Mister69's Log

GT will help to keep water off you. plus its just plain healthy to injest. you may wanna try the caps of green tea if its bothering you. you frst one i heard say that. wonder if its the caffine. coffee bother you?

your numbers steady moving up. thats all you can ask for. how long has it been now since you started this kinda training?
well its decaf green tea i am drinking.
Man i wish i could get away with drinkin those 10 bags daily :-(
mabey tabs can be fine but i like the taste of green tea Plus i always have it at home.

I dont drink coffee.

Its been about last december (2004), since i got smart and followed your good routine with low volume, but i know that eating and rest plays a big role and honetstly my friends are terrified as to how much i eat and how i always walk arouind with water or a protein shake.

i keep it basic, i eat ever 2-3 hours drink 1-2 gallons water a day , take a multi, drink my whey to get me to 2grams\lb of body weight, and throw in some creatine and i am good to go...and oh yeah forgot the bigegest part FORCEFEEDING :-0

- might be throwing in some ALA with meals or shakes and taking some fish oil for joints(efa's) and i am good to go
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mister69 said:
well its decaf green tea i am drinking.
Man i wish i could get away with drinkin those 10 bags daily :-(
mabey tabs can be fine but i like the taste of green tea Plus i always have it at home.

I dont drink coffee.

Its been about last december (2004), since i got smart and followed your good routine with low volume, but i know that eating and rest plays a big role and honetstly my friends are terrified as to how much i eat and how i always walk arouind with water or a protein shake.

i keep it basic, i eat ever 2-3 hours drink 1-2 gallons water a day , take a multi, drink my whey to get me to 2grams\lb of body weight, and throw in some creatine and i am good to go...and oh yeah forgot the bigegest part FORCEFEEDING :-0

- might be throwing in some ALA with meals or shakes and taking some fish oil for joints(efa's) and i am good to go

i take cod liver oil daily. about 3 tablespoons.
yeah i may just drink as much green tea as my stomach can handle.

Cant wait to squat on monday.

As for chest\delt\tri day i may(not sure yet) just drop the close grip bench (even though my #'s were moving up well) and go with push downs to help elbows. As for the rest i am gonna keep the 1x10 of shoulder press and keep the hammer grip at 100's and up the reps to 2x12 cause that is the heaviest db's we got.

other than that i am gonna wrap my elbows as usual and hope the left shoulder feels good and then I AM GOOD TO PUSH SOME HEAVY IRON.

squats- 1x20 @ 225 lbs (17+3 rest pause)

leg press- 1x5 (12 plates) rest paused untill got to 10
dropped the weight to 10 plates and banged out another 10 straight set

gm's- 1x10,1x7 @225 lbs (i used the squat rack with the saftey bars there ..although the saftey bars are below the navel i just had my spotter be there for me and watch form

seated calves- 1x12 2 plates+10lbs

abs - on decline bench 2x20 holding a 25lbs weight with my arms extened out to the ceiling ...HURT!
1x50 crunches
2x20 hanging knee raises

All in all good workout..still adjusting to the weight with gm's but doing well.(damn do my abs work hard for those also) Not sure how much longer gonna stay with 20 rep squats, but obviously making strength gains. As for leg press those 12 plates were tough but rest pause made it even harder.

My buddy has told me that my legs have grown lots and he has seen great improvements (good thing cuase my legs are my weakness especially these small ass calves)

Got chest\delts\tris tomorrow hope that my elbow and left shoulder stay how they have been for the past week cause they feel good. (hope my flax seed caps and glucosomine sulfate and ALA comes in the mail one of these days)

Off to eat ..got some rice with chicken to eat

Drank 6 bags of green tea and stomach felt good ..surprised bout it. :goof:
flat pause bench- 2x6 280lbs (goign to up next week)
hammer grip db press- 2x10 100lbs db's
v tricep pushdowns- 120lbs on rack 2x7 (wanted 10 but that is all i had in me)
military-1x10 175lbs (going to up next week)

decline situps 2x20 with 25 lbs to my chest
hanging knee raises 4x25
crunches 1x50

Good workout hit my numbers on flat, not going to change my pause bench at all cause #'s are climbing and cant wait to go back to regular flat and put 315 on the bar for 2x5 :-0

Didnt do close grip cause my elbows, even though i would love to keep doing them cause they were climbing, mabey its a better and safer call for the pushdowns.

Pushdowns felt ok still hurt my elbows but this time a lot less since i ahve be icing and taking 400mg of ib profen daily and wrapping my elbows.

I am going to order glucosomine sulfate w\ or w\out MSM and take those before and after workouts and hope to solve this problem. I took msm by itself last november and it helped my joints lots..

I am stuffed just went out to eat and had 12 oz ny strip w\potato wedges :)
7\28 thurs

-deads-1x8 365lbs only got 6
1x4 415lbs got all reps!

-pullthrus- 110lbs 2x10 got that lean down

-seated rows- 2x8 230lbs,240lbs (going to up it next week)
-narrow grip reverse pulldowns- 250lbs 2x7

-rear delt work- 2x20

-heavy ab cable crunches- 2x20 100lbs

post workout shake looked like this- 100grams of carbs\46 grams of protein and 100mg of ALA usually i use gatorade mix, but used cranberry juice today. mmmmm

well just jumped on the scale and i am 183.5(on a digital scale here at home) thats a lot lighter than i thought i would be. In the dead of winter when i was eating like an offseason lee priest i got up to 193lb or at least what the scale at my college gym said.. who knows. But whatver i am strongest i have ever been so screw what the scale says....

off to eat :)
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yeah i kept it pretty simple PB...i just stuck to clean foods durring the summer but lots of clean foods peanut butter, eggs, tuna, chicken,steak,oats, brown rice, salads, etc.. and carbign up before and after workouts and on non workout days just having a carb cutoff at aroun 7 or8pm and of course my cheat day on sunday to eat cake and icecream lol.

