MT2 Before and After. My Log lol

Blah sweet what ever next you will be walkin around with a dot on your forhead! Do they do that? LOL
I don't even understand why it's funny.

Hot Tub Time Machine reference.

Good luck Sassy! Maybe have a straight up talk about going slower. If it works out, he seems like he has good morals and has had a decent upbringing.
Aww. Its so funny. Us girls want a guy that pays attention and thinks about us, the moment we find someone who does just that... we think they are weird. lol
Awww lol damn. I thought it was a little weird but still had a small thought of Aww that was sweet.

No seriously, it's weird. If he was a confident person he'd have made sure you got hom ok and left it at that maybe waited a day before checkin in to see if you wanted to meet up again. Calling 1st thing in the morning is borderline stalker, next thing you know he'll just happen to be waiting around your work and ask if he can take you to lunch and next thing you know he's got you locked in the bottom of a hole in a secret room in his basement and he's spraying you with a hose...
Sounds like a great guy to me.....likes what he has and wants it... If somthing is bothering you talk to him..let him know
seems to be a nice guy?sounds a bit like a control freak in 3rd gear to me.
my daughter used to go out with a guy like that,i could not stand the fact that he checked constantly on her and always had a bad feel about it.turned out i was right,the sad thing was that she got really hooked there for a while,could not see the wall she was heading for.she thought she was in heaven,till soon enough she started changing habits coz he didn't like some of her all went upshitcreek from my baby girl went back to europe to have distance from the whole thing,and thank good it works,i'm glad she took my advice.sadly i only see her on skype now
No seriously, it's weird. If he was a confident person he'd have made sure you got hom ok and left it at that maybe waited a day before checkin in to see if you wanted to meet up again. Calling 1st thing in the morning is borderline stalker, next thing you know he'll just happen to be waiting around your work and ask if he can take you to lunch and next thing you know he's got you locked in the bottom of a hole in a secret room in his basement and he's spraying you with a hose...
Lmao. Bro you said that to perfect for it to be false!! What do you do on your off time? Lol jk.

Realness I want to try this stuff.
LOL @ PB and b_saan

Yeah he called me at 12:30 last night (I was sleeping) just to see what I was up to, lol. Ok I admit, it's getting a little creepy. It's not like we are having long convos or anything. It's more of a "Hey, what are you up to?" Then "ok, Gimme a call when you wake up." There is no talk about anything else over the phone so it's kind of like he is just checking up on me. Mind you we have only hung out 2 times. Grr. I will let it go a few more days and see what's up and if he is just checking up on me then I will not answer anymore. I don't really know how to ask him about it. On the upside, he hasn't called me this morn or texted so maybe he was drunk dialing me last night? lol I don't know what to think about that either. A little early for that as well.

Where the hell are the normal meatheads at? Is there such a thing? Or are these all the types of guys who are extreme? Extreme muscles, extreme dieting, extreme dating? lol
I will be pinning my 3rd MT2 shot today and tanning 6 minutes. I am already to the point where I am comfortable wearing shorts without being self conscious of my white legs (cuz they are a little tan!) Today is supposed to be a freezing (haha) 84 degrees so I am dressed all summery. My coworkers were laughing at the princess coming into work at 10am all dressed for summer. haha
4 days after starting the Melanotan II. Have pinned and tanned 3 days of the 4. Not bad, def seeing a big difference.


Still nauseated after about an hour of pinning. I don't get flushed anymore.