need some help here guys :)

I don't mess with orals because of the liver toxicity. Rapid gains usually disappear just as fast too. That's my take on them. If you're competing or something, they have there place.
Honestly test isn't a bad way to cut. It's a good budget cycle too.
I don't mess with orals because of the liver toxicity. Rapid gains usually disappear just as fast too. That's my take on them. If you're competing or something, they have there place.
Honestly test isn't a bad way to cut. It's a good budget cycle too.

Hi garyr,thanks for getting the BF% back to us, etc... And ^^^ is right on i just want to support Tbone.

The Test is the cheapest way to go and of course and it will do the basic which is all you need. I used to get the Winstrol as injectable. But now that you explain 17% BF and what your true goal is Test is the only thing I would do. I explained the competition cutting.

yeh i get what you mean , so a test only cycle sounds the one for me then drop the orals and take it from there!

Yes a good idea. ^^^ Your metabolism will be functioning at a faster rate so you can burn more calories, add in some stationary bike and the use of super sets at a fast pace but keeping form. Get your heart rate up during the lifting phase of your training. The higher Test in your body will help the protein synthesis which again is supporting the muscle to sustain if not build a little ?

Listen garryr just do the Test and forget the Winstrol. You are not experienced enough to work with Winstrol right now. Listen to utilize the most of something like Winstrol or Var for CUTTING you should know how to train with those compounds. Winstrol just isn't a compound to be used flippantly or to just lean out meaninglessly. ( you can if you want) Remember I am talking about the true utilization of the compound in which is for in the case of the competitor , to dry out extremely, while lowering calories but keeping mass to the max and so we don't begin to flatten.

Well IMOP ^^

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appreciated guys just didn’t think test was a good cutting agent being the base compound , and thought it had to be stacked with something

cheers guys