New Spinach ideas


New member
THis may be a stupid question, but as far as I know, you can cook the nutrients out of spinach. So I am looking for new ideas on how people are eatting theirs! Looking for something new, its part of a chicken breast and spinach meal.. THanks in advance
THis may be a stupid question, but as far as I know, you can cook the nutrients out of spinach. So I am looking for new ideas on how people are eatting theirs! Looking for something new, its part of a chicken breast and spinach meal.. THanks in advance

True when it is boiled or steamed it does lose a lot of it's nutrients, but wehn u use quick cooking methods that do not include water, such as sauteing, stir-frying or blanching, it keep most of it's nutrients..

I love spinach, I eat it daily in my eggs, raw in salads & sauteed with a little EVOO & garlic & in stir fry with either chicken or beef..
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