Military and TRT

they are letting me inject at home, but i am going to follow doctor protocol exactly until I get a blood test result that both me and him are happy with. After that, I will discuss with him what might come up (i.e. high estro, and other test)
He really wants to just find out how to bring my test levels to a normal range because of the unsuccessful attempts with gel and patch therapy.
I hope i just get normal again. I have felt like doodoo since 2008.
It's good he's working with you.. Keep researching and hopefully he will respect your knowledge on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and take your recommendations.. Sounds like you have an open minded doctor.. EOW is a horrible rollercoaster.. I know from experience.. But, considering he is open minded I would do his protocol for a little bit just to prove to him that it's not working.. It won't! Then have him give you a script for a proper protocol.. I guess that's the game you have to play? Best of luck! Keep us posted
My doc has an idea of where he wants me to be testosterone wise. Once I get there we will discuss other things. I unfortunatly have to do things a certain way because he is bound by certain rules as well. The patches and gel were a must at first, because no way the head pharmacist would let him jump straight to shots without trying those first. And hcg won't happen until documentation of a lowering sperm count. I'm just gonna go with the flow and see how things work out. These forums he'll answer the questions I have in between appointments.
new labs

Test was done one week after second injection
Protocol is 200mg every 2 weeks

Total test 375ng/dl
Free test 121.4 Pg/ml

These numbers are upsetting. Don't know what to do. Doctor will hopefully call today.
Doctor called today to discuss my last results.
Said he is not happy with how little I went up for total testosterone. We discussed how all my symptoms still exist. He is changing my dose to 400mg every 2 weeks. I will have another shot on October 3rd, then one on the 17th. I will have follow up blood work on the 24th.
Doctor called today to discuss my last results.
Said he is not happy with how little I went up for total testosterone. We discussed how all my symptoms still exist. He is changing my dose to 400mg every 2 weeks. I will have another shot on October 3rd, then one on the 17th. I will have follow up blood work on the 24th.

If you start feeling shitty towards the end of the two weeks make sure you tell him. Ask if you can get 200mg every week instead.

Also make sure you report any high estrogen sides like tingly nipples or feeling really emotional. You'll probably need an AI

If your nuts start to shrink tell him you want some HCG

At least he's bumping you up
One of the reasons for the initial bloodwork was slight gyno I noticed out of the blue along with pain in my left nipple. He is hoping to eliminate the gyno with the therapy. I did ask him about taking it more frequently and he seemed very hesitant. As a military doctor I think he is bound to what the packet insert on the medication says. So my highest dose ever could be 400mg with a frequency of two weeks. and because I am military as well, I have to take my meds exactly as prescribed or I could face some consequences. He has a baseline for my sperm count and I will be taking a follow up test for the sperm count. If lowered, then i would start hcg. But without a lab showing the need for hcg, he cannot introduce that into my therapy.
One of the reasons for the initial bloodwork was slight gyno I noticed out of the blue along with pain in my left nipple. He is hoping to eliminate the gyno with the therapy. I did ask him about taking it more frequently and he seemed very hesitant. As a military doctor I think he is bound to what the packet insert on the medication says. So my highest dose ever could be 400mg with a frequency of two weeks. and because I am military as well, I have to take my meds exactly as prescribed or I could face some consequences. He has a baseline for my sperm count and I will be taking a follow up test for the sperm count. If lowered, then i would start hcg. But without a lab showing the need for hcg, he cannot introduce that into my therapy.

Has this diagnosis affected your "combat effectiveness" (ie Will they still deploy you?)

I know new recruits will not be accepted if they require regular medication such as Insulin and similar as it would be impossible to insure you get your meds in a combat zone.
Has this diagnosis affected your "combat effectiveness" (ie Will they still deploy you?)

I know new recruits will not be accepted if they require regular medication such as Insulin and similar as it would be impossible to insure you get your meds in a combat zone.

At first when they started talking about the therapy I was scared that I might not be able to deploy anymore and therefore not be of use and potentially kicked out. But, my doc has assured me that I am still "worldwide qualified" and will be able to perform my job while deployed and receive therapy at the same time. Diabetics receiving insulin is a different story due to the frequency of injections and irregularity of blood levels and insulin. I love deploying and I would be crushed is I could not. I would ignore therapy and reject it if I could not deploy.

EDIT: To expand on that, my doctor would send me with more than enough of my medication for a deployment.
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One of the reasons for the initial bloodwork was slight gyno I noticed out of the blue along with pain in my left nipple. He is hoping to eliminate the gyno with the therapy. I did ask him about taking it more frequently and he seemed very hesitant. As a military doctor I think he is bound to what the packet insert on the medication says. So my highest dose ever could be 400mg with a frequency of two weeks. and because I am military as well, I have to take my meds exactly as prescribed or I could face some consequences. He has a baseline for my sperm count and I will be taking a follow up test for the sperm count. If lowered, then i would start hcg. But without a lab showing the need for hcg, he cannot introduce that into my therapy.

