Mister69's Log

tues 6\21

flat wide grip pause bench- 270lbs 1x6, 1x5(failed on 6th)
close grip- 245lbs 1x9, 1x10
hammer strength flat db press- 100's 2x10 had more in me but no heavier db's
military- 1x9 175lbs
heavy ab cable crunches 90lbs on rack 2x20
hanging knee raises 4x25

legs are killing me to be honest, but hey they are my worst part so thatis good.
Was worrying a bit about post workout meal\shakes this late, but f*ck it my muscles need the carbs so, this is how it looks

gatorade\3 scoops of true protein....then a bit after pasta w\tuna or meat.

have been doing 2 scoops of whey but hey more protein the better.
mister69 said:
tues 6\21

flat wide grip pause bench- 270lbs 1x6, 1x5(failed on 6th)
close grip- 245lbs 1x9, 1x10
hammer strength flat db press- 100's 2x10 had more in me but no heavier db's
military- 1x9 175lbs
heavy ab cable crunches 90lbs on rack 2x20
hanging knee raises 4x25

legs are killing me to be honest, but hey they are my worst part so thatis good.
Was worrying a bit about post workout meal\shakes this late, but f*ck it my muscles need the carbs so, this is how it looks

gatorade\3 scoops of true protein....then a bit after pasta w\tuna or meat.

have been doing 2 scoops of whey but hey more protein the better.

thats hammer grip not hammer strength db presses. :D
should i be able to rack pull as much or more than my actual deads?

6/23 Thurs

rack pulls just below the knee 1x8 365lbs completed w\straps
1x4 400lbs completed w\straps

pull thrus 70lbs on rack 2x10
bent over rows- 315lbs 2x8 w\straps completed
narrow reverse grip pulldowns - 1 pin below the rack 2x8 completed
bb curls wide grip 1x12 115 completed
hammer curls- 80lbs db's 1x9
rear delt work on an incline bench- 2x20 20lbs db's
hanging knee raises 4x20
heavy ab cable crunches 90lbs on rack 2x20

Couple guys at my gym were like you shuld really wear a belt with weight like that......as they were doing some pinky curls :-/

Sux cause this gym only has a squat rack and no power rack, but i make sure i make it happen and did rack pulls off a bench...whatever it takes. Cheated today at one of my meals and ate SUSHI about 12 rolls mmmm..
I can def go up on bent over rows but dont want to loose form. As for rack pulls ...wow i beat last rack pulls #'s real nicely. I was going to go for more weight on my last set, but felt it was wrong to rack pull as much as i pull deads... Seems my back is making some nice progress.

Oh yeah i am prob going to cheat on some sushi alot this weekend as much as i can i guess i am hooked :-0

squat still stuck

6/27 mon

squats-1x8 325 (got 7 reps)

1x4 365lbs (got 3)

leg press -1x20 10 plates (took off the 20lbs just cause i wanted to complete it almost as a straight set)
got 16 then climbed to 20 reps

gm's- 145lbs 2x10

heavy abs-90lbs cable crunches 2x20

calves-150lbs on the standing calf machine 1x12

tryed something a bit different, just at the bottom got a nice stretch counted for a few then exploded up then decended slolwy did about 12 reps...man that burned 150lbs on the standing calf machine 1x12

squats havent moved at all still, but hey still gotta keep eating and keep my head high.

bought some green tea w\ginseng hope that wil help with the fat burning, still not sure how many bags to drink per day and if it will not agree with my creatine , if someone can give me a heads up in this that would be great.

today when i got to the gym took a crate and did some box squats just to get the feel, wide stance.....MAN THOSE FELT GREAT! GREAt to say i am obsessed with legs.....i love squats and deads and all that great stuff.
hey better that then like curls :-0

off to eat lots
mister69 said:
6/27 mon

squats-1x8 325 (got 7 reps)

1x4 365lbs (got 3)

leg press -1x20 10 plates (took off the 20lbs just cause i wanted to complete it almost as a straight set)
got 16 then climbed to 20 reps

gm's- 145lbs 2x10

heavy abs-90lbs cable crunches 2x20

calves-150lbs on the standing calf machine 1x12

tryed something a bit different, just at the bottom got a nice stretch counted for a few then exploded up then decended slolwy did about 12 reps...man that burned 150lbs on the standing calf machine 1x12

squats havent moved at all still, but hey still gotta keep eating and keep my head high.

bought some green tea w\ginseng hope that wil help with the fat burning, still not sure how many bags to drink per day and if it will not agree with my creatine , if someone can give me a heads up in this that would be great.

