Metal's test/tren log

Have had what sounds like the same forearm pain from pull-ups. The only way I could avoid/reduce it was to use a parallel grip.

I'll try those out. After pullups, it feels like a major pump mixed with a strained muscle, but that night and the next day, its a little painful to rotate my wrist
I enjoyed the eq as it was the first other steroid I tried after test. Slow steady muscle gain and I am two weeks off now and it still seems to be doing its thing. Only ran a 10 week cycle though and everyone says it should be ran for around 16 so I can only imagine how good it would have worked if I would have ran it for that long. It looks like tren is doing great for you and I can't wait to try it myself bro.
I too have problems with the pain around my elbow an Austin wrote a great thread about it that answered many of my questions...Austin where are you me scientist? Lol
Good call on the no drinking brother and please get that blood test ASAP, make sure you're healthy In the long run :). Sounds like a beast of a cycle and you're enjoying it
Good call on the no drinking brother and please get that blood test ASAP, make sure you're healthy In the long run :). Sounds like a beast of a cycle and you're enjoying it

Trudt me. As soon as I can, I will. I feel great but of course I want TO KNOW everything going on
Hit chest and tri's. Hit new pr's on everything. Felt like a complete beast in the gym. I had 3days out of the gym, which sucked, but I can tell my body needed it. Still waking up around 232-234 and I've slimmed up alot this cycle. Looks completely different than before I started. I believe I'm eating at maintenance since I'm not gaining weight but I'm getting bigger so I'm ok with it atm.

Gonna be getting back with 3j when I can for an increase on everything to continue getting bigger.

Only side effects-tired of fucking pinning ed but its almost over:D insomnia creeps up evert now and then if I wake up in the middle of the night. Night sweats are seldom now. I feel great through the day. Definitely an increase in confidence, mood, and overall wel being.

Hitting legs and bi's tomorrow. Ready to tear them up!
Had a good shoulder and tri workout. Still doing 100mg ed of tren a and 75mg eod of test e. I had been exhausted the past 2 days after working out. Not sure if it was because of a sinus infection or what, but I didn't take my pre workout today and I've had a ton of energy. Gonna take a few days of the pre workout and see if that was the cause.

Still getting stronger, sides are minimal, and I'm hornier than Ive ever been before. I know my girl gets irritated about it but she never complains :p she has noticed how short tempered I've been and she mentions it time to time but I play it off.

More than likely gonna just finish the next 3 weeks and take a break. I'm stronger, leaner, and bigger, but I can tell its getting time for a little break. I do know I'll be going to tren e next cycle since I'm responding well to the ace