My son wants and needs size

Why did you come to the board and ask for advice if you weren't going to accept it. It seems like every time someone says they disagree with the idea of giving your child supplements you over react. Everyone is entitled to his or her opinions, and although you may not agree with them all, you bashing people, (lonewolf), in my opinion makes you look like an idiot. I am not disagreeing with giving your child the opportunity to be the best possible athlete he can be, I know damn well I wish my parents would have started me off with more of a healthy lifestyle, things would be easier now. Never the less, what I am trying to say is chill out.
My question was simple, what kind of protein or weight gainers do you like for the use I intend and what I got was a lecture by a FEW guys without children on why I should not let him get extra caloric intake from a healthy source. Look over the list of posts, guyswith childrenor personal expreience with this subject gave excellent advice, some said not to use gainers, others did. I did not jump down on them. Look at lonewolf's post and tell me if what he saidwas constructive and could have it been put out a little bit better than trying to make me look like an ass for thinking of this?? Here is my example:
I can't get over the fact that this is what you are concerned about. Your son is ELEVEN YEARS OLD. ELEVEN. Do what you want, but I think at this age, study habits, letting the child have a childhood, and getting good grades should be your first priority... NOT if he will end up being a mass monster. Maybe when he turns 14 you can throw some deca into the mix

No wonder there are so many youngsters out there who want to juice at 15 and 16 years old. They have parents who promote it."

Parents who promote juice?? Mass monster?? Put deca in at 14?? Yeah, your probably right I'm an ass for overreacting!!
You tell me... Who's the smart one... I and a few others for trying to talk some sense into you, or YOU for coming to an anabolic board on a website called Steroidology for advice on how to feed your child? You figure it out.
lancer, I understand what you're talking about bro. I'm 18 and it wasn't too long ago when I was playing pop warner and stuff.

Carnation Instant Breakfast is a good meal replacment also. It has more calcium, more protein, and less fat than Ensure or Boost. I think all three are good though. Also see if your son likes yogurt (they have products directly targeted for children, like Trix). If a protein powder is neccessary, I would siggest an unflavored one that you could add to juice or soda. Optimum has a good unflavored protein.
I come to this board because as a user of AS, I trust SOME members of this board for advice in all areas of nutrition and health. How to feed my child? Dude lay off the rec drugs! All I ASKED FOR WAS SUPPLEMENTING FOR EXTRA CALORIES< SORRY THAT WAS STUPID? LONEWOLF< GET A GRIP OR LAY OFF THE ANDROGENS
i see nothing wrong with adding plain whey protein to his diet, speacially since he is so active sports wise.

i also like ironmasters suggestions, those ensures or boosts pack a nice amount of calories and have some good vitamins and such in them
How much mass can an 11 year old get or should I be asking what kind of mass. His balls probably haven't dropped yet so his test levels aren't going to be much, so muscle isn't going to be the bigger part of his gains. You can give him what ever you want but at this point in his life muscle gains are going to be minimal.

If he lifts weights take him to a Dr to check him for hernias, which can happen very easy if his balls haven't dropped. I took my 12 year old to the Dr, had him checked for hernias before taking him to the gym, low and behold his balls had dropped, Doc said his was good to go for the gym.

He has a shake post w/o after that it's all food, PBJ's with milk is a good source of calories for a youngster. He doesn't eat a lot to gain mass right now, he's learning the ropes at the gym. Some of the Bros at the gym encourage him and we get time to spend together, I think he like those 2 things more then gaining any mass. Now if we're still doing it when he's 15-16, if he wants some mass then we'll up the calories and shakes.

JohnnyB said:
How much mass can an 11 year old get or should I be asking what kind of mass. His balls probably haven't dropped yet so his test levels aren't going to be much, so muscle isn't going to be the bigger part of his gains. You can give him what ever you want but at this point in his life muscle gains are going to be minimal.

If he lifts weights take him to a Dr to check him for hernias, which can happen very easy if his balls haven't dropped. I took my 12 year old to the Dr, had him checked for hernias before taking him to the gym, low and behold his balls had dropped, Doc said his was good to go for the gym.

