Needed advice on cutting - pic included


New member
Hey guys I'm new here and I really want advice before I go and use wrong shit. I'm not going to list all cutting agent because obviously you guys are well schooled on them. I'm totally natural and have never used anything but want an extra boost as I hit next stage of leaning out. I have been eating pretty clean and been going very hard in gym since high school. My stats are I'm 33, 6'4, and 238lb. What would you guys recommend to aid as I cut hard over next 6 weeks to maintain size but tighten hard? I appreciate the advice!
im not a fan of stims like clen and albuteral , also if u are thinking anavar and winstrol , u dont use those on there own . id just recommend creating a diet and counting calories . u will lose weight being in a caloric deficit of say 500cals for your specific stats . dont rely on stims , u are very close to prety damn lean man . also depends on your goals , if u are looking to only maintain a little more muscle while cuttin , then test may work , even though test is a bulker , it depends on what u eat and how much . u can cut on test and maintain muscle . but since u ve been natural for so long , i think all u need to to do some more cardio , diet a bit harder for a few weeks and thats it . Even using chmicals u will need to do the same . don think they are your answer
Just clean up your diet even more and hit cardio. You not far off bro. Remember it's all about the diet.
Sorry pic came out sideways, first time using this board. Let me try again... Thanks for your time and knowledge guys... Much appreciated
Fancy and Scotty I appreciate the advice. I don't want to add much more size. Maybe a bit more lean muscle and just shred up. As you guys said it's all about diet, and that's something I'm dialing in on. I've cut out alki for last 3 weeks, and ATLEAST 3 miles everyday running with lifting 6 days a week. As I dial in on diet I feel like I need that extra little bit to really hit my goal. What do you think about primo, equipoise, low dose test, low dose hgh just to maintain while I cut hard?
EC stack worked awesome for me in the past. It takes a while to see effects, and some people don't see any, but it has worked for me so i'd recommend at least looking into it
Agree with the diet and cardio. This is number one. I also like to throw in a low dose of t3, only when I'm on enough gear tho. Peptides really help me to stay leaner too.
Fancy and Scotty I appreciate the advice. I don't want to add much more size. Maybe a bit more lean muscle and just shred up. As you guys said it's all about diet, and that's something I'm dialing in on. I've cut out alki for last 3 weeks, and ATLEAST 3 miles everyday running with lifting 6 days a week. As I dial in on diet I feel like I need that extra little bit to really hit my goal. What do you think about primo, equipoise, low dose test, low dose hgh just to maintain while I cut hard?

Noo bro. FOr your first cycle it should always be test only even if your cutting. bulking or cutting is through diet not compound.
I went from 14% BF to 8% in under 8 weeks and actually gained considerable lean mass and strength using:

65mg ED tren-ace
40mg ED mast-prop
30mg ED test-prop
0.25mg ED prami
60mcg ED T3
60mcg Clen (2 weeks on 2 weeks off)

15 mins intense cardio post workout,
Intermittent fasting + high protein, med carb, low fat diet
You look pretty cut up there bro. Id just adjust your diet a lil bit and hit the cardio. It wouldnt take much from where you are to achieve the look your wanting
I appreciate the advise guys. I think I'm going to stay natural and just really dial in on diet and increase cardio. As of right now I lift 5-6 days a week with 3 mile run before. I know I know not supposed to do cardio before but honestly my lifts are far more productive when I do cardio before. I'm going to up my cardio to 3 mile run, 4 q mile sprints. Also stairs 2-3 days a week after running. Then on top of that any days I don't lift I will do run, sprints, stairs, and elliptical. 6 very clean meals a day around 400 cal apiece. I will update pics weekly, not sure anyone cares because I'm not on vitamin s, but atleast I can track if I'm making progress....