Sorry for the late reply, I've literally had no time this past week and a bit, rushed off my feet!
Cheers for the advice above! I've now managed to incorporate most of my activities into my workout, so i feel a bit less guilty about doing them!
Coming to the end of the "Starting Phase" if you'll call it I have definitely seen some good progress in terms of my physic, Iv lost a bit of the "Puppy Fat" i still retained and have noticed some pretty big gains in other places (My big may not see BIG to some people, but trust me, there was very little there to begin with!)
Anyway, figured I'd post up some stats just before I start moving into my proper routine so it will be easier to see and monitor my progress!
(Pictures Incoming)
Thigh = 21.5 in
Calf = 14.5 in
Fore-arm = 11 in
Bicep = 13 in
Hip = 33 in
Waist = 30.4 in
Weight = 11.6 stone (This has went up from around 10 - Really chuffed with this!)
Height = 6ft 3"
(Not sure if they are accurate, or even what "Water Retention" means, but my scales gave me a Body Fat measurement and Water Retention measurement, so they are below)
Body fat = 6.5%
Water Retention = 64. %
Now, onto the questions! What would you personally recommend in terms of splits? I know a lot of people say its up to the person but if I class myself as a medium-ish gainer what would you say? As iv heard some people say 5 day splits are only good for easy gainers (Again im totally new to this!)
Also, are there any MUST HAVE exercises? (Starting work on my new regime for next month)
I know that stuff like squats and dead lifts (Compound exercises etc) are nearly always included, but are there any others that i should know about?
Also, in terms of diets I've really started to bump up my calorie intake, I took a look at 3J's forum thread and worked out that i need to be consuming around 3300 a day if im Bulking. Was wondering if you have any tips for trying to get that all in in a day. I usually have quiet a good appetite on me, but even im struggling with the 7-8 meals a day!
PS: Sorry the photo's and videos are taking so long! My gym seems to be abit pissy when it comes to allowing people to take a video camera in (Even though im usually the only one there!) I do finally have a few clips im looking at using and now i just have to figure out Youtube! The photo's are currently being uploaded, so check back within afew hours and they should be up!
Sorry for that huge wall of text! Again, you guys are great, wouldn't even know where to begin to thank you! Cheers again for all the help!