No offense taken, my friend. I'm always up for discussion.
Exemestane is an option, but estrogen rebound is never an issue when my steps are followed, including Aromatase inhibitor (AI) up to post cycle therapy (pct) and blood work week 8.
Suppression begins far before 4 weeks. Actually begins in a few days. My goal is to never wait until you're fully suppressed. Safer this way and much easier on the body and recovery.
Blasting what? hCG? If so, can you give me an example? There's only so much hCG a man can metabolize at once.
Can you please elaborate exactly why post cycle therapy (pct) is off? Not sure I understand what you mean.
Thanks for your input, Nightmare007!
And he's backEven though adex isn't a suicidal inhibitor like exemestane, the rebound can still be controlled and minimized plus adex has benefits in its own right vs exemestane. Can't definitively say one's better as a blanket statement IMO.
I prefer your approach than waiting for week 5 to start HCG. Suppression does not wait for "kick in" time nor should HCG.
I believe he is referring to blasting Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) after cycle completion and before post cycle therapy (pct). his sticky outlines Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to be run during cycle and blasted 1000iu/day before post cycle therapy (pct).
His post cycle therapy (pct) recommendations are 50/50/25/25 clomid and 40/40/20/20 tamoxifen. I'm not sure the disparity in post cycle therapy (pct) dosages is enough to warrant any differences in recovery.
I like this post Austin! Maybe if it became required reading it would help keep some of the people who aren't ready to cycle from cycling until they are![]()
And he's back![]()
Lol not all there yet but thanks Dex.
Austinite!!!! how much can that tdee flux??? I always just assumed my tdee was 3000... so I eat 3700/d but it says mine it 2376... also I am not getting fat either... im 180, 12%bf
5'11.. 180lbs 12%bf
that avi.. if it's not a girl you're not invited into the group
5'11.. 180lbs 12%bf offense taken, my friend. I'm always up for discussion.
Exemestane is an option, but estrogen rebound is never an issue when my steps are followed, including Aromatase inhibitor (AI) up to PCT and blood work week 8.
Suppression begins far before 4 weeks. Actually begins in a few days. My goal is to never wait until
you're fully suppressed. Safer this way and much easier on the body and recovery.
Blasting what? hCG? If so, can you give me an example? There's only so much hCG a man can metabolize at once.
Can you please elaborate exactly why PCT is off? Not sure I understand what you mean.
Thanks for your input, Nightmare007!
No offense taken, my friend. I'm always up for discussion.
Exemestane is an option, but estrogen rebound is never an issue when my steps are followed, including Aromatase inhibitor (AI) up to PCT and blood work week 8.
Suppression begins far before 4 weeks. Actually begins in a few days. My goal is to never wait until
you're fully suppressed. Safer this way and much easier on the body and recovery.
Blasting what? hCG? If so, can you give me an example? There's only so much hCG a man can metabolize at once.
Can you please elaborate exactly why PCT is off? Not sure I understand what you mean.
Thanks for your input, Nightmare007!
im 22 (23 in a few weeks) im fairly active.. im a landscaper/labourer so its a physical jobAge? You're BMR should be right around 2000 calories, depending on age, which would make your TDEE well above 2400 even if you're not very active.
Adex is a competitive inhitbitor man even when run upto PCT there's still some extra aromatase left in your system when you come off also you can't run any serms along side if you have an issue of excess estrogen during your PCT
This is non existent with exemestane also when using Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) suppression becomes an issue only after week 4 and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) more effectively utilized by the body(doesnt really make a diff starting on week 1)
The doses are slightly off I prefer running clomid 50/50/50/50 and Nolvadex 40/40/20/20 for a mild cycle like this
Blasting phase is mentioned in the link posted
Note:-it's a good idea to start running Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) from week 1 onwards when short esters like prop or ace are used for longer esters like enanthate cyp or deccanoate I feel it's best to start on week 5 when the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) really makes a difference
Cheers buddy