He has a shake post w/o after that it's all food, PBJ's with milk is a good source of calories for a youngster. He doesn't eat a lot to gain mass right now, he's learning the ropes at the gym. Some of the Bros at the gym encourage him and we get time to spend together, I think he like those 2 things more then gaining any mass. Now if we're still doing it when he's 15-16, if he wants some mass then we'll up the calories and shakes.


excellent post my friend, well worded
i love people that ask for advice, then get defensive and attack others when the answers arent what they want to hear.

i was just like this guys son growing up, very late bloomer. always the shortest, skinniest, and smallest frame on the team. i finally grew to 6' at 18, but weighed 155. i've always been natural and now 200lbs with abs. for all those saying no to fast food, i think they are a bit crazy and a little over zealous in the bodybuilding "lifestyle", especially for a kid 11 years old. at 11 and as active as his son is, this kid can eat plenty of cheeseburgers, pizza, and ice cream and it wont have any bad physical effects on him. i could do it up to early 20's before i saw i needed to slow down how often i ate these foods.
Beef,read the past posts by a FEW people.I'm not defensive just suprised at how the idea was attacked. As to the question posted as to how much mass can be put on at 11, what do you mean 'mass' What I'm suggesting is weight, not muscles, not lean gains, not the growth you suggest because his balls have not dropped yet. We are aiming for weight, thickness, water, anything that adds thickness and yes including a little fat.

Your eating habits ARE established early in life!! This is not a concept, a guess, a thought, it is a medical fact! If you have bad eating and snacking habits as a youngster you are going to have them as an adult. THIS DOES NOT MEAN YOU CAN'T CHANGE THEM IN ADULTHOOD. I stressed that fact because I don't want to debate this for the next 12 posts. So even though his metabolism can handle all those comfort foods, that doesn't make them the smart, healthy, or best choices for food.
Beef, I'm glad you can eat all those foods in moderation but it still is not healthy and not everyone can do that. Also, welcome to the board,but please read all the posts and see if you still believe I'm being defensive. I think some people have turned this into a more explosive debate for personal enjoyment! Look at the posts, everyone that has kids or personal experience with this is positive.
Lancer... The whole first page is pretty much comments that promote the use of natural high content foods over a protein supplement/weight gainer. These opinions are given from Mods and people i've seen on these boards for years. You came here for advice, it's up to you if you wanna take that advice. I'm not gonna argue with you anymore... but don't come here asking for help and then shoot peoples opinions down if you disagree.

And while I'm posting, I think ironmaster made a very good point about the Ensure. They have some that are specially formulated that will help your son in his exact situation.
lancer said:
Come on guys!!! What is wrong with a shake at the end of the day? You guys act like I'm asking about humatrope or something. I really thought more of you were more educated about such things other than the few of you who provided great advice. I didn't mean to ramble but this really suprises me.

I say if you post on this board asking for people's input- that is exactly what you're gonna get, and it isn't always what you want to hear.

You want to hear from people that think a little kid on weight gainer is a good thing. I think you ought to leave him be- if he's not eating more, then maybe he really doesnt want to be bigger to the extent that he is eating more than he feels like.
I don't think the obsession with size is a good thing- it aint a healthy thing, bad enough people like me and others here care too much about it, why foster those obsessions in a kid.
Thumbs down on giving a little kid weight gainer, or any OTC supplement.
I was taking in 12 cans of ensure plus everday during my bulking periods using sust. 250 and it worked fine to me. IM not 12 or anything, but if I had son asking to gain weight I give him 4 ensure pluses a day and leave it at that until he turns 15 or so then up it up to 12 like his daddy LOL.
Let me ask this, you want him to gain weight, if you force feed him at 11 what is that weight going to be. I don't think he is going to grow taller, i don't think he is going to fill out, since he is prepubescent, he is going to get fat like the rest of the 11 year olds out their today. Do you think you can bulk up an 11 year old, like you can a hardlifting 16 year old. Not the same, not even close.
Again guys read the posts!!! A little bit of fat is ok!! Also, a qoute from above, "I think you ought to leave him be- if he's not eating more, then maybe he really doesnt want to be bigger to the extent that he is eating more than he feels like. " I'm not forcing anyone! He came to me, he wants some size! JCP2, You guys are still missing the point, he's not looking for muscle or to bulk up like a 16 year old, he's looking for extra weight coming inthe form of fat, water, flesh, whatever. Guys, it's simple, he wanted to raise his caloric intake to help gain weight. His trainers at the Uof M conditioning center recommened gainers and or protein shakes. Now, before I get a handful of people reading just this post, as for "trainers" I mean his speed coaches for baseball, so please don't get on a discussion of training an 11 year old. Also, guys I would be the first person to "leave him alone" the trainers he wanted to use along with some teammates and all this weight gainer and or protein shakes cost money guys and you know as well as I do us users of AS have enough fucking expenses as it is. If he didn't want this I would not pursue it.

