially my boss :p

I had a great experience with hcgenerate. It kept my boys full the entire time running it. I got it from needtobuildmuscle. I can't compare it to Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) because I have not used it before.

How did you like the eq? I'm thinking of using it on my next cycle
Hit back and bi's today and I absolutely annihilated my personal best on deads. Im still doing the 531 for strength and I just had to do more and more weight regardless. I just had such an intense pump in the gym. I think I freaked my workout partner a bit lol did 50 pullups regardless of the forearm pain and Ive been happy with how my bi's are growing.

As I mentioned above, my sides are almost non existant except for the aggression when someone says something wrong in my direction. Other than that, all is well!
Nice man. Is the forearm pain on the outside just south and up from your elbow, what they call tennis elbow? I have had that on and off and have had steroidal anti-inflammatory injected there, I'm wondering if injecting AAS there would have the same effect. Cleared it right up the last time for me. Actually have it back and was thinking about pinning some EQ I have left over in that area.

I am almost definitely not going to pin AAS there, but at any rate, it is a simple injection if you go to a pain doc (either a PM&R or Anesthesia doc can hook you up, probably an ortho as well)
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Nice man. Is the forearm pain on the outside just south and up from your elbow, what they call tennis elbow? I have had that on and off and have had steroidal anti-inflammatory injected there, I'm wondering if injecting AAS there would have the same effect. Cleared it right up the last time for me. Actually have it back and was thinking about pinning some EQ I have left over in that area.

I am almost definitely not going to pin AAS there, but at any rate, it is a simple injection if you go to a pain doc (either a PM&R or Anesthesia doc can hook you up, probably an ortho as well)

Yeah I'm not injecting there lol I've had tennis elbow from playing guitar and it didn't feel like this. This feels like a strain at most deep in the forearm. I'm guessing its just been strained to hell from all the pullups. Itll be alright. Thanks for the concern brother
Shooting for at least 12 weeks total now. Having to delay the bloodwork due to money issues, but as long as they're good when I get them I'll go 12-16 weeks

Right on bro. Pretty long run with Tren, glad to hear you are tolerating it so well I hope I am just as lucky.
Have had what sounds like the same forearm pain from pull-ups. The only way I could avoid/reduce it was to use a parallel grip.
Right on bro. Pretty long run with Tren, glad to hear you are tolerating it so well I hope I am just as lucky.

Like I said, as long as my bloods are good :) I hope you can tolerate it brother. I've had a tremendous time running tren