Military and TRT

Reading this thread i cant believe how stupid the author and his doctor were. The guy would risk gyno and all other serious issues with estradiol just to be "within the rules" lol thats ridiculous. And the guy would rather sweat all night for 90 days than read some topics on the forum and discover that u can take hcg along with test and have a child.
I would never risk my health just to follow some stupid rules.
And 400mg injection without monitoring e2 and without an ai, thats stupidity on another level

Following the rules has never been a stupid choice for me. When you are in my line of work with a certain clearance level, if you so much as take nyquil without the knowledge and approval of your doctor, you will be dishonorably discharged and lose all benefits. So which one is the stupid route? Additionally, even with HCG and Test some go completely sterile like myself. I get to choose to be on male birth control for the rest of my life or cycle off and after 90 days can again have kids. It is hell for those 90 days and sweating all night sucks, but when you see your baby born right in front of you, it is all worth it.

For anyone still lurking, I am still on a weekly dose but much lower because my Free was high but total was normal, they have since sent me to another location stateside and I will be meeting with another doctor soon. If there are any military brothers with questions about my process, please let me know as that is what this thread is now for.
I am active duty Navy and currently stationed were there is no Military medical facility. I use a civilian PCM. I just started TRT and am on 100mg/ week but am doing the twice a week of 50mg. I have another 2 years at my current station before I transfer but curious to how the military docs will react when I go to a new duty station.

To note, during the process of blood work and diagnosing I also did a sleep study and diagnosed with sleep apnea. With the knowledge I do have after 14 years of service, I'm sure out will all be a nightmare unless I get lucky.
I am active duty Navy and currently stationed were there is no Military medical facility. I use a civilian PCM. I just started TRT and am on 100mg/ week but am doing the twice a week of 50mg. I have another 2 years at my current station before I transfer but curious to how the military docs will react when I go to a new duty station.

To note, during the process of blood work and diagnosing I also did a sleep study and diagnosed with sleep apnea. With the knowledge I do have after 14 years of service, I'm sure out will all be a nightmare unless I get lucky.

I PCS'd recently and the only thing about my TRT that is different is that my current PCM felt like sending to an off base Doctor because they did not feel confident enough to deal with my particular issues. Still taking a shot weekly of 100mg, and all bloodwork(every6 months) is good to go. I am 34 now and honestly I am in the best shape of my life physically and mentally now.
I PCS'd recently and the only thing about my TRT that is different is that my current PCM felt like sending to an off base Doctor because they did not feel confident enough to deal with my particular issues. Still taking a shot weekly of 100mg, and all bloodwork(every6 months) is good to go. I am 34 now and honestly I am in the best shape of my life physically and mentally now.

Diggin up bones.