Your right,I came to the board for answers, good and bad, but I think this got off subject too quickly. You have some guys that are stroking others without reading all the posts.
I just don't understand how gaining fat helps him in athletics at 11 years old, and i am not being nasty, i am just trying to understand. It makes him slower and less agile, and those are the biggest assets when you are young. It just makes no sense to me. I also don't understand how a speed coach can want him to gain fat. Not to mention i don't understand how an 11 year old has all these coaches if he is not being pushed. That being said, i think you and your son should not worry too much, most of my friends who were the superstar athletes at 11, never did shit when they got older, and the best athletes i ever played with in hs were nothing special at 11. My best friend is 6'6 and was division 1 pitcher, he was your sons size at age 11. I think as long as he is fundamentally sound in baseball, he will a much better chance of being an very good ballplayer once he catches up the rest of the field.
JCP 2, well spoken. I address a few questions. One, he is not being pushed because HE wants to go. Think of it this way, karate lessons, wrestling camps, cheerleading camps and clinics, etc.. Are those kids being pushed? Maybe some, but most want to do it. In the case of my son, he doesn't like boy scouts, karate, video games (excessive use), skateboards, motorcycles, etc.. He like baseball and football, to him going with his close friend to a speed clinic and camp is fun, plain and simple. He asked if he could go to the Cleveland Indians baseball camp for kids at a cost of 450.00 I refused saying wait a couple of years to attend. Now, will all this training make him a superstar? Maybe-maybe not, who cares, he is having fun and staying out of trouble.
Now, as far as fat goes. Don't get me wrong were not looking for fat, but we are looking to gain insulation around them bones. He is very thin and has room to put on a little thickness. Does this make sense? Sometimesit's hard to explain things via typing, so excuse me if I'm not clear. That being said, JCP2 you responded in a argumentive way that was well put and clear. I'm not jumping down his throat guys because he made gods points and good inquiries.
lancer said:
JCP 2, well spoken. I address a few questions. One, he is not being pushed because HE wants to go. Think of it this way, karate lessons, wrestling camps, cheerleading camps and clinics, etc.. Are those kids being pushed? Maybe some, but most want to do it. In the case of my son, he doesn't like boy scouts, karate, video games (excessive use), skateboards, motorcycles, etc.. He like baseball and football, to him going with his close friend to a speed clinic and camp is fun, plain and simple. He asked if he could go to the Cleveland Indians baseball camp for kids at a cost of 450.00 I refused saying wait a couple of years to attend. Now, will all this training make him a superstar? Maybe-maybe not, who cares, he is having fun and staying out of trouble.
Now, as far as fat goes. Don't get me wrong were not looking for fat, but we are looking to gain insulation around them bones. He is very thin and has room to put on a little thickness. Does this make sense? Sometimesit's hard to explain things via typing, so excuse me if I'm not clear. That being said, JCP2 you responded in a argumentive way that was well put and clear. I'm not jumping down his throat guys because he made gods points and good inquiries.

OK, i see what you mean now by speed coaches. I also went to baseball camps when i was young, where i slept in college dorms. And i actually wished my parents pushed me a little more when i was younger. But knowing tons of skinny guys growing up, trust me, just wait and he will grow out of it. I still wouldn't worry about it, and i still think letting him eat like a kid will put more weight on him then ensure shakes will. I doubt clean calories will acutally help him, and i doubt extra protein will do anything because he is not going to be putting on muscle. I honestly think you are worrying a little too much, and i don't mean that in a bad way. But i don't think you can get a good feel for how he is going to be built until he is a little older.