New winny thread. let the old one die.

Another question. I just re-heated my mixture at 460 f. Had it in for about 10-15 mins, crystals dissappeared, but now the mixture looks yellow tinted. Is this ok? Or did i ruin something?

put it on the eye of the stove. it will clear up quickly. Winstrol (winny) has a melting point of 450 or so and the peg will raise it a slight bit higher than that. prolly aint gonna melt at 460. i use a hot plate. its in the lab. =0)
pullinbig said:
put it on the eye of the stove. it will clear up quickly. Winstrol (winny) has a melting point of 450 or so and the peg will raise it a slight bit higher than that. prolly aint gonna melt at 460. i use a hot plate. its in the lab. =0)

Did you read my last post? :D The crystals did dissolve, i was wondering why the solution is tinted yellow now after the baking?

THANK YOU PB!!! i was just gonna post and ask if i can use a hot plate to do some of the stuff....i dont think i can use the oven....but will make sure i can do it if i have to...
NYCEE said:
Another question. I just re-heated my mixture at 460 f. Had it in for about 10-15 mins, crystals dissappeared, but now the mixture looks yellow tinted. Is this ok? Or did i ruin something?


i don't think it is a problem. how big a diff is it?
did the cat pee in it? try the eye of the stove and see if it clears up. if not its no biggy. you have not damged the hormone. Winstrol (winny) is very stable and tough. like me

and yres i read you post. :D
pullinbig said:
did the cat pee in it? try the eye of the stove and see if it clears up. if not its no biggy. you have not damged the hormone. Winstrol (winny) is very stable and tough. like me

and yres i read you post. :D

:D Thanks bro, ill try the eye of the stove, if not ill just use as is.
or if you really concerned send it to PBs QA Dept. We will be glad t test it for ya. Promise. i'll send lab analysis and everything.
pullinbig said:
or if you really concerned send it to PBs QA Dept. We will be glad t test it for ya. Promise. i'll send lab analysis and everything.

Thanks for the offer, but i conveniently have a lab located right under my nose and right above my chin. :D

Prob gunna have to start upng the p400.

Is it just me, or do all of my Winstrol (winny) posts get hijacked by gay-homosexual innuendo?:D
pullinbig said:
can i put something in it as well? for analysis only of course. cause i am not like "that"

Definitely a little :gay2: :D

Update on my situation, i put it on the eye of the stove like prescribed by PB, i had it on the lowest flame. Came back in 10 mins and the shit was boiling, and even more yellow now, looks like tren. I hope i didnt kill it. :confused:
Anyone know the boiling point of peg400? I tried finding it but didnt come up with anything except >200c, which is pretty vague. Im trying to figure out what kind of temps i was looking at in the bottle when it was boiling to help figure out if i possibly destroyed the Winstrol (winny). Any help is appreciated. Thanks

NYCEE said:
Definitely a little :gay2: :D

Update on my situation, i put it on the eye of the stove like prescribed by PB, i had it on the lowest flame. Came back in 10 mins and the shit was boiling, and even more yellow now, looks like tren. I hope i didnt kill it. :confused:

damn cuz i didnt mean a gas stove. electric. if you got gas put it in a fry pan. you have to stay there with it and swirl occasionally. on an electric set it about medium high and with in one minute, for 10 or 20ml vial, it will clear. may as well filter it and shoot it now so we all know if 100mg in peg will hurt. can you do that for us? huh pal?

200c is 392f
NYCEE said:
Came back in 10 mins and the shit was boiling, and even more yellow now, looks like tren. I hope i didnt kill it. :confused:

What's this 'came back' shit? If it was in the oven, ok, but never put something like a little itty bitty bottle of gear and walk off from it!
pullinbig said:
damn cuz i didnt mean a gas stove. electric. if you got gas put it in a fry pan. you have to stay there with it and swirl occasionally. on an electric set it about medium high and with in one minute, for 10 or 20ml vial, it will clear. may as well filter it and shoot it now so we all know if 100mg in peg will hurt. can you do that for us? huh pal?

200c is 392f

I was thinking that, we dont use those silly electric stoves here. You want me to filter and shoot this brown stuff? hmm maybe i will haha. Lemme think it over for a few.