This next full out bulk starts september 1st-january 1st then start clean bulking jan-summer '06. My buddy's hate me cause they say i have the "genetics" to do this... But honeslty my goals never stop so i always want to be bigger and stronger. SO this "formula" seems to alow me to keep gaining strenght size durring summer and warm months ...

I have a small frame casue i was always a skinny guy as is the rest of my family. Sometimes poeple dont beleive me that i am 185ish cause they are like i thought you were lighter cause of how "rippeed" you are. I cant change my frame, but one thing is for sure i can add more muscle to that small frame.
ANd clearly since the last 8 or 9 months I ahve gained the most weight in my entire lifting history (must be all that low volume stuff pb has sugested ..oh wait yeah it is that and force feeding)
well tonight is leg day and i have done 4 weeks of 20 reppers to hopefully get my #'s movin.

Now its back to my old 1x8, 1x4 with squats

just not sure about a few things.

I had a few things in mind

1)squats 1x8,1x4
1x20 leg press
prostrerior as usual 2x10
2)squats 1x8, 1x4
box squats 2x5
prosterior 2x10
3) squats 1x8, 1x4
front squats 2x5

THe first option is what pb set me up with and i have stuck to for a long time and i swear by it(and i am a firm bilever of riding a routine till yuo come to a complete hault in strenght gains, but i wasnt moving up in weighjt about 1 moths ago.
My goals are just to ahve tree trunks :)

Any advice is welcome guys

try the front squat variation for a change. but id make it 1 x 10 to near failure. you can go 2x5 or 2x6 on squats as well. one thing about reining is that you have the rest of your life to play with this stuff. after the initial gains slow/stop everyone reacts different t training protocols. i adjust my routine all the time. rareyl go over 4 weeks on the same movemtns/reps/sets/weight. someassitance work ma be fairly constant but the core movemetns need to be altered.
slight modifications to my routines are fine, but keeping the base of my workouts to flat bench \deads or variations\and squats i hope to keep growing. Thanks pullinbig

i will do this workout

squats 2x5
fronts 1x10
gm;s 2x10

it seems as if my muscles only requier slight changes here and there wheather it be 4 or 8 weeks but once i make that slight change i get moving once again.

gonna go muscle downs me some pasta and meat :)
monday 8\1

squats- 355lbs 1x5,1x6 assisted on the 6th rep
front squats-1x9 225lbs
gm's-2x10 225 lbs
calves-1x12 standing calf machine 200lbs
cable crunches-2x20 100lbs
hanging knee raises-1x25

Front squats choked the hell out of me, but it was all worth it, next week i want to see if my legs can get away with 2x10 but we will see , just dont want to overtrain. Squats in general felt heavy as shit cause i was used to going for reps this past month so next week i will nail the #'s as my body will be used to it. ON regular squats i just had to re- position the bar a few times but finally got it in the right spot. Great leg workout overall
8/2 tues

flat pause bench-285 2x3 (wrists hurt like a mofo need wrist wraps)

close grip bench- 2x10 250lbs
hammer grip db press- 100's 2x10

military-1x10 180lbs

anyone know where i can get cheap reliable wrist wraps cause my wrists are killing durring chest\delt\tri day
rack pulls- 1x8 385lbs
1x4 425lbs

pull thrus- 110lbs 1x10, 120lbs 1x10

seated cable rows- 2x8 250lbs

narrow grip reverse pulldowns- 1x8, 1x7 250lbs

standing bb curls- 1x9+3 115lbs

hammer db curls- 65lbs 1x12

heavy abs cable crunches- 2x20 90lbs

hanging knee raises-4x25


Forgot to get that 2x20 of rear delt work but its ok. First time doing curls in a while, they felt pretty good, but i dont really care for curls because they arent what gets my arms big...compounds are .

Starting to map out my heavy bulker starting sept 1st..still on the fence as to what i should do...I was thinking of sticking to what i am doing now and just eat a ton of clean food, but i am an ecto and need to put on more weight. So mabey i may jsut do waht i did last winter and untilize my college biffet for the meals i get and just alow some pizza, cheeseburgers and lots of whole milk :) but i will make sure to keep green tea up to aid in fatloss and have a carb cutoff of something like 6pm or so. And keep cardio at 2x\week (Martial arts) I am 184ish now and strenght is great actually i have never been this strong! so i hope to get to 198is(i would love to walk around at 220lbs but in time i keep telling myself) by jan1st then shed a few from there to get a little tighter round the abs and walk around next spring at a net gain of 10 or so lbs(i am 5'10) of lean muslce mass. But who knows mabey i will get even more gains....I got it in me so alls i gotta do is eat big and keep lifting big.
Still on the fence though got another month to decide :)

Most of my days i eat the same stuff at the same times...
420-429grams of protein
400g of carbs on workout day
140g of fat
4700cals give or take if fitday is off a bit, but hey i stik to what i know works for my body

protein is my # 1 cocnern always
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you pretty much got it dialed at this point. if you want to add some weight keep the carbs up on off days as well, that'll help. pizza and whole milk will do it too. that makes the bbers cringe. =0)