NO X-Plode / Cell Mass


New member
I like NO Xplode... maybe its just a placebo effect + caffeine but I think its more than that. Do you think its worth it?

Also can you "safely" stack NO Xplode + Cell Mass w/ TE?

What type of creatine do you reccomend if not cell mass?
Sorry meant test-e :)

Cell mass is just creatine ?? The BSN site makes no mention of keeping muscle while cutting and claims mostly that its just high quality creatine. Which creatine is best?

Are all vasodiolators junk or just NO-Xplode? Maybe its placebo but I definately feel more pumped than if I had just taken the equivalent amount of caffeine.
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ambient said:
I like NO Xplode... maybe its just a placebo effect + caffeine but I think its more than that. Do you think its worth it?

Also can you "safely" stack NO Xplode + Cell Mass w/ TE?

What type of creatine do you reccomend if not cell mass?
I love NO EXPLODE!! iv'e been taking it now for about 2 months and it has made a huge difference in my workouts. it gives me great focus, strength, pumps, and also seems to help my endurance during tough cardio sessions
yes i know cell mass is creatine, and with those products one is the No creatine, the other is for healing giving aminos and some extra strength. just like superpump and sizeon from gaspari line. THE BSN LINE IS CRAP
I like NO-Xplode - good energy and some decent pump...nothing compared to test..I'd say save the NO till after your cycle to keep your energy up in the gym. Never been a fan of creatine...
maverickLA said:
I like NO-Xplode - good energy and some decent pump...nothing compared to test..I'd say save the NO till after your cycle to keep your energy up in the gym. Never been a fan of creatine...

Great advice! I've found it best to save the Creatine and NO poducts til off cycle. First of all when on, you really DONT need them so your just wasting money. When "on" stick to nutritional type stuff, like food, amino's, multi's, whey, etc. Second, when off cycle your weight, strength, intensity etc. tends to drop.. this would be prime time to throw in the Creatine and any other NO or products you like. Also keeps you motivated during the off time. Great for balance and motivation whether some think it works or not.
I've tried NOxplode and it works but very mildly compared to other cheaper products. I personally don't think that BSN products are crap but they are WAY over priced for what you get. Some of their stuff is solid others are weak but all NOT WORTH THE COST. I've personally tried products at half the cost that worked twice as good. For example I think AF Stores PureCEE would blow BSN's cell mass out of the water... and CEE was actually developed and patented by the Nebraska Football program for their players so you know it has the research behind it.
There are recalls on some of these products. Some of these products(NO ShotGun, and cell Mass) are said to contain the perscription drug coumarin.

WARNING: VPX's NO-Shotgun & BSN's CellMass contain traces of Coumarin
Have a read:

Level: Consumer Class: I
Reference: RN-2007-0691 Date agreed: 22 October 2007
Product: VPX 'No Shotgun' & BSN 'Cell Mass' Body Building Powders
Batch number: All batches
Sponsor: Crestkey Pty Ltd
Phone: 02 6281 6999 Elite Physique
Reason: These products contain traces of the prescription drug coumarin

Letters are expected to be dispatched by the sponsor within two working days of the agreed date.


If you have a container of VPX: NO SHOTGUN or BSN: CELL MASS do not use it. Return it to the place of purchase for a refund or call Elite Physique on 02 6281 6999.

Recall notices are expected to appear in the Canberra Times on Monday 29 October 2007
Classification system:

Class I defects are potentially life-threatening or could cause a serious risk to health.

Class II defects could cause illness or mistreatment, but are not Class I.

Class III defects may not pose a significant hazard to health, but withdrawal may be initiated for other reasons.

Class I & II recalls are considered to be safety related recalls.

According to the FDA, Coumarin is "prohibited from use in human food":

Title 21--Food and Drugs



TEXT PDF 189.1 Substances prohibited from use in human food.
TEXT PDF 189.5 Prohibited cattle materials.
TEXT PDF 189.110 Calamus and its derivatives.
TEXT PDF 189.113 Cinnamyl anthranilate.
TEXT PDF 189.120 Cobaltous salts and its derivatives.
TEXT PDF 189.130 Coumarin.
TEXT PDF 189.135 Cyclamate and its derivatives.
TEXT PDF 189.140 Diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC).
TEXT PDF 189.145 Dulcin.
TEXT PDF 189.155 Monochloroacetic acid.
TEXT PDF 189.165 Nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA).
TEXT PDF 189.175 P-4000.
TEXT PDF 189.180 Safrole.
TEXT PDF 189.190 Thiourea.
TEXT PDF 189.191 Chlorofluorocarbon propellants.
TEXT PDF 189.220 Flectol H.
TEXT PDF 189.240 Lead solders.
TEXT PDF 189.250 Mercaptoimidazoline and 2-mercaptoimidazoline.
TEXT PDF 189.280 4,4,,-Methylenebis (2-chloro&chyph;analine).
TEXT PDF 189.300 Hydrogenated 4,4,,-isopropyl&chyph;idene-diphenol&chyph;phosphite ester resins.
TEXT PDF 189.301 Tin-coated lead foil capsules for wine bottles.

Further, off of the FDA's EAFUS, or "Everything Added to Food in the United States":

BAN 1991 COUMARIN--PROHIBITED 000091-64-5 189.130
damn. ive taken that shit. But im gonna guess it wasnt recalled in canada. for some reason supps in the U.S. are usually made a little different in canada.
the recall is just australia so far, but it says on the site it is for all product made!
Coumarin is often found in tobacco products and artificial vanilla substitutes, though it has been banned as a food additive in numerous countries since the mid-20th century because it is moderately toxic to the liver and kidneys, with an LD50 of 275 mg/kg - low compared to related compounds. Although only somewhat dangerous to humans, coumarin is a potent rodenticide: rats and other rodents largely metabolize it to 3,4-coumarin epoxide, a toxic compound that can cause internal hemorrhage and death. Humans largely metabolize it to 7-hydroxycoumarin, a compound of lower toxicity.

I would imagine the traces found in these products are very slight...but who knows.