Off season natty fat ass

u look great. very nice physique. im not hating just not a hater. dude you dont look like have not been natural for 4 months. if this is true, u should be competing against ronnie. i dont care what anyone says, but i dont believe that youve been training natural for that long. i dont think that on this pic you dont have gear in your system. thats just what i think. im just a stud typing on a keyboard. im opinion means nothing. you do look very good and keep up the good work, 4 months natural or not
phatboy said:
u look great. very nice physique. im not hating just not a hater. dude you dont look like have not been natural for 4 months. if this is true, u should be competing against ronnie. i dont care what anyone says, but i dont believe that youve been training natural for that long. i dont think that on this pic you dont have gear in your system. thats just what i think. im just a stud typing on a keyboard. im opinion means nothing. you do look very good and keep up the good work, 4 months natural or not

Hey dont worry bro i take no offense to your comments your entitled to your own opinion , but I actually continued all the way to 7 months of everything which was tuff , my test levels were so danm low i had to get 3 blood tests just to get my natural test levels back to normal dang it took me almost 5 months so what your seeing is me with extremely low test for a male, but the thing is i only went from around 240 to 230 so i really kept my gains I guess thats because i use such baby amounts and have ok genetics .
Serenity Head said:
Got to give you props on the muscle mag shoot this month....absolutely fabulous...congrats.
thanks bro i really appreciate the words , yea it was a fun shoot here in my hometown Irv Gelb takes some awesome photos cant wait to shoot with him again when i finally deceide to diet down .