New winny thread. let the old one die.

TxLonghorn said:
What's this 'came back' shit? If it was in the oven, ok, but never put something like a little itty bitty bottle of gear and walk off from it!

It's a 100ml bottle so it isnt exactly itty bitty. Sice PB suggested the eye of the stove, i figured it would be ok for a minute or 2, i got off track doing something but it wasnt long, either way the mistake was made. Now im trying to figure out if i ruined the hormone or if i should use it. It's not really a big deal, it wouldnt be a big loss, i get powders for cheap and have more Winstrol (winny) powder here, but id like to use this if possible. What do you guys think are the chances i ruined it? Would it be a good idea to inject this stuff now? haha

its fine. how does it smell? if its burnt it will be blackish.

i suggest STRONGLY to filter it thewn shoot that shit in you ass and let us know how it feels after about 3 or 4 days.

i have always been the guinnea pig, its someone elses turn inthe barrell.
is its painfull dilute to 75mg/ml and repeat process. if that hurts dilute to 50mg/ml and repeat. shooting Winstrol (winny) is too much trouble (oral is much better). its like those little short ester bitches. high maintenance. a little here, a little there and before you know it you got holes every where.

show me the long esters, show me some cyp, ena, deca, undecl. you know the routine.
pullinbig said:
its fine. how does it smell? if its burnt it will be blackish.

i suggest STRONGLY to filter it thewn shoot that shit in you ass and let us know how it feels after about 3 or 4 days.

i have always been the guinnea pig, its someone elses turn inthe barrell.

It isnt black, it looks like fina made from pellets, like golden yellow brownish. It still smells like PEG but it has a little stronger scent now. I will filter 20ml's of it and give it a shot, im no sissy. Look for updates around the beginning of next month, that's when my next cycle starts, I will try it at 1/2cc/day. I hope it doesnt hurt too bad, but i can bare pain well.

NYC, to recap... you made oral Winstrol (winny) with peg, it held but then crashed. Then you boiled the piss out of it and now your going to shoot it. Even though the hormone is probably fine, do we know what happens to peg when it boils? It darkened, and without some type of chemical change that wouldnt have happened. Shit Winstrol (winny) is so cheap id just make a new batch and drink the one you boiled.
DougoeFre5h said:
NYC, to recap... you made oral Winstrol (winny) with peg, it held but then crashed. Then you boiled the piss out of it and now your going to shoot it. Even though the hormone is probably fine, do we know what happens to peg when it boils? It darkened, and without some type of chemical change that wouldnt have happened. Shit Winstrol (winny) is so cheap id just make a new batch and drink the one you boiled.

You know what, as i was sitting here filtering it, i was thinking the same thing about the PEG. I have already made another clean batch, but i figured i would give it a shot and see how the peg feels injected. Then i was thinking like you said about the peg changing color, any of the pros got input on this? The solution lightened up a teeny bit after filtering, but not much. To tell you the truth Winstrol (winny) works so well orally, i cant justify having to shoot it, but for the sake of of the board and other people i filtered 20ml's worth and am willing to give it a shot, just need some reassurance about the color change before i go and shoot it. Thanks

This is the part where you shave your head, and PB slaps you upside your dome and says, "like a space monkey, ready to be shot into space"

Or something like that, ill be somewhat impressed if you can name the movie that quote is from.
DougoeFre5h said:
This is the part where you shave your head, and PB slaps you upside your dome and says, "like a space monkey, ready to be shot into space"

Or something like that, ill be somewhat impressed if you can name the movie that quote is from.

Oooooh i think i know this one, hmmmmmm.....;)
Fight Club and the quote is:
"Like a monkey ready to be shot into space. Space monkey! Ready to sacrifice himself for the greater good."
aight here's the deeleo. and this is against my better judgement.

make up about 10ml of peg Winstrol (winny) @100mg/ml. sterile filter it and bake as usaul.

to be safe trash that other stuff.

do 1ml in buttocks. after three to four days you will kno how its gonna react.

I have seen (and felt) suspensions do fine after inject fot 2 days before that ungodly pain set in. huge lumps red and swollen. (this is making me horny). this is how you test the PAIN factor.

