Not too sure how painful the stuff will be but.........


1 ml of 500 mg/ml EQ in the Right Delt and 1 ml of 400 mg/ml Test Enth in the Left Delt. I wanted to do separate injects so I knew which of the mixes caused pain (if any). NO injection pain whatsoever ( :D ) True test will be tomorrow upon waking :(
my baby is all grown up. ok you weighed yet? arms any bigger yet? prostrate enlarged yet. nipples sore yet? are you breaking out yet? had any roid rages yet? raped you wife yet?(i can help you with that if you need). did you bench go up yet? fill us in please.
you gonna have to let us know how it feels in the morning brotha...I hope you don't feel a thing but i'm afraid that shoulder you put the test in is gonna be a little

Taurus50 said:
you gonna have to let us know how it feels in the morning brotha...I hope you don't feel a thing but i'm afraid that shoulder you put the test in is gonna be a little


I thought you'd be right but it's morning------very tiny amount of pain. 95% pain free :)

Give it a go brother!!!
Definitely gonna give it a go Doc. The powder is on its way from China...will be here soon I hope. My house is gonna turn into a lab in a couple of weeks!!! Can't wait

Glad everything went well Doc. Hope the gains are great for you too!

Taurus50 said:
Definitely gonna give it a go Doc. The powder is on its way from China...will be here soon I hope. My house is gonna turn into a lab in a couple of weeks!!! Can't wait

Glad everything went well Doc. Hope the gains are great for you too!


Thanks...........and keep us posted brutha :afro:
Trevdog said:
Our little boy, he's all grows up.

Damn, in a few months I wouldn't be surprised if he takes those training wheels off his bicycle. -sniff sniff- Our little boy is all growed up now. :D
Taurus50 said:
Hey Doc, why they always beatin up on you brother?

You should see the things he posts about me. I think this is the first time I've actually had a chance to return the favor. :)