Negative changes you have seen since starting TRT


New member
Just wanted to see what everyone has experienced.

Here is my major changes:

1. I sweat like a whore in church when I work out now
2. Seem to get agitated a little faster than before
3. I have acne- not like when I was 18- but refined to the sides of my torso, nose, neck- pretty sure that's normal
4. My sweat smells like ammonia after a hard workout/cardio- I work in health care and can read my CBC and blood work- No kidney/liver issues- must be my inadequate intake of carbs- seems to have gotten worse since starting TRT though
5. Of course, my two amigos have gotten smaller

All negatives aside, wouldn't hesitate to do it all over again
Why the hell are you working out in a church?!? Ha! Sorry. Late night and I couldn't resist.
1. acne is more prominent, but not too bad.
2. balls are about 1/4" smaller i'd say.

That's really about all the negatives I have, besides having to pin twice a week. ;)
At first it was acne, but I dropped HCG, and now acne has disappeared.
Second and of course, no HCG no nuts, I may run some for a couple weeks later but I'll take a clear face over no nuts any day
thats exactly what it is.. his diet is likely lacking
I am also sure that's it too- My blood glucose was on the high end of normal before I started TRT- My dr prescribed Metformin to be safe- I wonder if that may be part of it too. I'm having a H1a done again soon and hope that with new diet and weight loss that I will be taken off it.
At first it was acne, but I dropped HCG, and now acne has disappeared.
Second and of course, no HCG no nuts, I may run some for a couple weeks later but I'll take a clear face over no nuts any day
I am not doing HCG, it seems to come in cycles- may be the flux in test levels and estrogen?
At first it was acne, but I dropped HCG, and now acne has disappeared.
Second and of course, no HCG no nuts, I may run some for a couple weeks later but I'll take a clear face over no nuts any day
I am not doing HCG, it seems to come in cycles- may be the flux in test levels and estrogen?
Just wanted to see what everyone has experienced.

Here is my major changes:

1. I sweat like a whore in church when I work out now
2. Seem to get agitated a little faster than before
3. I have acne- not like when I was 18- but refined to the sides of my torso, nose, neck- pretty sure that's normal
4. My sweat smells like ammonia after a hard workout/cardio- I work in health care and can read my CBC and blood work- No kidney/liver issues- must be my inadequate intake of carbs- seems to have gotten worse since starting TRT though
5. Of course, my two amigos have gotten smaller

All negatives aside, wouldn't hesitate to do it all over again

1. The sweating will get better over time. Enjoy the fact that you have a new and improved metabolism burning those calories.

2. What's your estradiol sitting at? E2 is notorious for temperament issues.

3. See number two. It can also aggravate sebaceous oil glands - causing acne. You can also try benadryl at night if E2 is good.

4. Yeah, ketosis can bring on that smell, but so can dehydration combined with a high protein diet. Ammonia is a byproduct of metabolizing protein.

5. I sit on the fun boys far less and provide a much smaller target for my daughter to crush with her surprise lap bombs/headbutts. Makes my gigglestick look bigger too, so I consider it win/win.

Only negative I would ever complain about is I do shit out platelets and red blood cells. I am always at the FDA (bullshit) limit for donating, but it is adequate as long as I don't blast for too long. I do consider it a small price though given the incalculable change TRT has made in my life.

Oh, and the constant flirting I have to endure from women 15 years my junior. It's just such a burden... ;)
I get aggrevated easier..getting bloods done this week. I also noticed that I'm hotter than before. I used to be able to have the A/C on 76 when I slept at night. Now I have to put it on 70 and still wake up sweating.
The only 2 I've noticed are my balls have shrunk by about 20%, and there is less volume when I ejaculate. Guess I'm not going to be starting a porn career anytime soon. I'll take that trade though for the amount of better I feel.

People who have mentioned getting aggro easier should definitely check E2. I've had exactly the opposite since getting on TRT, I'm able to let shit go more easily.
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thats exactly what it is.. his diet is likely lacking

Hit some extra carbs- granola and a banana, before the gym today- minimal if any amonia smell in clothes after working out- definitely carbs but I still think it has something to do with the metformin affecting blood glucose levels
5. I sit on the fun boys far less and provide a much smaller target for my daughter to crush with her surprise lap bombs/headbutts. Makes my gigglestick look bigger too, so I consider it win/win.

:beertoast- completely agree with this one- have a 3 yr old daughter as well

What's the story with Benadryl- never even heard of that one before????
5. I sit on the fun boys far less and provide a much smaller target for my daughter to crush with her surprise lap bombs/headbutts. Makes my gigglestick look bigger too, so I consider it win/win.

I literally LOL'D!!!!!!!!!!!
:beertoast- completely agree with this one- have a 3 yr old daughter as well

What's the story with Benadryl- never even heard of that one before????

Some acne can be caused as a histamine reaction where pores are more sensitive. I recommend benadryl as it's a cheaper antihistamine to test with when trying to determine whether or not it's a mild skin allergy.

I've read conflicting data as to why androgens seem to make this kind of reaction so apparent, but I'd imagine it's a combination of several factors like how many men exercise more when taking AAS (trt or otherwise).

More exercise causing more irritants to surface due to sweat, etc.
I think it has likely accelerated my hair loss :sad:

Now that you mention it my body hair has increased. I'm starting to get a lions mane on my back that wasnt there a year ago. Ive been going bald since I was about 23 and shave my head so I can say if it has hurt my head hair