Yesterday 25 min cardio
Left delt injection
Squat: 3 light warm ups
225*10 parallel
275*7 wasn't happy with form or depth on this, 2 inches above parallel and leaning over a little to much
225*9 parallel
Leg press:
Omg that was hard, I couldn't beleive how much i was breathing and sweating on this
Could barley hold this, my legs felt like jelly
seated calf raises
140*15*2 Nice slow reps and hold it at the top
My squat is a big improvement, usually i do 7 reps max with 225....
I can't do the extra 2 weeks like i wanted to do. So one more week on the prop and i'm done. I got enough to buy it, but then i won't have enough for gas or food for 2 weeks. So no go.....I might buy a 10ml bottle instead of a 20ml bottle.....i still gotta weigh my options
But thus far i'm actually happy with the results, i'm pretty sure my volume was 2 high and i was overtraining before....