Numbness in hands on HGH...What do do?


New member
I'm taking 2 IU's of HGH. 5 on 2 off. Started getting some numbness in the hands. It comes and goes. Do I lower the does or is there something else I could do/take do alleviate the problem?

Thanks all!
If it's tolerable than keep it where it is. If it's debilitating then lower the dose or see if it resides eventually. I got the numbness/swelling and it has continued to linger for months but I look at it as a sign that my hgh is good :) Only affects me when I try to give someone the finger ;)
I'm taking 2 IU's of HGH. 5 on 2 off. Started getting some numbness in the hands. It comes and goes. Do I lower the does or is there something else I could do/take do alleviate the problem?

Thanks all!

Numbness on 2ius 5 days on 2 off?? If you don't mind me asking what brand gh are you taking. That could be a good sign that your stuff if potent.
Here s on idea---Stop.

Geeez...if I were to feel neuropathy creeping in I d override my vanity based on basic functionality...hierarchy of needs and all that...looking good does even register
Just curious what lab you got it from? I'd be happy that it's good and not bunk. I just ordered some myself from psl and I hope I have same problem.
Is this normal when using GH?

It is normal, but the amount needed to do it varies greatly from person to person and from brand of HGH to brand of HGH. The better the HGH, the more IGF you will have and the higher the chances of you feeling the pain. It is recommended to start low and slowly increase over the period of a few months so minimize the chances and level of the numbness. Some people (like our favorite Pirate) always gets the numbness and it never goes away. Some people get it and it goes away over time. Some never get it.

HGH is a LONG TERM thing - at least 9 months to really get good effects, so take it slow, you have plenty of time to up the dose.
I'm taking 2 IU's of HGH. 5 on 2 off. Started getting some numbness in the hands. It comes and goes. Do I lower the does or is there something else I could do/take do alleviate the problem?

Thanks all!

I've never had the numbness in the hands from anything other than tendinitis that showed a little in the forearms but presented itself more clear with hand numbness. Just my 2 cents.
It is normal, but the amount needed to do it varies greatly from person to person and from brand of HGH to brand of HGH. The better the HGH, the more IGF you will have and the higher the chances of you feeling the pain. It is recommended to start low and slowly increase over the period of a few months so minimize the chances and level of the numbness. Some people (like our favorite Pirate) always gets the numbness and it never goes away. Some people get it and it goes away over time. Some never get it.

HGH is a LONG TERM thing - at least 9 months to really get good effects, so take it slow, you have plenty of time to up the dose.

9 months?! Super expensive. Are there any benefits to running GH with a test cycle? Like a 12-15 week? Or should you run GH on its own.
9 months?! Super expensive. Are there any benefits to running GH with a test cycle? Like a 12-15 week? Or should you run GH on its own.

Yes, HGH is not for the thin of wallet crowd. A great time to buy some would be when you get your income tax return check - a nice lump of money that can be blown on something like that. The prices have come down greatly with the influx of generics, you just have to be careful about generics. Look for people who have posted GH Serum tests and IGF tests to see how the specific generic they are using fared. Pharmacy grade is always best, but it is also the most expensive of the HGH out there.

IMO, everything benefits from being run with a test cycle. Test is one of the basic building blocks of all your muscles growth.
Will do. Lowered dose to 1.5 iu's per day. Sides have diminished but still there. Not really sure how else im supposed to feel on it. I guess it takes a while.