new cycle for 2017 log tren ace test p

I have done tren. But not mast.
For the summer I have lined up tren mast test all at 600 each...can't wait.
Tren makes my stubborn legs grow and like 49er said you don't wanna stop looking in the mirror.

Careful, once u go mast you will never go back;-)
Haha if i was pissing the color of this tren id be getting myself to hospital asap any way upping the dosage blast through this stuff and re stock with a different supplier 100 mg daily for a week then 150
On the dayleee bro :)

ok its official, your a certified nut B! lol. What don't kill ya makes u stronger?? I think....
:Like 9er said lift for the pump. Not too heavy will help with your shoulder too.:-)
Cheers for the pointers brother will do brother concentrated on pump and squeeze tonight feel great best pump of this cycle yet .
.Yeah bench is really the only one that hurts my shoulder for some reason deads curls extension even military press all feel fine just the bench hurts it weird even close grip bench feels better than normal i can bench more close grip atm lol that shouldn't be .
My close grip bench is king too. Its the only barbell bench I do and can kill it. Otherwise it dumbbell presses at different angles for this old boy.
My close grip bench is king too. Its the only barbell bench I do and can kill it. Otherwise it dumbbell presses at different angles for this old boy.
Haha love a bit if close grip great for building those triceps
Yeah the shoulder is worse trying to press dumbells probably because with a straight bar my other arm takes more of the weight of my injuried shoulder
I never really did like straight bar bench press. Seems to get more out of pressing dumbells. To each their own tho as everybody is different;-)
Any ways did arms last night just didn't get a chance to update the tread
All sets were 6 8 reps dropping weight by half last set and repping to failure
Straight bar curls
Hammer curls dumbells
Overhead tricep extension dumbell
Tricep pull down cable machine
Preacher curls
Close grip bench
Chin ups close grip(6 sets of 12)
Wrist curls easy curl bar
People carry on about wrist curls saying they don't work and are bad for the wrist you can build forearms with other lifts bench curls ect but i love wrist curls with the easy curl bar best forearm pump

About time i do legs so that's on the cards for tomorrow i think
If not a bit of shoulders. I had today off work got rained out so had a bit of a rest today slept a bit did sweet fuck all
All day and im more tired than i usally am after a 12 hr work day go figure
Got some more protein in the mail today
Choc honeycomb 1 kg
Choc 1 kg
Coffee 1 kg
Cookies and cream 1kg
Banna 1kg
Salted caramel 1kg
All aussie from grass fed cows beautiful

So i haven't really given much on a run down on diet so here's a normal work day diet
Wake up 5 30 am
Coffee / red bull
2 sasuge and egg mc muffins and hash brown's coffee from maccas
About 11 30 steak salad rice /hamburger /chicken snitzel burger or a counter meal usually a steak and salad at the pub
Arvo usally 2 o clock ish maybe a pie or sasuge roll beef jerky
With a protein shake 60 grams of carbs 60 protein
Stop on way home grab a subway sandwich / burger
Home dinner with family so it ranges 7 30 ish steak chicken basic family dinner meals
Posts workout meal usally bacon and eggs cottage cheese whole meal toast
Protein shake 60/60 then off to bed usally drink about 4 litres of water a day if not more lots of room for improvement but no point in lieing to you guys
Shoulders tonight not a bad session coudnt be bothered writing it all down diet was as normal sticking with 100mg tren daily might drop the test down to 50 mg instead of 100 mg
On the daileeeee babeeeeee please
Ill weigh myself tomorrow and see what my weight is doing
My glutes are starting to get sore so its bis And tris for a while got to switch up those injection sites legs tomorrow
Night fellas
Ah i was going to do chest or legs posponed injected the outside tricep head 1ml each arm my god it feels like i have been shot with a 22 forced rest day
have u gained weight so far?? I'm sure your strength is up
I have gained about 9 pounds so far but its hard to see it in the mirror. Most of it has been in my back i think but considering i had stopped lifting at Christmas because of my shoulder and only started again at the start of this cycle i suppose thats not so bad ive got all the weight back i lost when i stopped lifting plus some my arms are still lagging definitely thicker before but getting there
9 lbs is pretty descent bro. And do you think its a lot of water or lbm?? From what u can tell..
arms are tricky imo. I go back and forth from not doing direct arm work to hitting them dogs daily. I think between the two logics something is working....slowly. I do believe to really add size to arms u need to gain overall weight tho. Thats a tuff one for me, because like u, my job is so damn physically demanding/draining, which makes it hard to get enough calories in/ day to make real gains. And believe me, I eat a ton!! <Mostly at nite after work day is done.
Keep up the effort B!
9 lbs is pretty descent bro. And do you think its a lot of water or lbm?? From what u can tell..
arms are tricky imo. I go back and forth from not doing direct arm work to hitting them dogs daily. I think between the two logics something is working....slowly. I do believe to really add size to arms u need to gain overall weight tho. Thats a tuff one for me, because like u, my job is so damn physically demanding/draining, which makes it hard to get enough calories in/ day to make real gains. And believe me, I eat a ton!! <Mostly at nite after work day is done.
Keep up the effort B!

Its hard to tell bro probably half half id say definitely jumping back on the gear my muscles would be storing away more water and glycogen but yea as for the gains people have talked about with tren i dunno like i said im guessing its underdosed gear tbh so it makes it hard i dont want to keep upping the dosage to some hectic amount ive still got a few bottles in the cupboard so i dont know what to do atm i think i will stick with 100mg daily with 100 prop for now
But yeah having physically demanding jobs like us makes it hard like i cant even take food to work no fridge so i have to buy all meals except dinner plus running around all day lifting steel burns a shit load of calories so yeah ill just keep doing what im doing as long as im gaining weight i suppose its all good
Thread/cycle is on hold for now i got the chance to do a log for the ped store so im swapping over to their test prop and instead of my tren ill be running their npp so once this is done ill re start with the tren and log .
Just a good chance to check out ologys new sponsor and give there gear a try and *********
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