Its not just me you've been a dick to. Re-read your entire thread, you've responded overly aggressive and negatively to every single comment on here that has made even the slightest of recommendations.
Starts with the following comment
"are you sure you should even be taking gear? you don't seem to be very educated on what's going on bro"
To which you replied:
Ryan26 said:
You commented on bloating and being bloated so I chipped in with:
"the bloating is the dbol. You should really drop the dbol and just use the Test. You are only setting yourself up for future problems using that high a dose of dbol.
You should go with low doses for your first cycle. That way you can continue to grow with low doses safely in the future.
Also, don't want to burst your bubble, but as soon as you come off this cycle you will lose most of the weight you have gained due to the fact that you are mainly only holding water in your muscles."
All correct and acurate on not written in a nasty way but you see fit to respond:
"ummm im not on dbol anymore so i dont know what your talking about and that is your opinion on running low dosages in the future as for im going to lose all my gains because its just water ill make sure to rub it in your face when i dont"
Which pissed me off (and rightfully so). So I responded:
"Hi can you possible know that your not going to lose all the weight? This is your first cycle. You have just ran high doses of dbol and gained a shit load of weight in no time at all. Do you really think that the gain is muscle and not water? If so you are deluding yourself. As for it being just my opinion, it isn't at all. While it is my opinion, it is also the opinion of most of the people on here and numerous other forums. I may have only a few posts on here, but I have used gear for 7 years and floated in out of these forums for the past 8 years. If you read the sticky's regarding newbies etc... you will how many people including moderators advise to use only low dose test for your first cycle.
Whilst i'm no expert, I know that when you gain rapid mass using high dose dbol, you lose it when you come off period. You won't return to your original size but you certainly won't look anything like you do now in 6 months time unless you continue to use gear. I seriously doubt you'll be rubbing anything in anyones face, instead you'll be asking questions on here about how come you've lost all your weight and what can you do about it. and why is my back covered in acne etc..."
Again nothing particularly nasty or aggresive from me, despite your previous comment towards the advice I had given you. However, you still saw fit to take it even further and get yet more aggressive and insulting:
"how do u know i will lose most of my gains?
and as i said wait and see and stay the fuck out of my face and stfu"
Telling people to shut the fuck up when they offer advice, nice!
I responded curtly this time due to being pissed off with your attitude toward me:
"how do I know? Its common sense and common knowledge to anyone who has done more than a handful of cycles or to anyone who simply bothers to read any of the information on these forums.
When you take shit loads of a massive androgen (like dbol) and blow up like fuck in a few weeks, then the weight gained is nothing more than water retention. When you come off the gear, the water retention dissapates and so you lose the weight. Is that simple enough for you or do you need it breaking down any easier you ignorant retard.
As for your last comment "and as i said wait and see and stay the fuck out of my face and stfu" - hahahaha whatever, i don't need to wait to and see anything as i couldn't really give a fuck and besides, I already know exactly what will happen. "
To which you respond
"if u dont give a fuck stop posting in my thread
and in your earlyer post u said im going to lose all my weight and ask my im getting acne ect... now your saying im going to lose just water weight
blah blah blah stfu bitch"
It was at this point that you really pissed me off:
"All your weight gain IS WATER WEIGHT you dumb fuck. Therefore, when you lose all of the water, you will lose all of your weight gain. Youv'e gained over 20lbs in a few weeks using dbol and test and you think its muscle mass?!?!"
However, still only pointing out the obvious and the kind of thing anyone who had used gear before or even bothered to read the steroid profiles and done some research would know! That is basically one of the pre-requisites of using this site. Your supposed to do your research and read the threads and articles provided free of charge to help you out.
Your response, yet more insults:
"ya ok i gained 2 1/2 gallons of water
and i never said the 20lbs i gained was muscle mass you dumb fuck so stfu and stay the fuck out of my thread"
You then went on to complain that your chest was hurting after injecting into your pecs:
"was suppose to do chest and tries 2day but my chest hurts from the injection so i decided to do legs"
So a guy offered up some advice:
"how much are you injecting into your pec.? I dont think its wise to inject more than 2ml into each one, maybe thats why ur chest hurts so bad."
To which you kindly replied:
"ya i dont think your wise because i dont inject more then 2ml a week so that is obviously not it"
So your response is to insult yet another guy who has offered up some free advice in a friendly manner.
And you excuse yourself by stating that "your on gear"! Big whoop, every one on here is on gear, that doesn't give you the right to be an ass whole towards people offering advice and imparting their experience and knowledge to help you out, whether you like what they have to say or not.
Show some respect or you'll find no one will bother to give you the time of day and respond to your comments or questions. Oh wait, thats right, no one does respond to your questions anymore.