My experience with Testim gel

Was using gels for a few years. Switched to injections, and it is sooooo much better.

No need to worry about:

- two daily applications
- mess
- getting it on others
- not absorbing
I've done Androgel, testim, and compounding pharmacy formulas. Compounded CREAM formulas are better than gels in my opinion. But then I suppose there are variables galore with that sort of mix. The fact is, if you've the insurance (or cash) to really get serious about bloodwork,
you have the freedom to make up some very great mixtures that can address your individual wants and needs.

Fact is, I've been free of doctors for about 1 1/2 years now- by necessity actually. Can't afford them any more (USA). I've been using a great 5% Aussie formula (it's legal in Australia) that is a scrotal application cream. Best so far. HOWEVER.....

The time has come for injections. Somehow even the best rub-on formulas lose their punch after a while. Could just be me, or it could be a matter of absorbtion and/or adaptability.

By the way, how the hell Testim's odor could POSSIBLY be described as pleasant or compared to cologne is WAY beyond me. Come on man- it smells terrible! A woman would have to be bonkers to find it alluring. I always assumed that the stench was caused by an added ingredient which somehow improved skin permeabilty, as there is no way in hell that "scent" would be added to make it more marketable. The most casual internet search will yield complaint after complaint about the stink of the stuff. Cologne, it is not! Beside that drawback is the added problem of having to wait for it to dry after applying before you can put on a shirt.
WARNING NEVER apply alcohol based gels to scrotum!!!
Everywhere I go chicks like it.

It smells like alcohol when you first put it on. I wear Nautica Voyage cologne over it. Girls constantly comment on how good I smell. :wtf:
It smells like alcohol when you first put it on. I wear Nautica Voyage cologne over it. Girls constantly comment on how good I smell. :wtf:

That's the first time I've heard it smells like alcohol.....If your cologne covers it peeps must be able to smell you a half block away...but to each his own.

Like i stated.....if it weren't for the stench i would buy your product
It's not my product.

I don't care if you use it or not. It works okay for me, but it might totally suck for someone else. I wear two or three sprays of Nautica Voyage cologne, and every time I go out, chicks tell me I smell good. I get lots of hugs. Who knows. Maybe it's the cologne. I think Testim just smells like rubbing alcohol until it's rubbed in, then I can't smell it anymore. Nobody has ever told me it stinks. My friends wouldn't spare my feelings. They'd tell me straight up that I smell like shit.
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I don't care if you use it or not. It works okay for me, but it might totally suck for someone else. I wear two or three sprays of Nautica Voyage cologne, and every time I go out, chicks tell me I smell good. I get lots of hugs. Who knows. Maybe it's the cologne. I think Testim just smells like rubbing alcohol until it's rubbed in, then I can't smell it anymore. Nobody has ever told me it stinks. My friends wouldn't spare my feelings. They'd tell me straight up that I smell like shit.
ok...I'm glad Testim is odorless for you :)
...congrats on the chicks and the hugs
When I first got diagnosed for low test, the urologist gave me patches. They were horrible. Then he prescribed Testim. I don't recall if it was 1 or 2 tubes...but my levels actually dropped! So I went on injections - but they were monthly and my rollercoaster of highs and lows for a year were horrible. Now I'm on Androgel - 10mg a day. It's a nice consistent feeling although my levels are somewhat low (300-400). I don't know what's next.
Testim after Sauna?

Testm really has not done a whole lot for me and I am not sure if I actually need it, considering every single health Insurance denies me. It is very aggrivating! It is actually my dads script.

Anyways, I am thinking that applying testim after the sauna and after drying off swet could drastically effect the amount of testosterone that actually enters your blood stream.

What is your thoughts on this?
Testim stinks!

I have read two pages of comments regarding Testim and I can't believe anyone would say that girls like this smell! I came across this website and forum while looking for something to replace the Testim because my son and wife are ready to throw me out of the house unless I discontinue using Testim BECAUSE OF THE SMELL. I have to admit, it gives me a headache and seems to last all day! I have been using Testim now for four days and just couldn't get myself to apply it this morning because of the smell. I will have to call my PCP to get something else. Does Androgel smell this horrible!?!?!
I'm 58 and I've been on Testim 1% for two weeks. Can't tell much of a difference yet.

WRT the smell, it smells like the new hand cleaners, a heavy alchohol smell. Afterwards, it has a clean odor. My wife LOVES it. She thinks it smells much like a clean soapy smell. I can't smell it at all after it dries. BTW, I use Axe body spray (Touch scent). Maybe that's the trick.