Hey dougee i noticed you atavar. you like doin slin and if so how so?

a guy i talk to a lot for advise (yeah i dont know everything) suggested i start it esp with amount of juice i do once i get cranked up. currently cruising after a 6 week layoff (1st in 2 years) on 2g/w. trying something different this time. deca @1g/w and eq@1g/w. its just starting to kick in now after 4 weeks. i wanna see how this combo works. yes i am the guineea pig on this one.

tough to be a guinnea pig as i got a closet full of stuff callin my name. PooPoo, PooPoo come doodoo us. but i am goinbg to man up so everyone will benefit. i'll give it another 4 weeks and then i'l know for sur how effective it is at differnet phases results (strength, body comp, size, water, etc.... you know the usual) i made 400mg/ml eq/deca mixture. half and half. and no BA (dougee will like this). jes oil and hormone. holding beatifully i made add.
Ok, so throw the other stuff out? I made another batch of 100mg/ml in peg already, i will filter 10ml of it. What do you suggest, i just shoot one cc today just to test the pain factor?

I ran slin a few times and loved it. The last run I had been clean from creatine for about 4-5 months. I was about 5 weeks into a prop/tren/winny cycle. Loaded creatine with slin @ 10IU w/o days site IM injects. I was amazed in every way. Pumps are something to behold, you feel "full" 24/7. The strength I got from the first 2 weeks of creatine/slin was just rediculous. For example...
before slin/crea i was hitting squats @ 365x4. Two weeks later I was repping 405x5 and have been at 425 for a while afterwards.

I dont have a lot of experience with it, but all I can say is if your on some nice juice, and you know how to manipulate your diet...get some humalog and some bigger clothes.
yeah and wait a bout 4 days so you know for sure if its gona hurt or not. if it is painfull cut it down to 75 and repeat. if that hurts try 50. i know peg Winstrol (winny) 50 with ba and bb dont hurt cause i done a lot of it. that peg will make ya cough like fina if you nick a vein though.

really appriciate you doing this ny. you da man.

everyone give ny a hand please. taking one for the team.

hey you gonna need to warm that stuff up a little to shoot it. it is F'in thick.
No problem, im going to do this now. Throw out the yellow one or can it still be used orally? Ill keep daily updates in this thread.

DougoeFre5h said:
I ran slin a few times and loved it. The last run I had been clean from creatine for about 4-5 months. I was about 5 weeks into a prop/tren/winny cycle. Loaded creatine with slin @ 10IU w/o days site IM injects. I was amazed in every way. Pumps are something to behold, you feel "full" 24/7. The strength I got from the first 2 weeks of creatine/slin was just rediculous. For example...
before slin/crea i was hitting squats @ 365x4. Two weeks later I was repping 405x5 and have been at 425 for a while afterwards.

I dont have a lot of experience with it, but all I can say is if your on some nice juice, and you know how to manipulate your diet...get some humalog and some bigger clothes.

odd you mentioned creatine. i am not a fan but the guy told me to take creatine with it.

he told me to take the slin post workout at 1 unit per 10g of carbs. my post workout shake is 150g carb and 100g pro. he said add 10g creatine as well. so i'll be at 15 units slin. he said he did his IM as well i would have thought subQ is beter but this is uncharted teritory for Dr. PB.

he also said the same thingyou did about pumps and incredible wotrkouts and size gain. damn i am 307ish now. 330 here i come.

change my name to FAPB. fat ass pullin big
NYCEE said:
No problem, im going to do this now. Throw out the yellow one or can it still be used orally? Ill keep daily updates in this thread.


pb's qa dept will test that for ya.
You might end up getting nice and plump, as 10g of carbs per/IU is the "rule of thumb", but not necessarily the best route. Cycling slin can be as simple or complex as you make it. AR has a very nice forum for slin questions, and our newest mod einstein heads up that forum.
pullinbig said:
pb's qa dept will test that for ya.

That doesnt answer my question :D

I dont really want to deal with selling, i prefer to avoid that, and would rather use what i make. So what's the verdict, use orally or trash? Thanks