today when i got to the gym took a crate and did some box squats just to get the feel, wide stance.....MAN THOSE FELT GREAT! GREAt to say i am obsessed with legs.....i love squats and deads and all that great stuff.
hey better that then like curls :-0

off to eat lots

10 bags a day will do ya nicely. i usually drink three of four glasses a day with 3 bags each.

wanna switch up your squat routine?
tues 6\28

-flat pause bench-2x6 @270lbs completed gonna up to 275 next week
-close grip- 2x10 @245lbs failed on the 10th of both setse
-hammer strength flat db's- 100lbs db's 2x10 need heavier db's
-military- 1x9 175lbs

heavy abs 2x20 cable crunches 90lbs

hanging knee raises 10x20

drank 10 bags of green tea today pissed alot lolol.
felt good at the gym legs are shot from yesterday.
gonna go drink my post workout shake 80grams of carbs\46 grams of protein.
then gonna eat, then take my ZMA and pass the F*ck out.
thurs 6/30

deads 355 1x8
405 1x4

pull thrus- 90lbs on rack 2x10
bent over bb rows- 315 2x8
narrow grip reverse pulldowns- 2x8 1 pin below entire rack
bb curls wide grip 1x12 120 completed
hammer curls- 80lbs db's 1x8
rear delt work on an incline bench- 2x20 20lbs db's
hanging knee raises 10x20
heavy ab cable crunches 90lbs on rack 2x20

completed my #'s on deads :-0 now time to get serious and start eating even more...... :afro:
bubba all your numbers are going up. very nice

try some 20 reppers on squats for a month or so then go back to 1x8, 1x4.

1 set is all you need.
20 reppers today

6\5 tues

squats- warmed up real light then off to 20 reps wasnt sure what weight so played it by ear

195lbs 1x20 completed it with a straight set had a couple left in me so i should have gone heavier, but like i said i never did these so next weeek i will dial in a higher number

leg press 2x10 7 plates +80lbs didnt rest much between this sets and the squat sets cause i know that my 20 rep squat numbers were still getting dialed in since it was first week doin them.

gm's 2x10 145

calves 1x12 on leg press getting a nice stretch durring the negative and decneding for 5 seconds (3 plates + 75lbs)

heavy ab weighted crunches cable crunches 2x20 90lbs, 100lbs

all in all pretty goood workout, felt different gonig for reps and not resting between leg press sets, my legs are fatigued and i am looking foward for next leg day to put more weight on the bar.

after eating non stop cheese burgers over the holiday weekend, not to mention half a lemon marange pie yesterday... and not mapping out my meals at all i am back on track today.

My workout schedule is gonna be different this week cuase of some things so its gonns look like this

wed- martial arts
sat- back\hams

also got a slight case of sore elbows but it comes and goes, might have to go get some glucosomine and msm...any suggestions can be taken...thanks guys

off to eat :-0
:rolleyes: :)
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well the thing is with gm's is that i am really just focusing on form, so i havent been eager to raise the weight. I will bump up the weight slowly these next few weeks......or i can just throw in some sldl's...

what yuo think pullin?
bump up the weight. you just messing around on them. =0l

with your squat and dead 225ish should be where you at for 10s. add 20/w til you get there and then lets see how its going.
ok will add 20 lbs a week till iget there....thanks for the heads up guess its time to stop playin around :)

pullinbig said:
bump up the weight. you just messing around on them. =0l

with your squat and dead 225ish should be where you at for 10s. add 20/w til you get there and then lets see how its going.
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

1 hour session

starting to train again 1-2 times a week since i now have wrestling mats in my basement
7/8 thurs

flat pause bench 275lbs 2x6 completed gonna up the wieght next week
close grip - 250lbs 2x10 (1x9, 1x8)
hammer strength db flat- 2x10 100's
military -175lbs 1x8 shoulders were fryed at 8 and i failed out

abs 2x20 cable crunches 95lbs
10x20 hanging knee raises

jumped on the scale and i am at 187ish(my goal is 200lbs for now,then once i get there 220 etc etc etc) weird how i was low-mid 190's in the winter when i was bulking with fast food etc.....then now i changed up to clean foods and my strength is up and my weight is down a bit...guess i am getting shreddded or something.

i started to allow myself one cheat meal on wed's (sushi or wendy's) and one cheat meal on sat's i am a lean guy anyway so this has been working well.

gonna throw away this damn scale and go by the mirror and my log book.

think its time to go get some fish oil\glucosomine \msm for my joints got some sore elbows.

went to tgi fridays for a nice 12 oz steak w\potatoes tonight after my workoot and my 45 grams of protein\80grams of carbs mix :)

all takes time and i am patient
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what is "hammer strength db flat"?

you know how many guys would kill to lose weight and gain strength?

sushi is not a cheat meal, thats heaven mmmmmmmm mmmmm mmmmmmm