Days 27-31 (only 5 days this time!)
Alright, I do have a lot to report here, and things are going really well except for the vision sides going on with s-4. I am going to touch base on that a little bit first as I am switching it up a bit here this week, the sides have won the battle with me. I really have tried to just weather through them, but I guess I am one of the few who it affects more than others and I will now have to go to the 5 on/2 off dosing schedule. I will finish off this week until Friday, and then take Saturday and Sunday off. I am on my last bottle of s-4, but still have plenty of MK-2866 left to finish up with. My strength is now really starting to pick up, and it really is incredible because I do my cardio and weights fasted and I am pushing the weight fairly well for cutting. I weighed in on Monday at 222, but am getting leaner in my lower back, obliques, and midsection, as well as other areas where I am seeing more definition. I posted a couple of photos, but the Droid camera and lighting at the gym sucks, so cant see the definition I am seeing.
I am going to touch a little bit more on the vision sides as I would like for all who is following my log to know how dramatic the sides can get. As I stated in my last write up, there were a couple of nights where I was woken up in the middle of the night to go into work on an emergency call (water main break and tree fallen into the roadway). While driving it took a while for my eyes to adjust, and it kind of made me nervous, so I recommend not driving at all if experiencing vision sides while taking s-4. Uniquemicals products are legit, and for the price you cannot beat them IMO. SO the past few nights I have woke up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and all I would see were dark black blotches in front of me, then when I would get to the bathroom and trun on the lights, yellow, yellow, yellow. I also get up at 4 am to go to the gym, and yes I have to drive about 5 minutes to the gym, which isn***8217;t too bad, but it is now time for me to see if I can get them under control for the next 4 weeks. I really want to ramp up with shredding and am going to tweak my calories down a bit to 2300 on training days, and 1800 non-training days to see if I can get down to 215. The only day I have issues with is leg day, so I may add just a quick carb meal prior to training, doing legs fasted and heavy is rough! I need to work on my legs, they need some size, just stubborn, long muscles.
So here are some of my workouts from the past few days
Sunday (Day 27) Back Biceps:
Close Grip Pulldown: 5 sets/1 warm up, (20/15/12/10/8) reps), 120/140/180/200/220 lbs
Bent over BB Rows: 4 sets (10/10/8/8), 135/185/225/245 lbs
Trap bar Dedz: 4 sets (10 reps), 225/315/365/405 lbs
Straight arm Pulldowns: 4 sets (12/10/10/10), 100/110/120/130 lbs
TRX Rows: 4 sets (bodyweight), 12 reps
Barbell Curls: 4 sets (15/12/10/10), 85/105/125/130
Low Cable Rope Curls: 4 sets, (10/10/8/8), 140/160/180/200
One Arm Preacher curls: 4 sets, (10 reps), 60/70/80/90
50 min cardio on treadmill 3.8 @ 10%
Monday (Day 28) Legs Claves:
Extentions: 4 sets, (20/15/12/10), 100/140/180/220
Seated Squats: 4 sets, (12/12/10/10 reps) 245/335/425/515 lbs
Leg Press: 6 sets, (12/10/8/8/8/8 reps), 565/745/925/1015/1105/1105 lbs
Front Squats: 4 sets, (10 reps), 135/135/155/175 lbs
Standing Calf: 4 sets, (20/15/12/12 reps), 280/330/380/430 lbs.
Calf Press Hammer Strength: 4 sets, (12 reps), 180/270/360/360 lbs.
Tuesday (Day 29) OFF
Wednesday (Day 30) Shoulders & Traps:
Smith Machine Military Press: 5 sets/1 warm up, (20/12/10/10/8 reps), 135/185/225/245/255, drop to 185 for set of 15
Low Cable Side Laterals: 4 sets (15/12/10/8), 30/35/40/45 lbs
Low Cable Front Rope Raises: 4 sets (10 reps), 60/80/100/110 lbs
Wide Grip Upright Rows: 4 sets, (10 reps), 50/60/70/80 lbs
50 min cardio on treadmill 4.0 @ 6%
Thursday (Day 31) Chest & Triceps:
Hammer Strength Flat Bench: 4 sets, (20/12/10/10), 200/290/340/360 lbs
Incline Low Cable Flys: 4 sets, (12/10/8/8), 50/60/70/80 lbs
Incline DB Palms in: 4 sets, (10/10/8/6), 70/75/80/85 lbs
Dips: 4 sets, (12 reps) BW
Skull Crushers: 4 sets, (12/10/8/8 reps), 95/115/1355/145 lbs
Tricep V-bar Pushdowns: 4 sets, (15/12/10/8), 100/130/160/180 lbs
Close Grip Pushups: 2 sets, (15 reps), BW
45 min cardio on treadmill 4.0 @ 6%
Tomorrow morning I have Back/Bis/Cardio, and took the day off of work so I have a nice 4day weekend! Spend tomorrow with my wife who I rarely see any more due to work schedules, and just chill. My eyes are so f*cking with me at the moment, I went to the store earlier to grab coffee***8230;all is a nice shade of yellow, but everything seems surreal***8230;like in a dream state. I will dose tomorrow and OFF Saturday & Sunday. The shredding is coming along really well, that is why I am just dealing with the vision sides***8230;but enough is enough. I am going to get to bed here, typing too long and eyes are burning!