Hey Bro,

I can't see 400mg/ EOW being any better. It just means more T will be converted to estrogen which will probably increase your gyno symptoms. Being in the military I followed my my initial protocol as directed (150mg/EOW). My levels were still low and was experiencing some gyno symptoms so when I went back to see the MO I mentioned that I did some research on my own and found that weekly injections would provide more stable levels. After consulting with the urologist she switched me over to 100mg weekly which I have maintained for the past year with great results. Remember, more T isn't always better and 400mg at one time is close to a cycle dose, although it is spead over a 2 week period. I think you would see far better results at 100 or 150mgs weekly vise your current dose. Mention to your MO that you would like to try more frequent dosing with lower amounts of test. This would decrease your gyno symptoms and stablize your test levels so you don't end up on an emotional roller coaster.
Also, keep a daily log to track how you are feeling and any symptoms between injections so when it comes time to see the Doc again you can address any issues you may be having.
Best of luck!
thanks Ratt. I will start keeping a log of any issues i am having and see if I can find any similarities in certain days(close or away from injection). When was talking to my Doc last, he said he really just wants to see me at a normal level 1 week after an injection, and that is the focus right now. I didn't go up at all with other forms(gel/patches) and barely went up with injection at 200mg. hopefully the next blood test (end of October) will be in better ranges.
Took my second 400mg shot on Monday, and should have a follow up blood test this coming Monday to see if I can even get my levels to a normal range with max allowable dose. Wish me luck.

If my levels do not go up significantly the doc said we might have to look into other options. What are the other options? I thoug the injections were the last resort.
Took my second 400mg shot on Monday, and should have a follow up blood test this coming Monday to see if I can even get my levels to a normal range with max allowable dose. Wish me luck.

If my levels do not go up significantly the doc said we might have to look into other options. What are the other options? I thoug the injections were the last resort.

Out of curiosity, what is your current protocol? Curious to learn of the engimatic other options here as well.
My current protocol is 400mg every two weeks. No additional meds. I should have additional bloodwork tomorrow to see what my current levels are on this protocol.
new blood results

Wbc 6.4
Rbc 5.43
HGB 16.1
HCT 46.8
MCV 86.2
MCH 29.7
MCHC 34.4
RDW 12.5
Platelets 223
MPV 10.7
Neut 49.0
Lymph 36.9
MONO 9.1
EOS 3.9
BASO 0.8
IG 0.3
Neut 3.11
LYmph 2.3

Testosterone panel
Total 1093

This is the first time my testosterone has been normal but my free testosterone is high. My doctor hasn't called me yet, so I don't know where we are going from here. Will he try to lower the free testosterone? Let me know what you guys think.
Hey Bro,

Did you your lab results come with ranges? If so you may want to post them.
How have you been feeling?
Any signs of gyno?

At 400mg every 2 weeks it doesn't surprise me that your levels are that high after one week. I would imagine that your levels 3 or 4 days after your shot would be much much higher, resulting in huge changes over a 2 week period.

When you go see the MO you should mention that you would like try more frequent (weekly) injections to stablize you levels and minimize any roller coaster effects you may be feeling. If you do weekly you may want to consider doing 150mg as a start point and see how you feel and what levels you're at a week after injecting.

My doc always does my blood work on the day of my injection to see my levels when they are at the low point. She is quite happy to see me in the mid to upper end of normal.

I know that being military you need to follow the MO's direction but if you aren't feel great let him/her know.

They did come with ranges, but I was using my phone in the hospital to post that message and it took fifteen minutes because I suck at using my phone. I will edit my post soon and put the reference ranges. I have a feeling my doc will lower my dose because of the high free test.
Otherwise I feel good, especially the first week, but get super tired and irritable the last week before the shot. It is to the point I get frustrated with people at work and people are noticing it. I just want to be done with dosing changes and blood test every two weeks. I just want to have a set protocol and be done.
No gyno symptoms, actually. Had a small bit before (hard lump) and it seems to have turned soft. Hopefully the doc will call next week and let me know course of action.
Thanks ratt for the responses
I'm sorry to hear that you're doing EOW shots. I know from experience the torture of waiting for that shot the last couple of days. It's really unnecessary! It makes you feel like a junkie waiting to get the next fix. It's just not healthy; mentally or physically. Somehow you need to get him to give you every week shots or better yet, self injecting every 5th day.
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the doctor wants to lower my dosage to 350 mg EOW. we will see how that goes. Next injection is monday and 7 days after, will take a blood test.
Dear Abby,

new blood test came in and yes, once again, I am confused

this test was done one week after an injection of Test E at 350 mg
Total Test 1190 High (300-1100)
Free Test 445 High (?- 250)

I believe I have gone up after lowering my dosage. He wants me to agin lower to 300mg. which was administered today and I will have a follow up blood test done next monday and will wait 7 days for the results.
Also, I took a sperm panel and it looks low compared to a starting point, I am trying to get my wife pregnant again, is there any way to prevent my sperm count from going so low? I have another sperm panel scheduled for next week that may determine if I start Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) therapy as well.

Any insight on any of this is greatly appreciated.

Sick and tired of being sick and tired