Military and TRT

Thank you my military brethren. Your post gave me some hope. If my regular doc doesn't contact me back, I have an appt with the endo on may 3rd.
Your numbers are low for 26 yrs old and even though they can be considered in range, the doc should be treating your symptoms more so than your numbers. As I mentioned in my previous post, mention your libido is low. Looking back, when I was experiencing my early symptoms I ignored the drop in my libido and attributed it to being over 40 and didn't say anything to the dr. I guess I didn't want to admit I was having problems. Now that my levels are in the mid range things are great and my wife couldn't be happier.
Good luck with the endo and keep us posted.
still no update.
I guess my doctor is gonna let the endo decide. my doctor hasnt even tried to contact me as far as I know. May 3rd is the initial with the endo. hopefully all will be figured out.
I think it went good?

He talked to me about either starting me on Testosterone or just HCG. He wanted to run another Total and Free Test, along with FSH/LH and a sperm panel. Also he scheduled an MRI and also a sleep study. The mri to look at the pituitary and the sleep study to look at possible sleep apnea(which i dont think i have because i dont snore or have problems waking up, just falling asleep.

I took care of the sperm panel today.
Blood test tomorrow morning.
MRI on 16th
Waiting for the sleep people to call me and schedule the overnight study.

Am I headed in the right direction? i sure as fuck hope so.
another update.

Found out I am deploying for a small time. I contacted my doc and he said he didnt want me to wait till I got back to start any therapy so he started me on AndroDerm 5mg. 1X Daily.. I know it isn't highly recommended by those in the forum, but it is all our medical unit had on hand before I deploy, he says he has to order the IM injections and it may take a week or two(which I don't have)
Any recommendations on how to make sure these patches dont mess me up? Best places to apply, best time to apply. Will 5 mg get me anywhere?
Due to the high presence of aromatase enzyme on the skin, a good % of the gel will convert to estrogen. It is easier to manage the estrogen conversion with an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on shots.
been on the patches for about 1 week. just wanted to update everyone... no significant difference as of yet, although none was expected this soon either. I leave for a hot hot trip in a few days. will let you know how i feel later if I have access to the internet.
Wanted to give another update. After getting back from my trip I discussed with my endo that the patches weren't staying on when I was sweating and I was concerned about not getting my full dose on the patch. He started me on 5mg androgel and I had taken that for a few weeks. Another lab was ordered and results are below

Wbc 5.6
Rbc 5.12
Hgb 15.1
Hct 42.6
MCV 83.2
McH 29.5
Mchc 35.4
Rdw 11.9
Platelets 215
Mpv 11.0. H
Neut 49.1
Lymph 35.4
Mono. 10.4. H
Eos 3.8
Baso 1.1. H
Ig. .2

Total test 117
Free test 37.7

Any reason why my testosterone went down further? He told me to double my androgel and we will do another lab in a few weeks.
Any insight on the high counts in my cbc

Just joined this forum, and I have a question for you. I have naturally low testosterone and have been on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) injections for 10 months (levels are in the middle of the normal range now). I'm really interested in joining the military but haven't been able to find somebody so far who is able to tell me if having low testosterone and needing testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) disqualifies me from service. If you don't mind telling me, what military service branch are you in?

Also, my doc said that normal male levels of estradiol are 25 and below, and I notice that yours were just over 25 when you had your original battery of testing. Mine were high too but have been going down steadily with weekly injections of testosterone. I'm currently on 150mg a week, and I'm feeling the best I've felt since early in high school. In great shape, have plenty of energy. I had to do a lot of research on this stuff when I started testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) so I know a fair bit about it. If you have any questions for me please just ask.
I don't know if you can come in the military while actively taking TRT. You would not be able to administer your meds during training at all from what I see. After entrance I'm sure you can start back up, but it would have to be through a military doc. You should ask a recruiter specifically for whatever branch you want to join. There are waivers for everything and some branches are really hurting for people.
Wanted to give another update. After getting back from my trip I discussed with my endo that the patches weren't staying on when I was sweating and I was concerned about not getting my full dose on the patch. He started me on 5mg androgel and I had taken that for a few weeks. Another lab was ordered and results are below

Wbc 5.6
Rbc 5.12
Hgb 15.1
Hct 42.6
MCV 83.2
McH 29.5
Mchc 35.4
Rdw 11.9
Platelets 215
Mpv 11.0. H
Neut 49.1
Lymph 35.4
Mono. 10.4. H
Eos 3.8
Baso 1.1. H
Ig. .2

Total test 117
Free test 37.7

Any reason why my testosterone went down further? He told me to double my androgel and we will do another lab in a few weeks.
Any insight on the high counts in my cbc

I'm thinking maybe the test gel was enough to shut down your natural production of test but not enough to raise your levels.

Thanks for the updates, keep us posted
Thanks for your service
updated test results

Total test 277 ng/dl
Free test 84.2 pg/m

This is while being on 10g of androgel daily for 14 days.
I left a message with my doc to hopefully get an update on where we are going.
Gel just converts to estrogen too much. Over time it gets worse. Injections are the only way to go. Even if gel didn't convert so much to estrogen, I would not want to feel good 4-5 hours out of the day waiting on applying it again. Then when you get a blast of it upon 2nd application at night you feel like an insomniac. But I tried it and felt nothing after like a week on it.
Doc got back to me. He said he is starting me on shots starting Monday. Didn't tell me a dose, but said we will do one shot every two weeks and run a blood test one week after second shot.
My dose is 200mg every two weeks of test enanthate. Took 1st shot today. Will update when I get next results in a few weeks

I'm sure others will chime in soon. It's great that he's willing to work with you but a shot every two weeks just doesn't seem ideal. maybe he'll change it after your blood test to more frequent shots.

I do 200mg of test cyp every 5 days
I will be interested to see what the test results will be 7 days after the second shot. I am looking for test levels after a shot on the internet but am having problems. How high do the levels typically go up after a shot(and how soon) and then how long does it take to go back down. Unfortunately many military docs are by the book and are skeptical to go away from that. I would just love to see my levels at a normal level soon. It would give me a huge sigh of relief.
brotherdan glad to see your safely back from your deployment. It's also good to see that your docs are moving forward with the injections.
The injections they have you on are far from ideal. I had similar issues when I started but the Military doc I went to wasn't up to speed on TRT. In my follow up visits I mentioned that days 3-6 I felt great and then would start to feel like shiat again.
Your best bet would be to get them to allow you to do your injections at home that way you can split the dose to 100mg/w. You could mention that because you may have to go on TD it would allow you the freedom of not having to find someone to inject you. Also if they do let you self inject, stick with your prescribed dose, that way you can work with the docs to get dialed in faster. More isn't always better.
If they won't do that, mention that you feel a real drop in the second week and feel terrible. Talk with your doc and tell him you have been doing a great deal of research and have found that weekly injections seem to have yeilded the best results.
Stick with it, you won't regret it. I'm coming up to 1 yr on TRT and can't believe the differnce
Best of luck and keep us posted.