Off season natty fat ass

Vander V

New member
well here iam 4 months natty and fat , at 1st nt strength went down a bit and so did my weight but only 5 lbs or so , i just regained my strength and weight and iam very pleased at my natural progress so far ,,, here are some recent pics .
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Come on Vander - I saw that Video TP4U had:

Your belly didn't look anything like this :druggie:

Are you ready for the slew of what your cycle's like and what not now??
Yeah, you're a fat fuck.

You should stick to the training and diet forum for the time being, because you obviously have no idea what you're doing.
DirkMoneyshot said:
Come on Vander - I saw that Video TP4U had:

Your belly didn't look anything like this :druggie:

Are you ready for the slew of what your cycle's like and what not now??

Yeah, i love that that is always the first question when they see someone who ACTUALLY has a nice physique.

Looking good Vander as always. What's your cycle like? LOL, just kidding, don't answer that!!

Seriously though, what is your weight at now if you don't mind. You look like you have held on to most of your mass without putting on too much fat. And any future shows in mind?

Oh yeah, don't let fantom see those TH trunks.... he won't leave you alone.
Looking good bro!
Are you planning on staying natty from now on or only on a pause?
keep it up!
Wish I was fat like you....BTW, congrats on the pix in the current Musclemag...looking awesome Vander.
how old are you and how long have you been lifting/using gear for man?

maybe the fatass part was a typo, I think you meant to type "fucking massive". Just gotta turn the autocorrect shit off man, haha
angelopaco5 said:
u went from cut to fat in 4 months, did you drop your diet, whats your total bf now vander?
Im a BB thats what we do , the offseason is for building and eating not dieting and photoshoots , so im concentrating now more on gaining good size and packing in calories .
angelopaco5 said:
u went from cut to fat in 4 months, did you drop your diet, whats your total bf now vander?
You're a tool. Don't post again until you figure out what this site is for. Good answer, V...