with the above listed program, i would put squats and dealdifts on the same day and alternate each week or bi-weekly which is done heavy. the only staples i have in my programs are GHR, squat, bench, and deadlift every week, i also wave in goodmornings, stiff leg deadlifts, romanian deadlifts, different board heights (board presses), pin pressing, pin pulls, and a few others. IMO some good bodybuilding type lifts, which i think you're looking for, would be anything with a barbell (curls, narrow grip presses, rows, shoulder press, uright rows, shrugs, etc..). i forget where, and i might get flamed for this, but i read an article a year ago in one of my exercise science classes saying that barbell movements are better then dumbbell and cables for mass. but it also important to have dumbbell and cable exercises worked in to provide some variety. I could go on for about different exercises you could do but don't have the time to keep going on right now. but i think i might have said before, compound movements are what you want, so keep it simple, keep it heavy, and keep good form.