Most hated exercise

Damn, I don't know. 20 rep squats come in first place.

Deadlifts are one of my favorites, HOWEVER.... I look forward to them all week, then when I have that bar loaded up at my feet I tend to pace around and want to be somewhere else.
I enjoy all the exercises that I do.

Here's what I do:

Chins W Grip
Inclined Bench
Lying Side Laterals
Calf Raises
DB Pullover
Inclined Hammers
DB Curls
Upright Rows
Bent Over Rows
Cable Crunches
i HATE squats... i've avoided them so long that now i have to push extra hard while doing it, simply to catch up. other than that i dont think theirs anything i really hate
hornedfrogsAT said:
I hate squats. They are a necessary evil though.

Same here.

Me and squats have a love/hate relationship. The weights in the 5x5 keep moving up, and I'm getting closer and closer to puking after that last rep each week.
hornedfrogsAT said:
I hate squats. They are a necessary evil though.

id have to agree with squats... is there any other excercise that makes u want to puke and pass out anymore than this one?
Snatch-grip Deads off the box and Bulgarian Split-Squats are my current faves right now. But I've been getting psyched about upper back training lately more than I used to as well.
Honestly, there's no workout that i HATE doing. I used to hate doing legs, but now i look forward to each day that i go to the gym and if there's an exercise that i'm not very strong in, then i look forward to getting stronger in it.