New winny thread. let the old one die.

DougoeFre5h said:
You might end up getting nice and plump, as 10g of carbs per/IU is the "rule of thumb", but not necessarily the best route. Cycling slin can be as simple or complex as you make it. AR has a very nice forum for slin questions, and our newest mod einstein heads up that forum.

hell the guy told me start there and go up. :eek: will do some reading on it before i start. gonna wait til my 8 week deca/eq mini cycle is up before i add more stuff anyway. than ks for the info douglas.

i'll tell ya i did a couple 60 day mini cycles of gh and loved it but that stuff if too damn high. even at discount prices. its great stuff but hard to justify the cost if you wit me?
I just took 1cc in the ass (since you guys love the gay jokes) of the 100mg/ml Winstrol (winny) in peg400 only. Very little pain during injection, i will update daily. Now can somone tell if they think i ruined the other batch of Winstrol (winny) or if it's still good for iral use? :D Thanks

NYC (Winny Pig)
its fine. however if you unsure send it to PB's QA Dept. Burbank Ca.

sal what country you wanna go to? we can get a plane to any where in the world.

sal: wyoming.

OK movie buffs where's that line from?
good movie, and for your Winstrol (winny) its not ruined. If you dont mind doing this every time, heat it till it dissolves and then measure out and consume orally. Itll crash again and when ready to take it again just reheat. This seems the best way to get a accurate measurment in mg/ml without crushing it and suspending it everytime
NYCEE said:
:confused: Cmon youre killing me :D, think the hormone is still good in there? I can post pics if need be.


Bottom line is not to loose sight of the fact that your health is the primary concern. the materials are too cheap. when in doubt, play it safe.

Glad to hear you are changing your une regarding slin. I have only used it in post cycle therapy (pct), but can say that it has made all the difference in keeping my mass. Also, you really only need abour 4-6g of carbs per iu. But if you are wanting 150g of carbs post workout, 15i.u. will work fine.
Bimmer said:
good movie, and for your Winstrol (winny) its not ruined. If you dont mind doing this every time, heat it till it dissolves and then measure out and consume orally. Itll crash again and when ready to take it again just reheat. This seems the best way to get a accurate measurment in mg/ml without crushing it and suspending it everytime

It hasnt crashed, it is holding fine. It's just that when i heated it up, the solution turned golden yellow brownish. Im not sure if this is something that happens to PEG when heated a few times, but when i made my first and second batch of Winstrol (winny), i bake it at winny's MP and the solution becomes yellow tinted a bit as well, it doesnt come out as white clear as peg is.
Update on my 100mg/ml Winstrol (winny) in Peg only:

It's now the next afternoon after taking the shot, and there is little to no pain. I get slight pain like a bruised feeling, but i get that from injecting anything thick. I will update again tomorrow unless anything changes today.

Second day update.
It's been 2 days since i took the 100mg/ml Winstrol (winny) in peg only. No additional pain whatsoever, i still have the slight bruised feeling i normally get from injecting thick solutions, but that is completely normal. It doesnt feel like the pain is going to come, but i will update again for a couple days. Get your Winstrol (winny) ready fellas, i think this just may be the way to get injectable Winstrol (winny) at this concentration. I will update again tomorrow.
