New here and want to add tren to my cruise...need help


New member
So Ive decided to switch up my 250mg test-e pw cruise/cut to 100mg test-e/tren-e pw for 6-10 weeks to finish up my cut. This will be first time using any other aas other than test. If all goes well I will probably use these 2 compounds everytime I start cruising again. I will be getting some blood work pre and mid-end new cruise. The plan is to get down to 8-10% while gaining some strength, possibly muscle and just feeling better overall. After cruise is over I will start blasting/bulling again with test-e only at 500-600mg pw. A ny good advice given will be much appreciated. My tren should be here by next week. Ive been cruising/ cutting on 250 test for 4 monthsalready. I started tapering down my test-e doses yesterday do my test levels aren't too high when i start to introduce the tren. Want to avoid any sides possible since i im using tren-e.
welcome, thanks for your goals, but you have given us no personal stats, age, weight, bf%, cycle goals & history, diet protocol, etc. etc.
welcome, thanks for your goals, but you have given us no personal stats, age, weight, bf%, cycle goals & history, diet protocol, etc. etc.

This ^^^. Op most of the time it is important that we know some Stats so we can give people better suggestions and advise. AND that also helps us to bring out other items that may have been overlooked by the OP asking Q's.

SInce I don't know your stats I wonder what you do or don't know about Tren and causes me to question your choice to be using Tren "E" rather then TRen Ace. Myself not being of the type of guy who an handle Tren, I am sure glad I used Tren Ace so I could slow it down and even bail out on my second run.
Welcome to ology,
..or post a pic w cycle history, year s the Boss said.

Cut s are made in the KITCHEN or aero machine s preferably - BOTH
Are you on trt or just cruising for the hell of it? Tapering down test e is pointless. It's a long ester compound. It will taper itself. Just drop down to whatever dose you choose. Not sure why you are wanting to drop test lower than 250mgs per week. I get low dose cycles but 100mgs of test and tren per week is pretty damn low. I would also like to hear your cycle history with age and stats..
Hey sorry i should of put my stats.

5'7 156lbs 13-14%bf age 28

Im 4 months into my cut/cruise. My first blast was right before in started cruising. It was a 10week 500mg test blast. Went from 165 up to 186lbs. Then i started cruising at 250mg pw. Now i just want to finish this cut and try to get down 8-10%. Im not looking to be a mass monster, more in this for aesthetics. I know im crazy for wanting to try tred and me still being fairly new but im not interested in high doses of if. Im fine bulking with just test-e. I want the majority of my gains to come from my diet and training not large amounts of gear. I figured a small dose of test/tren would be more effective and just better overall health wise. 250mg had my estradiol at 72 without ai so im hoping this protovol would help that out too.
I'll most likely keep the test the same and up the tren to 150mg MAX in week 6-10 depending how I feel. Main goal is to keep tren sides minimum, no use of ai, get some nice effects from the tren with diet and training in order.
Hey sorry i should of put my stats.

5'7 156lbs 13-14%bf age 28

Im 4 months into my cut/cruise. My first blast was right before in started cruising. It was a 10week 500mg test blast. Went from 165 up to 186lbs. Then i started cruising at 250mg pw. Now i just want to finish this cut and try to get down 8-10%. Im not looking to be a mass monster, more in this for aesthetics. I know im crazy for wanting to try tred and me still being fairly new but im not interested in high doses of if. Im fine bulking with just test-e. I want the majority of my gains to come from my diet and training not large amounts of gear. I figured a small dose of test/tren would be more effective and just better overall health wise. 250mg had my estradiol at 72 without ai so im hoping this protovol would help that out too.
I'll most likely keep the test the same and up the tren to 150mg MAX in week 6-10 depending how I feel. Main goal is to keep tren sides minimum, no use of ai, get some nice effects from the tren with diet and training in order.

Just my humble but experienced opinion, but tren in any amount is not something I would cruise on. I admit I've had great results from it, but the first to admit that I no longer run tren as I can't tolerate the sides.....I just suffer too much. Despite my own avoidance of tren, I would not suggest it as a cruise. Give your body a break. My 2 cents.