WRT its efficacy, I intend to request that the dose be doubled after the first 30 days. My initial test level was 210 ng/dcl. I will post again after the next test the end of May


After 30 days my test level was 460ng/dcl. Was prescibed to double daily dose (two tubes/day). After 27 days on two tubes/day, I am amazed. Been working out regularly. Have lost 5 lbs of fat and maintained my weight. Upper body is really responding. Sex drive is through the roof. This stuff is amazing! I feel like I'm 38 vs. 58.
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new user

new to testim, i think it's working ok so far. energy levels are up and i'm kicking ass at the gym. we'll see what the first round of bloodwork brings.

the plastic bag trick (which i've seen a few times in different forums) definitely helps and you feel like you're getting more out of what you paid for. thanks for sharing that tip.

the scent is pretty good. i've received compliments and don't mind it myself after the alcohol smell dies down. just like any cologne, differnt scents smell differently on different men. guess some of us guys are luckier in that our body chemistry / body scent reacts well with the testim.

hoping i get prescribed 2 tubes / day after my next appt. i want to see even bigger gains...
Hated the smell of testim. After you put it on you can't get dressed because you remain "gooey" for a long time.
I also have a wife and small children. Heaven forbid you touch them while you are gooey mess or even after it dries. It takes longer to say the word testim then it did for me to stop using it and go to an endo and get injections.

Maybe I will try the gels again when I'm in my 70's but for now... no way.

To each his own.
Hated the smell of testim. After you put it on you can't get dressed because you remain "gooey" for a long time.
I also have a wife and small children. Heaven forbid you touch them while you are gooey mess or even after it dries. It takes longer to say the word testim then it did for me to stop using it and go to an endo and get injections.

Maybe I will try the gels again when I'm in my 70's but for now... no way.

To each his own.

OK, I guess the smell is personal preference but I have only received compliments.

As to the gooeyness, I put it on first thing out of the shower. I rub it it in until it is nearly dry - takes about one min/arm. I finish my ritual - teeth, hair, etc. By then I'm ready to put on my t-shirt or polo. Occasionally it sticks a little as I put it on. Within a minute or two I peel the shirt away a little and all is good for the rest of the day. My Doc says that after it dries there is NO hazard to anyone touching you. My wife has seen no effects whatsoever and I do not shower before we go to bed or have sex.

I've gained 5 lbs and lost two inches on my waist with regular upper body workouts. Women at work are coming on to me, where before they just looked through me.

You all be the judge...
Thanks Doctor

I know very well about a nearly identical situation and Testim Gel cannot do what you claim it did for you. Impossible. Please don't put misinformation on the boards as many people will look to this as sound advice. There is more to your story or is is patently false. I am not trying to pick a fight with you buddy, I just want to be clear that TESTIM DOES NOT WORK THAT DRAMATICALLY, especially at the doses indicated.

I am sorry that you really don't know what you are talking about. I have tried testim and I work in the Medical Industry. I have had my levels checked several times in our lab and it raised my levels from 350 up to 800 or more. So it does work and you more than likely had some counterfeit stuff.
I am on my third week using testim, one tube a day. It is not miraculous, but I do feel better. The mental fogginess has improved somewhat. The sex drive is better, but no where near normal. My energy has improved enough to get me off the couch, but I have a long way to go to get back to normal.

When I first used it, I couldn't notice the smell, and when I did it smelled like cheap cologne. My wife doesn't like it, and I feel uncomfortable when she lays her head on my shoulder - even with a shirt on. I am trying to understand the warnings though, because if it does little for me, how can it have such a profound impact on my wife if she accidentally brushes against it?

I hope to stay on one tube, we will see.
Testim worked for me for about 3 or 4 months and then my body crashed. Lost my sexdrive, felt tired, etc...

My protocol from Chip, is much more effective than what my old endrocrinologist was prescribing. And six months later, I still feel great! I also don't have to worry about getting Testim on my children or my wife.
I have seen everyone on this forum who has tried gel say that eventually it stops working. And it stops working for the same reason I have stated, it all converts to estrogen. Eventually the estrogen conversion negates the benefits of the testosterone, canceling it out. And you are back to square 1 if you haven't developed diabetes or some disease from having high estrogen from the gel. So stick to shots which will increase insulin sensitivity. The studies on gel show slight improvements, but nothing near injections, and if they actually followed up with the gel users they would find they are in bad shape while the injection users are better than ever.
Hey, nice forum. Just googling about testim. I originally went to my PCP for my annual physical (I'm 56) and told him I felt I was suffering from depression, as I have some history of that. He put me on an antidepressant (Celexa) and did a testosterone blood test. It came in very low, at 225. I started using 1 tube per day of Testim. I usually apply it to my thighs instead of my shoulders right after I get out of the shower & dry off. It smells like rubbing alcohol to me, not unpleasant. I have been using it for about a month and a half. I do feel better but don't know to attribute that to the anti-depressant or the testim.

For a while I was experiencing frequent and very hard erections :) but that seems to have abated. My sex drive still fluctuates from insanely horny to apathetic. When having sex I have no difficulty getting erect or staying erect but sometimes problem orgasming. I have not lost much weight, a few pounds, but my jeans are fitting better around the waist. My mood and mental state are much better. I am more alert, able to concentrate again, much more able to cope with the daily grind. Again, credit Celexa or testim or the combination? I don't know.

I am an athlete, runner/biker and have noticed some improvement in my feeling of strength, but was at a fairly high level already so nothing too dramatic.
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